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Lv 42,601 points


Favorite Answers24%

I try to enlighten with encouragement rather than arrogance. Highly educated does not necessarily mean a person is highly intelligent. You can learn as much or more from living and learning from others. Observation is a great learning tool! =o)

  • Invited by my bf, to attend a birthday prty for his neice (I've not met), is a gift from me appropriate?

    Invited by my boyfriend, to attend his neice's 18th birthday party, should I bring a gift, or add cash to his cash gift and sign card from both of us? Is it appropriate gift etiquette?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Have YOU ever padded your POINTS by asking a question & then answering it for yourself in one of your other ma

    ...(ma)ny personalities on y!a and then selecting yourself as the BA? Is this done?? And if YOU don't do this, do you know someone who DOES?? Is not this practice considered cheating...??


    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What EVENT, SUBJECT or OBJECT INSPIRED your Yahoo!Answers PROFILE NAME, AND have people ever taken offense or?

    ...questioned your motives for using it? Also, what is the reason for the avatar/pic you created?? Inquiring Minds... Want to know! Please be truthfull and give details...=o)

    28 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can you see it in my eyes? Opinions invited please?!?

    A poem written by me...I invite comments. thanks!

    In My Eyes…

    In my eyes you’ll see everything...

    You’ll see my love for you, my passion,

    And know my every thought…

    I gaze deeply into your eyes, so full of beauty

    You’ll see the moon, the stars, and the sunlight

    All the beauty of the Earth...

    The trees, the oceans, the mountains, the peaceful valleys

    You’ll see the entire universe there...

    It is breathtaking!

    You’ll see me taking your hand gently...

    Pulling your trembling body ever so near to mine...

    Until our hearts beat as one.

    Holding each other... Caressing each other...

    Connecting both in flesh and emotion.

    You have touched my body in a loving embrace...

    You have touched my heart

    With your gentle loving manner...

    You have touched my soul... with your eyes

    I am lost forever in your eyes!

    ~Teri ~

    Copyright © Teri Wright 2008. All rights reserved. This poem/story is the intellectual property of the author and her heirs and is not to be copied or reproduced.

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • When you fly on an airline, or take a train or subway.. do you...?

    Do you keep to yourself, or make conversation with others around you? And... if you make conversation... do you try to lighten everyone's spirit? Or do you communicate your own fears of the mode of transportation and worry the passengers around you? I'd also like to know if you offer assistance to those who might need it while you are traveling...??

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • When you fly on an airline, or take a train or subway.. do you...?

    Do you keep to yourself, or make conversation with others around you? And... if you make conversation... do you try to lighten everyone's spirit? Or do you communicate your own fears of the mode of transportation and worry the passengers around you? I'd also like to know if you offer assistance to those who might need it while you are traveling...??

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • If I asked for your prayers, would you give them freely?

    If I asked you to pray for me, and my family... would you do so? Or, would you deny me? My mother is in grave condition tonight, in a cardiac Intensive care unit, I am heading to Boise Friday to see her... as I may not have another opportunity... Today my son informed me that although he was supposed to visit me in March on Leave, the Army has decided to cut leaves, and now he may not get to come back at all before he gets sent back to IRAQ... and I am suppose to find out tomorrow (thursday) if I am having heart related issues, or others... Had blood work done Tuesday... I could really use the support and prayers right now... as I am struggling to keep smiling... trust me, right now it's tough.... but I am trying! So, that said...may I ask for your prayers of support, even though you don't know me from Adam? Please.... and Thank you in advance for your answer...regardless of what it is.... =o)

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can you agree to disagree? and Why?

    Can you Agree to Disagree or must you ALWAYS be the final answer? If you and a loved one, friend, or even stranger disagree about something, do you have to convince them that YOU are right? Do you require them to agree with you or else? or can you allow them to believe their opinion and agree to keep your own? Why? (this can apply to religious beliefs, political views, relationship differences, raising of children, pretty much any topic)

    4 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Why would people choose to be negative in answering questions at this site?

    Guess I am a bit confused and disappointed when I see people who could add interest and their experience to respond to a question here... instead they choose to insult the person asking the question! Why even bother responding... just move on!!

    The internet is becoming just another place for negative people to show their lack of intelligence and prove that they will never "get it"

    Just a note... I think it's really ignorant when someone votes a thumbs down on an "Opinion" I mean, if you disagree that's fine, but voting a person's opinion down is just like shooting a person for saying that they believe road rage is wrong... think about it people.... Are you someone who would bomb a clinic where they perform abortions, killing innocent people who might come into the clinic for medical care? Does that make any sense? We are all on the same team here... and in the same race.... the human race that is... Why show your ignorance here when you can share it with your "friends" ?

    18 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Would you ever post a photo on a profile which was not you??

    When you create a profile on line, such as Yahoo, Yahoo Personals, Yahoo Answers, MySpace... have you ever used another person's photo you found to disguise your weight, height or looks?? Or have you swiped a picture of a model and claimed it to be you? If so, explain why you did, or you do... I don't understand why you would want to lie about who you are... I am curious.

    5 AnswersUser Profiles1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to start over at my age?

    I am 45, and currently single after a difficult 25 + year marriage which ended in a nasty divorce. Nasty on his part, I just simply wanted out! I don't seem to find men who want more than just a roll in the hay so to speak. I am not saying I don't want it to be sexual, but I would prefer to know he's not just calling to come over for that.... you know what I mean? I am told I look younger than my age... but most men never take the time to find out that I have a brain, and I am a woman of many talents. They only seem to want to experience one thing! I have soooo much more to offer!

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can I tell him I don't think we are compatible without hurting him?

    I am not sure we should be more than friends, even though we have many things in common, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of passion, or chemistry with the man I am dating. I don't want to hurt him, but after dating about 4 mos, he finally made advances, which left me feeling less than satisfied. (wasn't sure his heart was in it). He is a widower, I am a divorcee-but should I wait and try again? If I do and it's bad then have I led him on? I am very confused about how to proceed without hurting his psyche! Neither of us has made any type of move since New Years... perhaps fearing more disappointment, perhaps fearing that if we do, and it's better, but not great, then I have led him to believe it was good. He doesn't even kiss me passionately, except that one night, he seemed to try, then nothing more. I am a very passionate and sensual woman, who needs that connection with her mate. I want the whole shebang! Not just a buddy. HELP??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago