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BeiYin *answers questions*
I would like to answer serious questions, giving information, so that a suffering person can find a creative way to solve a situation or condition as part of ones learning and growing process. I don't want to answer those questions that are just confirming ones present condition & beliefs. Y!A is a precious space with great opportunities, but I am tired of all the nonsense & trolls all over the place & I will hold back myself in future activities here. I have now my own page & you can ask your essential questions at:
How to recycle microwaves, using them differently?
We are recycling, that means we are reparing things or using them in al alternative way. When cleaning up our place, we found 25 microwaves, that all work, but we don't want to use them like this due to their contaminating properties. But for what else we could use them? To make a kind of 'Rocket stove' out of them or something similar? Do you have an idea???
2 AnswersGreen Living7 years ago¿Is there some body here who has an urgent, essential and personal question?
A question that is coming out of ones life situation or condition and causes pain and suffering and for that hasn't been any creative answer available from the common social mindset, then ask me and I will give you information with that you will be able to help yourself.
1 AnswerOtros - Familia y amigos7 years ago¿Is there some body here who has an urgent, essential and personal question?
A question that is coming out of ones life situation or condition and causes pain and suffering and for that hasn't been any creative answer available from the common social mindset, then ask me and I will give you information with that you will be able to help yourself.
3 AnswersOtros - Arte y humanidades7 years ago¿How to clean Epsom Salt that is extremly dirty?
We have about 1.000kg Epsom salt from our samadhi tanc that got dirty. Can we clean this? Then how? We have a 1200liter tanc that we can heat up. We used it for our samadhi bath.
Another question: If it is too difficult to clean the Epsom salt, then we want to use sea salt, because we have more than enough stored here. What might be the difference using it for the bath?
1 AnswerOtros - Salud7 years agoHow can I sent the same single message to all my friends at Face Book?
I have only 100 'friends', but I needed several hours with copy & paste, to send a message to them. A friend has 4.000 friends and ask me the same question. (I could not find an answer here at Yahoo.)
3 AnswersFacebook7 years agoWhy there are hardly any essential questions asked, not here or in other places?
Askers are mainly just seeking confirmation for their condition, but not to change anything about it. The answers they accept are coming out of the common mindset and so let their own established properties untouched. They can upgrate their beliefs with the newest highly sophisticated intellectual and spiritual concepts, without the need to change anything about themselves, not even having to look at themselves. It seems people are not ready to ask essential questions, coming out of difficulties with their existence, when they not have reached their limit in suffering. Isn't it astonishing, that people even though they are at the point to take suicide, are NOT questioning why they are really at this desperate condition, still giving the fault and reason to the outside and others? - - -
I have been trying to give creative information to help people to get out of their stuck condition, but hardly anybody is interested. Maybe one reason might be, because I never ask for money and I'm not using any tricks to get the attention of people. - - -
After forty years of trying to realize my intention, I am still convinced that I need to continue, although I might need to change the media?
2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities7 years agoIs there somewhere a better place to answer questions?
I like to answer personal questions to people who are in need for good creative answers, so that they can use it to find their way out of their difficulties. I have answered many questions here during several years, but now the voting system here is getting too annoying. Either the asker gives the 'best answer' to the most silly one, or there are people who like to play the 'troll' and give so many 'thumbs down' that the answer becomes hidden and then the most silly answer gets the most votes. I don't want to join any manipulation games and I'm looking now for another place. Do you know one? My main interests are: Healing, Self improvement, Growing, Psychology, Philosophy, Wisdom...
6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years agoExist there a better place to answer questions?
I like to answer personal questions to people who are in need for good creative answers, so that they can use it to find their way out of their difficulties. I have answered many questions here during several years, but now the voting system here is getting too annoying. Either the asker gives the 'best answer' to the most silly one, or there are people who like to play the 'troll' and give so many 'thumbs down' that the answer becomes hidden and then the most silly answer gets the most votes. I don't want to join any manipulation games and I'm looking now for another place. Do you know a place? My main interests are: Healing, Self improvement, Growing, Psychology, Wisdom...
2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years agoWhat is a good video editing software?
I want to take the sound (speech) separately from the pictures and then copy both together, being able to edit both, so that it is well synchronized. The software should be for free, if possible...
5 AnswersPhotography8 years agoWe want to send a special book to all prisons all over the world. Who can help how to do this?
There are millions of people in prison and all are suffering extremely, hardly getting any help from the system. I have written a book and I want to send copies of it to all prisons all over the world. First to all English speaking prisons, then to others making translations. I need to know the number of prisons in the USA, England and Australia. I need to get permission from the administration, so I need the directions and then the directions of all the prisons. Or are there organizations who might do the sending of the books to all the prisons? For the next step, I need this information, so please help me! My book is not about religion or something like this, it is more practical and offers real advice for essential questions coming from people who are suffering and needing help.
2 AnswersCommunity Service8 years agoI have put together a book and uploaded it as a free eBook. Can this be used by people or is it too unusual?
It is unusual because one should not try to read it from the beginning to the end. There are more than 500 Questions & Answers. More effective is to use it in a random way. There is included a number generator one can use to find the question with this number and then this will be ones question that one might have in mind, even not pronounced and then there is the answer given to this question.
Can you please try it this way and then tell me about your experience? That would really help me to find out if I can go ahead with this project and publish it at other Web sites that have eBooks.
I am convinced that this ebook can have an impact on the evolution of people and help them to find a creative way to deal with their life challenges. The question is, if my book can be received like it is, or it might need some changes. Yes, I know, my English is not perfect and the book needs still to be proofread. But apart of this, could you get something out of it, that makes your situation clearer?
Don't hesitate to tell me something negative, that also will help...
Here is the link for the eBook:
Remenber to read the instruction at the beginning of the book how to use it the most effective way!
Your answers for sure will help me to find the right way to go ahead, so please tell me... Thanks!
BeiYin - *The People Whisperer*
5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years agoWie viele Gefängnissse gibt es in Deutschland und Österreich? Haben alle eine Bücherei?
Ich habe ein Buch geschrieben, welches Menschen helfen kann, aus ihrer Leidens-Situation das beste zu machen und auf eine positive, kreative Weise zu sehen. Es ist ein E-Buch und so viel ich weiß, haben die meisten Gefängnisse keinen Internet Anschluss, deshalb würde ich dieses Buch ausdrucken und an alle Gefängnisse schicken für ihre Bücherei, so dass es vielen zur Verfügung steht. Dazu muss ich wissen, wie viele Gefängnisse es gibt und ob alle eine Bücherei haben. Da das Verschicken der Bücher mit der Post recht teuer ist (ca 3€ pro buch) und dieses über meine Möglichkeiten geht, frage ich, ob es eine zentrale Stelle gibt, wo ich alle Bücher hinschicken kann und von wo dann diese an die einzelnen Gefängnisse weiter gegeben werden? Im Moment existiert mein Buchprojekt nur in Englisch, aber ich beabsichtige dieses ins deutsche zu übersetzen.
6 AnswersSonstiges - Sozialwissenschaft9 years agoHow many prisons are in England? And how many have a library?
I have written a book that can help people in their suffering and help to see their life in a more positive and creative way. I want to give this book to libraries in prisons. So I need to know how many prisons there are in England and do have all a library? Is there the possibility to send all the books to one place and then they distribute them to the different prisons? I would like to give the books for free, but the sending by post is very expensive (one book 3 €) and that goes beyond my possibilities. Is there a place I can send one book and ask for advice?
Maybe I need to mention that this is not about any religious stuff, but about practical information people can use to get out of their personal straitjacket...
1 AnswerGovernment9 years agoGrowing a third set of teeth is possible! Who knows details about this?
"Although most people grow only two sets of teeth in a lifetime, there have been actual cases of people growing a third set late in life!”
Recently I lost four teeth and I am denying replacement with artificial teeth. I had the clear vision that they might grow a third time. I have heard that in China exist a village where people know how to grow third teeth. Do you know something concrete about it? Or any other case?
I am absolutely sure about it. Similar things happen to me when I had Fibromyalgia and the med. doctor told me that there is no cure. But I was sure that I could heal myself and indeed I healed myself completely. The same happened with an inguinal hernia. They told me that only surgery could repair this. I rejected surgery and healed myself completely with a treatment I found out myself. The same happened when I broke my leg and foot and the doctors said that I need surgery. I rejected this and now my leg/foot is completely healed without surgery.
So I am also convinced that growing third teeth is possible and I am investigating about it.
Any hint will be appreciated!
I wrote this comment three years ago at:
Several doctors also had written comments. - Time past on and meanwhile I have lost about ten teeth, only roots and fragments are left. I haven't had time to take care of this, but now seems to be the moment to spend some energy to make a 'project' out of it. But I need help and would appreciate very much, if I would not stay alone. If you have a creative idea or a useful information, please share.
12 AnswersDental10 years agoWer hat persönliche Erfahrungen gemacht mit der *Öl-Ziehkur*? Englisch: *Oil pulling*?
Insbesondere interessieren mich Erfahrungen bei Entzündungen im Mund- und Kopfbereich aber auch alle anderen. Ich brauche keine Informationen über das Öl-ziehen, darüber ist reichlich vorhanden. Danke!
2 AnswersAlternative Medizin10 years agoDringend! Zahnreste zu ziehen ist das Übliche, aber gibt es eine alternative Methode?
Morgen um 9:00 habe ich einen Termin im Krankenhaus und es kann sein, das sie mir eine Anzahl Zähne ziehen oder besser gesagt die Reste von diesen. Aber ich bin mir darüber noch nicht im klaren, da ich meine, wenn mein Körper diese Zähne nicht mehr gebrauchen kann, dann kann er sie von sich aus loslassen. Die Entzündungen, die hin und wieder entstehen, sind wahrscheinlich dazu da, das Gewebe aufzulösen, damit dann der Zahnrest ausgestoßen werden kann. Das sind meine Überlegungen. Nachdem ich diese Frage gestellt hatte, öffnete sich eine Entzündung am Finger und ein Kaktusstachel kam heraus, den ich gar nicht wahrgenommen hatte. Das sagt somit klar, was eine Entzündung für einen Sinn hat. Eine andere Überlegung ist, das wenn neue Zähne wachsen würden, dann könnten diese die alten Zahnreste von innen herausstoßen und ich bräuchte diese nicht entfernen zu lassen oder warten das diese herausfallen. Morgen wird der Zahnarzt als erstes eine Röntgenaufnahme machen und mir dann raten was zu tun ist. Ich kann ihm kaum sagen, das ich meine Zähne neu wachsen lassen will, da er mich dann mit Sicherheit für verrückt hält. Was ich erlebt habe im selben Krankenhaus als ich sagte, das ich mich selbst von Fibromyalgia und von einem Leistenbruch geheilt habe. Ich bin mir jetzt noch nicht im klaren, wie ich mich da verhalten werde...
Was denkst Du darüber? Kann mir jemand einen Hinweis geben, der über die etablierten Kenntnisse des Gesundheits-Systems hinausgehen? Ich kann Zahn-Entzündungen im Zaum halten mit 'Öl-Ziehen', aber es ist dringend das ich eine Lösung finde...
6 AnswersAlternative Medizin10 years agoWhy shows up: "Yahoo! Answers is currently unavailable" when I want to make comments to the answers?
There have been 12 answers and it started to be interesting, when I made comments to the answers and then people responded to this. But then this message from Yahoo showed up and finished this exchange. I tried several times and always the same message showed up. Is it against the 'community guidelines' to make a comment to the answers? Go to my question and see yourself:;_ylt=AgyaZ...
If Y!A sees this as 'chatting' and don't allows this, then indeed this finishes my participation here.
3 AnswersYahoo Answers10 years agoWhat is the meaning & purpose of life? Why this question shows up so often? Why nearly all answers are silly?
During the last few days I found several questions here at Y!A asking about the sense/meaning/purpose of life. The answers given were all quite poor or extremely silly. So I answered all these questions more or less the same way, just adapting it to the asker, after I searched their profile. I was ask why I do the effort to answer all these questions, as hardly any body is reading the answers and are only interested to get these two silly points for answering and then they vote for their own answer to get more points... Yes, that's right, this place is a play ground and anything serious that might show up, gets easily overseen among all those games.
Yesterday evening, when we were sitting around the fire place in the kitchen, then as an answer why I am answering those question, I told this story:
Many years ago I arrived by train at Barcelona and wanted to take then the fairy to Ibiza. I was told that the harbor wasn't that far away from the train station, so I though I could just walk, even though I had a heavy suitcase. I ask somebody in the street for the direction to the harbor and was told to go ahead and then to take the second street to the right. That's what I did, but couldn't see the harbor. So I asked again somebody and again was told to go ahead and then to take the second street to the right. The same happened again and then I found myself exactly at the same place where I had started. Oops! What happened? Later I found out, that people don't want to admit that they don't know something and so they just tell anything! I didn't know this, so was walking for one hour with a heavy suitcase in a circle! Good lesson!
It is not exactly the same here at Y!A, but I think if somebody ask a serious question, then also should receive a serious answer and as there are obviously mostly people who are hunting for points or are missionaries who want to spread out their beliefs to save others, so I feel responsible to relate to such a serious question and situation and answer this question, even though knowing, that the asker might not be serious and just looking for attention. That then my answer receives so many thumbs down, that it automatically is hidden and that the most silly answer gets voted as the 'best answer', is part of the dirty game here and not possible to avoid. Or is there a way to change something about it? Several times I thought to quit my activity here, but I still find some good questions I like to answer and Y!A, even a playground, is the best place at the Internet I know.
So I will continue answering the same questions with similar answers...
Who has made the same experience here? There should be the option, to make a comment to answers. What do you think? And there should be at least the option to voluntarily not to participate in this point system!
10 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhy Jesus gave up and preferred to be crucified than to continue talking to people?
Jesus without doubt had some strong insights and could see, that what people were seeing as reality, was not the truth and also not what the priests in temples were teaching. He tried to share his view with people and tried this for several years, walking all over the country. People were listening to him like they did to the traveling entertainer in those days, because they had no TV or other ways to have some amusement. So they gathered and were listening to him, but did they understand what he was talking about? Probably not, even his energy was strong, because he had a mission and his vision gave him strength. So he could convince a few guys to follow him. Being all the time together with Jesus, so for sure they learned something from him, but was it a transformation? It doesn't look like... They must have had encountered quite some difficulties, traveling through the country without resources and not really understanding what it was all about...
When they got into trouble with the authorities and Jesus was accused of conspiracy, then he didn't defend himself at all, even though the judge could see that Jesus was innocent, so he had ask him to defend himself. But Jesus didn't say anything in his favor even though this would have been easy. Why he did this? Was he so tired of people and their games, that after trying for so long to tell them that there is a 'higher meaning of life' and a *reality* that goes beyond they were perceiving, - nobody was really interested, so he gave up? He must have been so deeply disappointed that he didn't see any solution.
Another question is, if Jesus would be more successful if he would try the same thing in our days. Even though he would have the advantage to have an advanced way to communicate with people and distribute his message through all the media like Internet, TV, movies, books and all the other, the lack of interest from people would not much different than two thousand years ago. People are now even more engaged and trapped in their way of life, they wouldn't make more effort to understand him than they did in the old days. Even though Jesus would use a modern way to express himself and proof and backup his information with scientific and professional arguments.
Probably he would fail in the same way he did before, except that his profound and convincing talks would be integrated into the already sophisticated established mindset of our days, but that's all. No transformation would happen and our modern Jesus would just end up forming a new sect or an exclusive group of followers. When Jesus would realize that these followers were just using his information for their own identification game to make themselves stronger, then he would be in the same situation when he gave up before, knowing that his 'message' could solve all the problems people have in their life and also all those existing confusion on all levels of humans. Realizing that people have the same obstacles and blindness then two thousand years ago, - then what would he do NOW?
Is the dilemma clear? In that every one is, who tries to share an information that comes out of the individual experience from another level as the result of a personal transformation process and that goes beyond the established and limited mindset of people and our society as a whole?
17 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago