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  • Walking around Sydney suburbs in an "I love Melbourne" T-shirt?

    It's just not done, is it??

    9 AnswersSydney1 decade ago
  • What is this Australian spider?

    This guy is in my garden, and I'm not too sure on Australian spiders..... I has a vertical web spanning 15" with other web "layers" around it.... the outer support strands are upto 1m long.

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Maths Question - algebra / forces?

    I think this is pretty easy, but I'm having a moment, and it's been over 14 years since I've done this stuff.

    It's to do with vectors, and stuff... so the hypotenuse would be the net force which I want to break down into x,y components.

    If I've got a triangle, say a 3,4,5 for easy maths: These are measurements in meters.

    I'm actually calculating forces, and have calculated force of 20 for the 5m side of the triangle (hypotenuse).

    I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the forces for other sides of the triangle.

    Effectively I think I'm trying to enlarge a 3,4,5 triangle.... and having been through simultaneous equasions, I think I've REALLY overcomplicated something that should be simple.

    Bear in mind, that these figures are just figures I'm using for testing, I need the method to convert x,y forces into z, and vice-versa.

    Many thanks!

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Changing Program Files location.?

    For a fresh install of Windows XP (and Win 7 would be nice).

    Is there a way of changing where setup creates your Program Files folder so that ALL software will install onto (let's say) Drive D?

    I know it's changeable in the registry, but by the time you can edit the registry, the Program Files folder will have already been created.

    I'm guessing a floppy disk during Text Setup, but I don't know how to do these.

    (This is so I can use a 2 small Solid State drives in my system (1 for the OS, 1 for the Page file), and a larger SATA for everything else.

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • Answering questions on Y! Answers?

    Has anyone else started to answer a question on here, and whilst typing it, realised you have no idea what you are talking about, and promptly clicked BACK, to look for another question?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Easy VBA question (Classes)?

    If I've got a class variable with the following variables defined inside it as such:

    dim pCount as integer

    dim pResult as string

    dim pNumbers(20) as byte

    How do I write a "property get" routine to access individual pNumbers array items?

    By that, I mean: I've been using:

    Property Get Result() as string

    Result = pResult

    End Property

    But for an Array, I'm having an issue. Failing this I'll cope with GETting the whole array.

    Also, on that note, how do I do a LET for it too?

    Many thanks

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How does the "upside down text" thing work?

    Can anyone explain how it's possible for text to be upside down such as : ʎʇɹǝʍb..

    I know fliptext is used for it... but I'm after a technical explanation of the upside down characters... is it a Unicode thing? Or a font?

    I know they aren't part of the ANSI set, and I can't say I've seen them before today... I'm just a but confused.


    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • "Here I come" - It doesn't make sense!?

    How is this a phrase?

    I'd like to start by saying:

    I'm English (from England).

    I'm not nuts, I just think about crazy stuff from time to time.

    I'm pretty damn good with the English Language

    I can speak 2 other languages (not brilliant, but I do ok)

    I heard someone say "Ibiza, here I come" the other day. this made me think about the "Here I come" phrase.

    Hide and seek: "Ready or not... Here I come!"

    How does one "come" "here"? surely you are already "here".

    If you aren't somewhere... you "go" there, not "come" there

    It appears to me that the only thing right about this sentence is "I"!!!

    Anyone else find this really strange, or it is just me feeling sorry for any foreigners trying to learn English?

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • U.S time zone related stuff?

    Ok, after a bit of research (thank you Y! answers).. I now understand that those of you in the U.S use things like 7/6c and 9/8c to represent a time... And that this would be done for things that occur in multiple time zones (such as TV shows etc).

    Also, understanding that the first number is the Eastern time, and the Middle number is the Central time..... I am still stuck with one more question...... "Why????"

    Surely you could just say 8 CST, or something. You don't even give mention to the PST states, or Alaska, Mountain or anyone else... but Eastern time get it's own mention?... and it's always an hour ahead?

    I'm not meaning to be patronising... I've lived for years in a time zone ahead of my family, and if I ever need to know what time it is, I just subtract 1 hour from my local time.

    Is it a daylight saving issue? does this throw it out? I'm confused as to why you don't just use a standard time zone for a comparison basis.


    6 AnswersGeography1 decade ago
  • Facebook T&Cs... is this allowed?

    Is it a violation of Facebook T&Cs to do the following?

    Update your status at least 5 times per day (filling up newsfeed), advertising a non-facebook product (e.g " is up and running.... everyone should check it out")...

    Continuing these updates for about a week.

    It feels like spam, but I can't find anything myself in T&Cs

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • Physics: Spinning an egg (or other top-heavy objects)?

    I had one of those.... "Hmmmm" moments the other day when I was playing about my food the other day, and I can't think why this happens. I've done physics a bit, but I can't figure out this:.......

    If you get a hard-boiled egg, and spin it (like a spinning top), if the wide part is at the bottom, it flops about, and spins rather badly.

    If you spin it on the pointier (if that's a word) end, and spins rather damn well.

    I've found this with a few items over time, not the least of which is a weeble... the whole point of which is that they always right themselves to stand on the weighted end. Why then is it, that they won't spin on the weighted end but will spin if they are upside down... like the egg.

    It seems odd to me that with the C.o.G being higher up that it's more stable when spinning.

    Anyone got a reasoning behind this? Or does no-one know what I'm talking about??? Try it with an egg!

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • VBA programming formula needed.?

    Hi there. I'm writing a program in VBA, and need a couple of functions to convert a week number into Periods and Weeks.

    The data is as such:

    1 to be converted into Period 1 Week 1

    2 to be converted into Period 1 Week 2

    3 to be converted into Period 1 Week 3

    4 to be converted into Period 1 Week 4

    5 to be converted into Period 2 Week 1

    6 to be converted into Period 2 Week 2

    7 to be converted into Period 2 Week 3

    8 to be converted into Period 2 Week 4

    9 to be converted into Period 3 Week 1

    10 to be converted into Period 1 Week 2


    So I need a PeriodConvert(Value) and a WeekConvert(Value) function,

    I've done it before with some REALLY ugly formulas, just wondering if there is a nicer way of doing it.

    Many thanks

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Do teeth stop growing?

    I know that some parts of the body grow constantly throughout your life.

    Some parts grow, shed/die, and are constantly replaced.

    Some parts don't change from when you are born.

    Teeth is my query.

    Do they grow to the point where we consider them fully grown? how do they know how long they should be?

    Or do they grow constantly, but are continuously (albeit very slowly), and worn down evenly to the same level as their neighbouring teeth?

    I just find it strange, that given the great asymmetry that goes on with the human body, that a row of teeth nearly always meet up in a nice line.

    3 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Spanish Lyrics - Santana?

    Ok, need some help with a Spanish translation... it doesn't make sense what I got!

    "Esa mujer me esta matando"

    I'm guessing there should be extra puctionation in there but hey.. downloaded lyrics and all...

    My (direct) translation I've got in my head is "That woman, I'm killing her"

    And I got that from "Fumar Matar" from a pack of cigarettes... which confuses me more so, 'cos I thought "Muerto" / "Muertando" meant "I'm killing"....


    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Electric Tension... why tension?

    Why is the term tension used to refer to the p.d across a cable?

    Is it because of the base units used for tension/p.d? If so, what are they, and through which formulas ar they derived?

    It's a question that bugs me every time I see a High Tension warning sticker!

    Many Thanks

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Network utilities suggestions please.?

    Hi there... I'm looking for 2 very simple programs. I've checked et al, and haven't seen anything suitable.

    1. I'm after a program that will sit there and do nothing but periodically ping an IP address, say once a minute, all day long. And then it will flag up when a connection fails (i.e my Orange Broadband goes down).

    2. Another program that (much like MMC does), will give me a list of files currently accessed by computers in my windows workgroup (The MMC's section is great for a once off check, but I want BIG, "This file is being accessed my such-and-such computer"

    Many thanks.

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Going from VBA (excel) to Visual Studio?

    At work I created a fairly complex program using VBA to simplify a paperwork system.

    This consists of:

    - A single xls file with about 15 sheets in it.

    - Many VBA modules providing functions operated from...

    - A user form with captions and buttons that run the macros.

    Given the nature of the business, and how our paperwork is done, everything is in excel, which is why this solution works so well.

    What I'm wanting to do is use Visual Studio 2008 to create a stand-alone program (accessing an xls file if necessary) that will do the equivalent.

    I was hoping I could just add something like a "excel worksheet" object onto a User Form in VS2008, but it seems to be a bit more complicated than this.

    Playing about, my total achievement consists of creating a 3 sheet workbook (in Visual Studio), and a Button on a Form, or on the worksheet which increases the value of a cell by one on each click (starting simple!).

    My problem is I can't get that to compile into an exe file that I can just run, I end up getting a VSTO (which I don't understand), that installs itself into an add-on (it seems).

    Am I barking up the completely wrong tree? or Is it a lot more in-depth than I though, or impossible?

    Just so you know... I'm fairly good at writing code in VBA (within excel), and have played about with VB in the old days.


    As a midway step (on my learning path), I'm wanting to create a 2 sheet workbook with a single form to add/retrieve data... this took about 2 hours to write in excel, but I'd like it to be standalone


    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago