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  • Is CWG 2010 theme song worth Rs. 5 crore ?

    listen to it @

    it is just scrap, thats what I feel. It has nothing that will attaract the people to CWG 2010. Another waste of common man's money.

    Please share your views.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What if somebody takes name of Muhammed without adding "peace be upon him"?

    I mean is it so that taking his name without this line added is prohibited in Islam ?


    Is all muslim believe that he lived an unpeaceful life and was an unpeaceful person and they fear that he may remain same even after his death and they wish him to be peaceful atleast in his afterlife.

    common sense says you wish only that thing for somebody which he does not have.

    Pls share ur views.

    9 AnswersRamadan1 decade ago
  • What if somebody takes name of Muhammed without adding "peace be upon him"?

    I mean is it so that taking his name without this line added is prohibited in Islam ?


    Is all muslim believe that he lived an unpeaceful life and was an unpeaceful person and they fear that he may remain same even after his death and they wish him to be peaceful atleast in his afterlife.

    common sense says you wish only that thing for somebody which he does not have.

    Pls share ur views.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Have Common Wealth games become just a loot of common man's wealth ?

    Watching the much expected reports of CVC stating huge curruption in CWG works.

    Hike of earlier expected expenditure from Rs.20,000/- crore to whooping Rs. 90,000/- crore and still to increase.

    No news and attention on enhancing indians performance in sport events.

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Monsoon only can save India - A Congress Govt. discovery ?

    Hi Everybody,

    All the History/Indian movie lovers know that there was a time in indian history when people were totally dependent on monsoon to take away their voes.

    Fortunately \ or may be unfortunately, in this modern age we are once again headng towards the same stage.

    I am not the one saying this on my on, but its our Government who itself belives this and also forcing us to belive in this great achievement of theirs.

    Below are a few point which will justify what i wrote above. Lets start with the problems one by one.

    1. Food price Inflation - Our esteemed agriculture minister Mr. Sharad Pawar sometimes obliges us by taking out some time out of his tight scheduled money making businesses (such as cricket, IPL etc.) for finding out the cause of rising food prices. He discovered and informed us in last December that he cannot control the prices as the same depends on market. The same may come down by April, 2010 after new harvested crop comes into the market (or may be because he will get time only in april mid to concentrate on agriculture as IPL was ending in April only) . But April came and gone, now may is also ending but prices are stil increasing. Then came the final conclusion from him (yippi and Eureka, this discovery is not less than Archemidies discovery of Bouyancy). He said that it depends on Monsoon only whether the prices will come down or not. But the theory is yet to be testified.

    Good Monsoon = Price down, Bad Monsoon = Prices up. (As simple as ***)

    2. Farmer Suicide - During Mr. Pawars great discovery that food prices solely depends on Monsoon, he also found a remedy for checking Farmer Suicides (the rate is highest in his own state). Good monsoon will result in good crop and will lead to farmer having better earning. This will lead to less farmer suicides. So the conclusion is

    Good Monsoon = Good crop = Happy farmer = Less Suicide

    3. Naxal Problem - This conclusion has not been informed to public but i strongly believe that govt. is not taking any sound step against Naxalites(even after a shameless murder of our more than hundred brother BSF Jawans in the Naxal areas recently) because they have accepted that only monsoon can save them from Naxalites. Everybody knows that in Forest, activity of wild animals are at their lowest in Rainy season. Hence if monsoon is good and long, Govt. can celebrate a long period of peace with Naxalites. Hence the result is:

    Good monsoon = flooded forests= less Naxal activities = Peace

    4. Militant infiltration in Kashmir - On the same grounds as for Naxals heavy monsoon results in flooded rivers in Kashmir, which makes it difficult for militants to cross them and infiltrate in India. I hope that is why Indian govt. has decided to start peace talks with Pakistan in monsoon season(Mr. S M Krishna is going to Pakistan on 15th of July) as they can show a lowered data of infiltration in Kashmir showing their intention to reduce terrorism and indian people can be made fools untill their next attack. Hence:

    Good Monsoon = flooded rivers = less infiltration = temporary peace

    5. Electricity/Water problem - This is quite easy to understand. Good monsoo equals more water in rivers and dams resulting in hydro power plants functioning at their full capacity plus less demand as temperature is lower. So government can show that there is no power/water shortage and they have fullfilled their promises. So.

    Good monsoon = Full electrcity and no shortage of water.

    Hence we all should pray for a very good and lengthy Monsoon this year if we want to feel releived and relaxed. I hope Govt. guys are doing the same and who knows a formal announcement may be made on this soon.

    Are you Praying for a better monsoon?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you think the concept of economic structure we are following & promoting in India lacks somthin very basic?

    For example : Promoting a culture where large corporates are running only behind one single purpose of profit making (taking money out of common people pocket and putting into their own) is leading India to a stage where no body will be found on streets searching for food and sheltor.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago