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What happens if you dont register your vehicle after purchase?
I recently bought a used car and was waiting to get a bill of sale from the previous owner when I got pulled over and got a violation for driving with the registration in someone elses name. I am wondering what kind of charge I may be facing since they didnt tell me but only that I have a court date. I know you are allowed 60 days to register your vehicle but I think it has been 90 days. HELP !!!
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years agoI need help with a math problem...(Pre-Algebra)?
I have to come up with a math problem using Order of Operations (PEMDAS) using only the numbers:
and the answer must equal 11. HELP PLEASE !!!!!!!
2 AnswersMathematics9 years agoLooking for DADA visual art project ideas. I have one idea but not sure if it quite fits.?
I need to do a DADA visual art project, and I am not really sure what to do. I was thinking about doing a non traditional christmas tree like instead of the traditional decorations I was thining about using other objects such as scissors and lightbulbs to decorate it. Do you think that this would work? If not, I am open to any ideas
1 AnswerOther - Arts & Humanities10 years agoIf a traditional, indigenous art object is made for the tourist market, more or less valuable?
If a traditional, indigenous art object is made for the tourist market, is there any reason why it should be inherently more or less valuable than a work made for local cult use?
2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities10 years agoExplain three ways to develop an understanding of content in an artwork.?
What are 3 ways to develop an understanding of content in an artwork?
2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts10 years agoMy daughter is 2 yrs old and mixed, and I want to straighten her hair. can I do it w/o ruining her hair?
I have a 2 yr old little girl that is mixed, and she has really pretty "good" hair. But I want to straighten it and curl it with an iron to see what it looks like, but I am scared to death that it will ruin her hair. If it is safe, what is the best way to do it, and do I need any kind of stuff to put in her hair ? Any suggestions on how to get her to hold still while doing it ??
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoI need a really good recipe for Cherry Crumble(not cake) or Cherry Cobbler.?
I cant find any good recipes on the internet to make this, and I would like to use cherry pie filling in a can or apple to make apple cobbler. Thanks!
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoFor my daughters 7th birthday she wants to have a slumber party. Any ideas as to what to do to entertain them?
For her birthday this year, my daughter said that she wanted to have a slumber party instead of a big party. I agreed to the idea, because I thought it may lighten the bill. Since i am new to this, I am wondering if anyone had any ideas as to what to do to entertain them. Please keep in mind that I am on a budget. Thanks !
6 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agohow many people on here have been affected by the economic crisis,?
Like, Job loss, having trouble finding a job, loss of home, downsizing etc.
what havem you done to help in the recovery process in the DC area. I am trying really hard to rebuild my life, but I am having a lot of trouble just finding a job, let alone keep my home and raise my family. Just months ago, I never thought i would be in this situation, I was financially stable, and happy with my life, now I have had to seek help from family to help raise my kids, and I have went through my savings, I am out of options? Can anyone offer advice that has been in this situation?
5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agoIs there anyone on Y!A that is a respectable parent?
Because from the responses I got yesterday, some mothers shot me down as if I was a terrible mother, who gave my child away. I have to admit I do cry every night, and sometimes throughout the day, everyday, but It hurt me more to see her suffer here, because I could not provide for her. She is with very loving people, and she is very happy. Why do people always think what they say or do is best for everyone else.A simple "I couldnt that" would have been good enough for me, but they shot me down as if I was a terrible mother, and I didnt love my child. Is there anyone else out there that has sought out help from their parents, to help raise a child while they continued their education, and made a better life for their child?
9 AnswersParenting1 decade agoI just stopped breastfeeding about a week ago?
I just stopped breastfeeding about a week ago and I am using Paragard birthcontrol. I have heard that I should have had a period when I first got it, but I havent, and I have had it for about 9 months or so. Could the missed periods be from breastfeeding or should I contact my doctor?
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoIs the Twilight movie really good ?
I heard it sold like 3 million copies in its first day. I want to read the book first. Should I see the movie first? I have always heard that the book is always better.
34 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWho here has taken their drivers test and gotten their drivers license?
I have to take my drivers test tomorrow (again !!) And I am nervous. The first time that I took it, I failed it because I couldn't find the high beams.I know !! LOL Anyways, Is it really hard, and if you mess up something really simple like not turning on your signal when you park, are they going to fail you ?? I am 22, and I have 2 young girls, and I really need a license. I have had a permit for 9 months, and am eager to get my license. Please help eliminate this stress !!
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoI need help deciding if this party is weather appropriate.?
I am having my daughters party at an Indoor Pool, and where I live, It is only supposed to be around 63 degrees. The weather has been nicer than that lately, but if it stays in the 60's do you think it is ok to go through with the party?
PS : I know that this is probably in the wrong section, but I want to know what other parents would do.
5 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWhat kind of food to make for my daughters party?
I want to make the food for my daughters birthday party, but I am not really sure what to make, I need something really simple, and something that younger kids will eat. Any ideas??
I am not going to order pizza, because I would rather them have something a little more healthy, because they are already having cake and ice cream.
11 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoI need to buy a charger for my daughters Barbie Jeep?
Ok, so I lost the charger for my daughters barbie jeep, and I need to know where I can buy a new charger. I dont want to buy one online, So if you could tell me where to find one in a store, or if you can only find it online, then that would be ok. Thanks.
Oh, the model # is - 00801-0638, and it is a 12- volt battery.
4 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade agoI need advice from moms!!?
Ok, so my sister has this friend that has a daughter that is 1 month younger than my daughter, and they have known each other since they were babies, and they used to be really close until recently. One day my daughter came home after spending the night at my sisters house, and told me that her friend stayed the night also, and she told me that she was telling her about sex.(they are only 5) I asked what she was talking about and she said that her friend told her how it was done, and that she asked her to take her clothes off under the covers and lay on top of her. I was shocked that she was so detailed!! This is a baby!! I asked my daughter what she told her and she said that she told her that sex wasnt real it was just on TV, and that they were kids, and it was wrong to takl about those things. I was so proud of her. Ok, so the question is this, I am having a birthday party for my daughter , and the little girls mom is close friends with my sister, and I am afraid that she is going to bring her. I have forbade my daughter to be around her daughter, and I told her mom what she said, and her mom totally denied it, and blamed it on my daughter. How do I invite my sister, andnot invite them, or should I invite them anyway, since there are a lot of adults around? I hate to blame the kid, but I dont want my daughter to be exposed to those things at such a young age. HELP!!!
9 AnswersParenting1 decade agoI am having a party for my soon to be 6 yr old?? Help?
She wants a Hannah Montana Party, and we are having it at the indoor pool,(its March 20) is there anything that I should do at the party, besides cake and ice cream, and presents, before I let them swim?? And what do you suggest that I need for the party??(What kind of foods, drinks etc. ) Im kinda new at this, my mom usually does the planning for me, and I am on a budget. Thanks!!
5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoHelp with elopement....?
OK, I asked this question once before, and I think that some of you got the wrong idea, so I will give a little more detail. My fiance and I have been engaged for almost 2 years, and after discussing all of the plans, we decided to elope to VA(I live in WVa).But, we cant decide if we want to invite people, and if we did, it would only be my parents,since his live in a different country, and our friends cant make the trip.We have 2 small children(one is his) and we would not be able to take them unless they stay with us the whole time, and we are only going to be 2 days, and that includes the Honeymoon, and I would rather spend the honeymoon alone, since I will only be getting married once, but I will feel really guilty if I didn't take the kids.
* I do not want a court house wedding.(too cheesy)
*I do not want to have a small wedding at home.I dont want to do any work.
Please Help!!!!!!!!!
4 AnswersWeddings1 decade agoI need help with my wedding ?? Dont really know what to do?
My fiance and I have been engaged for 17 months, and we have finally decided to elope to a bed and breakfast in VA, and I am having a hard time deciding if I want to invite anyone or not. Also, Would it be selfish, if I left my kids at home and we did it alone, or do you think that I should include them, since I will only be doing this once? We are both very busy and we hardly spend any time alone, and I would like to spend this one weekend with just him, but I would feel really guilty if I didn't take them along.I am so confused! Help!!!!!!!!!
20 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago