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Just an average teenager here to rule the world. I mean, er, help people on Yahoo Answers.

  • What was the song during the 'Age of Industry' part of the Olympic Opening Ceremony called?

    I'd really like to know - it was such a powerful song! Y'know, the one Evelyn Glennie played along with a thousand other drummers during the part where the fields were transformed into a factory. I'd love to find it!

    1 AnswerOlympics9 years ago
  • Why haven't Amazon and Ebay charged me yet?

    Hi! I bought a DVD from Amazon a few days ago, and I also bought some mugs from Ebay. It's the first time I've ever bought things online, and although I've received emails saying that my items have been dispatched and are on their way, no money has been taken from my account! I've read that Ebay and Amazon charge you once the items are shipped, but nothing has been taken from my account as of yet. Is this normal?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet10 years ago
  • How do you change a laptop's pitch?

    I'm on one of my school's laptops, and I've noticed that the pitch of the laptop's speakers has been boosted quite a bit. Everything now sounds very high-pitched. I've tried fiddling around with the volume properties but nothing changes. Does anyone know how I can restore the pitch to its original pitch? The laptop in question is an Acer, Windows. I'm the first person to use this laptop since last week, so I really don't want to be blamed for breaking it! (Even though I didn't.)

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • What's wrong with my chicken?

    I have two pet chickens in the garden, and they both appeared to be very healthy until today. One of them has suddenly started to suffer from a seizure of some sort; she keeps falling down and bending her neck backwards. These seizures seem to last about a minute, and then she's okay for another minute before they start again. She still seems to be able to eat and drink. The other chicken is absolutely fine. They're both around three years old, and have never been ill before. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersBirds10 years ago
  • What's wrong with my fish?

    I've had Gilligan the goldfish for about eight years, and while I was cleaning his tank a few weeks ago, I saw his filter was broken. So, I got him a big new tank a week later, and he seemed very happy! Because the tank was so big, we bought four new goldfish (who are quite a bit smaller than Gilligan) and placed them in the tank. For a week or so, everything was fine, but Gilligan's started to behave strangely. Yesterday, he started zooming around the tank and crashing into walls and the other fish. One of the new fish, Twit, has also started doing this. At first I thought it was breeding behaviour, but I've noticed that Gilligan has red streaks on his tail, and is swimming close to the surface of the tank instead of the bottom, where he usually swims. Twit, however, seems perfectly healthy, as do the other new fish. I immediately did a 75% water change, and Gilligan's stopped thrashing, but he's still not behaving normally.

    Does anyone know what's the matter with Gilligan?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Why do I feel like this?

    Since a few days now, I've been having spells of self-hatred and dread. I don't even know why! I missed an entire week of school due to the flu, and I found myself feeling very isolated and lonely. My isolation didn't hit me until I went back to school on Thursday. I found I couldn't talk properly to my friends anymore, and by that night, I was almost in tears for no reason. Even though I'm exhausted, I can't sleep. Whenever I lie down in bed, I enter a state of dread and self-loathing until I (eventually) fall asleep. When I wake up, I feel a bit better, but the feeling of dread won't ever completely leave me. I've never been super-duper popular, but I'm fairly well-liked, and I'm doing well in school and everything's cool at home. I honestly can't think of anything that could've brought this about. I've read the symptoms for depression and I have most of them, but I pray to God that this isn't depression. I'm usually a very happy-go-lucky and optimistic person. Is this something long-term, or will I feel better after being with my friends more? When I'm with my friends, I'm fine, but once I'm on my own, my mind completely goes potty. It's silly, I know, but I can't help it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I just wanna get over this as soon as possible...

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Should I go to hospital?

    For almost a week, I have had a very bad ear ache in my right ear. It has been so bad that it's stopping me from sleeping; over the past five days, I've only slept for about eight hours altogether. Last night, I did not sleep at all. Two days ago, I went to my GP and I was given anti-biotics, but it seems that my ear is getting worse and worse. I've had a bad ear for two years, but it has never been this bad. I've been to see my GP several times, but he has never been able to tell me what's wrong with me.

    Right now, my ear is making life unbearable. Should I seek hospital treatment? I'm getting desperate.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How often should I wash my hair?

    I have very thick dark brown hair, and it's grown past my shoulders. I wash it almost every day, and I've been doing this for years. I read somewhere that it washing it too much can damage your hair. However, mine isn't at all damaged. I rarely blow-dry, and my hair is naturally straight so I don't use straighteners often. I don't use conditioner either because it makes my hair too heavy, and quickly makes it greasy. If I don't wash my hair everyday, it gets horrendously greasy (especially in the fringe/bangs department). So, how often should I wash it, and should I use conditioner occasionally?

    8 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • How can I get the full uploader on Facebook to work?

    A few weeks ago, the full uploader on Facebook stopped working, which means I have to upload my photos five at a time. It's getting very frustrating! I've followed countless online guides and FAQs, updated my Java and updated Firefox, but it still won't work! It won't work on Internet Explorer either. Does anyone have any idea how I can get the full uploader to show up again?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • If I delete a song from iTunes, will be deleted for good?

    I just got an iPod so I'm new to iTunes and whatnot. I want to delete a few things from iTunes because I don't want them on my iPod. If I delete them, will they be deleted for good, or will I still be able to listen to them on Windows Media Player? Because I don't want them to go forever! Please help.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How to fix my LG KS360?

    A few weeks ago, the battery of my LG KS360 started to make rather odd noises, but other than that, it was fine. But a few days ago, my phone started to heat up a lot while I was charging it, and the battery was making the strange clicking and hissing noises again. I immediately unplugged my phone and left it to cool down for a while before charging it again. It heated up yet again, and even when I charge it completely, it runs out of battery after a few hours.

    Any ideas what I should do?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • French translation help?

    Hello! I'm writing an essay about the environment, but I got stumped on the past tense paragraph. Could someone please translate the following for me into French?

    "We have not been recycling enough. Also, we have been polluting the atmosphere."

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Please help me translate this into French?

    Hello! I'm writing an essay about the environment, but I got stumped on the past tense paragraph. Could someone please translate the following for me into French?

    "We have not been recycling enough. Also, we have been polluting the atmosphere."

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How can I get my laptop to hibernate again?

    I accidentally deleted the 'Hibarnation' thing on my laptop, and now I don't know how to get it back! I have an Acer laptop and I can't find out how to switch Hibernation back on. I'm sure it's somewhere in the Power Options, but where? Plese help!

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Biology homework help, please?

    I'm doing my homework, but I'm stuck on one of the Biology questions.

    "What's the two main reasons why people are different? Explain."

    Uhhhh. Help! I think the answers are 'genetic' and 'enviromental', but hell, I could be wrong!

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How to can I convert mov to avi?

    I made a video today, and I was planning on editing it in MovieMaker so I could later show it to my friends. Thing is, the video is .mov, and MovieMaker won't accept that. I've downloaded several different converters, but they either don't work, or they leave a giant watermark. So then I tried changing the names of the videos from 'video1' to 'video1.avi' and it worked - on the first video. The rest are now called 'videowhatever.avi', but they still won't play on Movie Maker or Media Player. Why did the first one change into avi and the others didn't? I'm baffled! Please help, I'm getting very frustrated!

    6 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What's wrong with Facebook?

    For a few days, now, Facebook has been freezing, failing to send messages and simply not working. I thought it was just my internet being stupid, but other websites are fine. So I thought it was my laptop, but the same happens on other computers, and it's happening to my friends too. Does Facebook have a bug or something? It's getting rather annoying.

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • What should I do after I leave school?

    I have absolutely NO idea what I want to do when I'm older! I'm going into Year 11, which is the time where people usually decide what they're gonna do in the future. I dunno what I want to do! I'm in Set 1 for everything, so people suggest I should be a teacher or a doctor, but I'd rather NOT be a teacher, and I don't really like blood and bodies and stuff. I'm very interested in Physics, though, and Law. Any suggestions? I know some of you will think it's a bit early to be worrying about this, but I just want a vague idea of my future career! Thank you (:

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How can I cure my hiccups?

    I've had incredibly painful hiccups all day. They've been very uncomfortable, even stopping me from doing my homework, although I doubt my teachers will believe me when I say that I couldn't do my work because of my stupid spastic hiccups. At the moment, my hiccups are gone, but I've been left unable to breathe properly, a bad stomach ache, a painful chest and disgusting sticky spit. What the heck's going on!? My hiccups usually are rather awkward, but they've never caused me to be in so much pain. The only time I feel slightly comortable is when I'm lying down on my back. Please help :(

    19 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Ideas for my birthday party?

    I'm nearing the grand ol' age of fifteen in a while, and I'm planning a sleepover (: But I want it to be unique. But I have no idea what to do to make it unique! I'm inviting about fifteen people, and there will be boys and girls. I was thinking of a camp-out, but my tent only holds eight people. Any suggestions? ;D

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago