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  • if you buy products made in Pakistan are you funding terrorism?

    I bought some Karate uniforms and when I got them I saw that they were labelled made in pakistan. Do the corrupt people in their government have their hand in their manufacturing facilities?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Is it only conservatives that believe Obama was not born here?

    I consider myself a moderate that maybe leans more towards the right, but I voted for Obama and decided to when McCAin picked S. Palin as his successor. If a younger man had picked Palin it wouldn't have bothered me so much, but at McCain's age and with his heath issues- I'm sorry, but there was no way I was going to vote in a moose hunting, media-diva, beauty-pagent contestant as leader of the country. But even when I voted for him I suspected he was not born here because his grandmother said that he was born in Kenya (anyone remember seeing that?) before she passed and now no one ever mentions that any more) And then there's the certificate of live birth issue. Obama supporters say that a certificate of live birth IS the same as a birth certificate, but that is not true. And if you don't believe that ask Obama's sister- who WAS born in kenya; ADMITS she was born in Kenya and she ALSO has a Certificate of live birth from Hawaii state. I think it is not unwise to at least suspect that he was not born here.

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Instead of getting rid of don't ask don't tell, why don't they discourage EVERYONE from disclosing sexual info?

    I'm not against don't ask don't tell because really I don't see why a gay person would need to express their gayness to anyone. It's really unprofessional to go around talking about your sex life no matter what job you have. They should also discourage straight people from expressing their sexual inclinations too.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Who do I sue for my money back?

    Purchased a money order to pay my rent. Right then when I purchased them I filled out the part to make payable to my landlord but I did not sign my name yet. Soon after the money orders were stolen. Western Union sent me copies of the deposited money orders. The copies show that whoever stole the money order wrote over the landlord's name and made it out to a donut shop. They were deposited into the donut shop's bank account which is a corporate bank account because the name ends in INC. So I figure the one of the owners of the donut shop stole it and put it into their account. The copies show very obviously the name of my landlord that they tried to cover up with the donut shop's name. So who do I sue for my money back here?

    Do I sue the bank for my rent money back since they were the ones that deposited an OBVIOUSLY manipulated money order? (like I said you can still see my landlord's name behind who they made the money order out to)

    Do I sue the entire corporation?

    Do I sue the owners of the corporation and if so which owner?

    All I want is my rent money back and maybe a few dollars extra for the expenses this theft caused me (like cab fairs to the police station and bank involved, etc) but I'd be satisfied if I just got my money back. But when the "theif" is a small corporation, who do I try to get it back from?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • How do I delete my Yahoo Answers account?

    I'm done with YA. I just got another question deleted that broke no rules. I asked "shouldn't the republican party avoid Christianity" And went on to ask if the party distanced itself from Christianity would it do better with voters under 30.... So apparently some Christian took offense to this. But I appealed and YA apparently agrees that this is somehow inflamatory in some way even though it wasn't at all. This is a joke. I spend too much time on YA anyway. How do I delete the account?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Who decides international law?

    I thought it was the UN...but is it another group?

    Someone told me that every country breaks international laws all the time. Is that true?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why did Obama bring the troops home if they weren't ready to?

    It seems that now that the troops have left and are leaving Attacks in Iraq have gone up dramatically. This means that we would have gone over there to fight for NOTHING. Why didn't he pay attention to the Military generals who said we can't leave yet?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I've been up for 27 hours and still wide awake?

    Why am I not tired? I was really tired about 10 hours ago, but then it went away.

    5 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What if Christians really ARE persecuted?

    I usually ignore it when Christians claim that there is prejudice against them, but I'm starting to believe it is true. Here on Yahoo answers I notice that when a muslim states that someone is burning the quran it seems people all support them & say how offensive it is...but when I see something simular posted by a Christian every non-theist comes in and makes fun of them or attacks them. That's really unfair. I think it's a form of reverse bigotry...people are so concerned with wanting to see themselves as "tolerant" that they will bend over backwards to be that way towards the group that society says is oppressed (so to speak) while attacking the one that's SUPPOSEDLY the oppresser. But that is completely false. If you're going to be against religion you should be against them all equally. I'm Agnostic and I approve of this message.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is Obama saying that giving the Afghans guns & military training is the answer?

    I'm not sure I get this. Why would we give Afghans guns, military training and US camoflage gear. Isn't this exactly how al qeada started? The CIA trained Osama Bin Laden & his crew and they used what we taught them against us. wtf?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with Obama's plan for afghanistan?

    Why or Why not?

    I just want to ask one other thing though- When it says that they are going to teach them how to read & write, are they going to do that for their own language? Or for English? I think it would be better if they taught them to read & write english instead so that they & their kids will start to more of a bond with America than with the the other Arab speaking countries that are up to no good.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I'll say one good thing about Obama?

    The man WORKS all the time. He is incredibly productive in that he's attempted quite a lot of changes. I wasn't old enough during Reagan so I can't comment on him, but I've never seen a more productive president. I don't AGREE with a lot of the changes he's made as he's way too lefty for my taste at all & I think his inexperience shows, but the man works at his job. Unlike Bush who was so lazy he took constant vacations and NEVER veto'd a bill because that would take some reading and why would he want to do that when he can go on vacation instead? if you average out his vacation time actually was on vacation 1 out of every 4 days of his presidency.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is it legal to forcibly segregate people at a location?

    I just read that there was to be a debate between a muslim cleric and an author on Sharia law. One side was for it and the other against it.. But When people came to view the event some muslims forced women and men to sit in seperate sections rather than where they wanted to sit AND they also decided not to let another goup of women into the debate and blocked them from going inside when they decided they had enough women there. The person against Sharia law said he was going to cancel & not start the debate at all unless they let the women in... They didn't so it was cancelled. Is segregation at an event like that legal?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can we remove polygamy from muslim culture?

    I just finished studying on polygamous societies and it seems that throughout history (and today is no different) polygamous societies have been wretched and rife with crime & injustice. The reason for this is that when a man can have many wives the result is always that the mulitple women end up in marriage to a man that is wealthy for he has to support them & their children and also women are bioligically more attracted to men of status that can support their offspring (the same way men tend to be biologically attracted to younger women because they can have offspring easier). This results in an imbalence in society where men feel they have to commit crimes in order to gain status or women. It is not uncommon for a man in a muslim country to rape a woman who denies his advances so that she be forced to marry him or be lashed under the law. Even in polygamous societies that don't have this type of treatment towards rape victims, crime & victimization is always very high as men try to get women before they are raked up by the wealthier men. So it seems to me that the muslim nations will never be able to pull out of the 15th century until they erradicate polygamy. Otherwise their countries will always be a mess.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why are people against the Obamas public health care plan?

    As someone who's had cancer twice right after college, and couldn't get any insurance to cover me - including the insurance that I had previously under my parents, I like that there's a health plan for people like me when you can't afford high priced insurance or when they reject your claim. Like my parents insurance rejected me after I got hit with cancer the first time & left me in the lurch. :( But I want to know why others are against it because obviously my history makes me biased.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How is my air-conditioner causing allergies?

    When I first suspected my air conditioner for making my glands & veins all swollen, I dismissed myself as being silly. The swelling lasted days and just got worse & worse each day. last week my throat gland swelled so much that it was like I had a golf ball in there and I couldn't swallow & it even got hard to breath, so I just went ahead & turned off the air conditioner and dealed with the sweating. Within 12 hours the swelling in my throat had gone down almost completely! So that's when I knew it was the air contioner. I cleaned the filter & tried turning it on again... After doing this the air felt better than before & my glands were fine. But now a week later it's starting to happen again just a little bit. So I turned it off. So what is causing this & how can I make this stop?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago