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  • Affectionless Spouse refusing counseling, what would you do?

    I've been with my husband for 8 years, six years ago I became pregnant with our first child and he checked out. Refused to touch me the entire pregnancy, and stayed in the habit afterward. We went from an affectionate couple who goofed around to barely talking. We have sex every couple months, but only if he initiates it because he has back problems and other health issues that cause him to turn me away. We have two children now and I feel like I have a roommate with occasional benefits..

    I want hugs, kisses, not just "I'm turned on now so lets have sex, but I'll ignore you the rest of the time". For the past two years I've been going through cancer treatment and have testing next week to see if I have another cancer diagnosis and he's never been there, never held my hand or anything. He would go with me to doctor appointments but just so he can freak out and send texts about how scared he is. Well how nice for him, how does he think I feel?

    I'm getting to the point that I hate him and just wish he would disappear. I hate who I'm turning into around him. I used to be this loving person who would take care of him and make him soup when he's sick, but as I've NEVER gotten it back I'm just running out of energy. Is that possible? To run out of energy to take care of someone who never gives back any emotional support?

    He refuses to see a therapist, says its just the way he is. But its not, its a habit he got into when I became pregnant six years ago. For the entire two years things were great, we were affectionate. Once my cancer stuff is cleared up I just want to get a divorce, but I'm hesitant to make a decision like that with so many things going on right now. But its been so long and I'm so desperately lonely. I'm not having an affair but I dream and daydream constantly of being with someone who cares about someone other then themselves. I've had that relationship in the past so I know its possible.

    What do ya'll think?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Toddler getting to sleep?

    My daughter has always been really good at going to sleep, she made the transition from crib to toddler bed really well. But now I can't get her to sleep before 10 at night (she used to go to sleep at 8) and she'll wake up at 4:30 AM. When she used to wake up she would simply roll over and go back to sleep or cry a little and I would comfort then she'd go back to sleep. Lately, she gets up and tears down the baby gate and starts to wander around the house, cleverly avoiding mommy and daddy's room. I catch her after a few minutes and the only way I can get her to go back to sleep is to get into bed with him. What do I do? I have a suspicion that the new kittens I have are trying to play with her and tend to wake her up. What would you suggest? I'm about to lock the cats up in the bathroom with food, litter and water.

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • My 14 month old and weight...?

    My daughter had her shots recently and the doctor said she was a little underweight. Mealtimes are a battle, she hates sitting there and eating. She refuses to eat veggies or fruit (beside bananas) and after dinner is hungry again. Any advice for a picky eater? She has 12 teeth so chewing isn't a problem.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is anybody else sick of the "Am I pregnant" questions?

    I mean really, go to a doctor rather than wasting time on here. And if you can't afford a doctor's visit than find a clinic that will do it for free or tell your parents. Nobody on here is qualified to answer that.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Looking for Grants for Daycare Facility? (it is already opened in Albany, NY)?

    My daughter goes to a daycare that is very expensive, fiscally there are okay reasons for it so I said that I would try and do some research into trying to help them get some grant money or something to help them out. I did some but I am having trouble finding something specifically for daycares or even generally.. Does anybody have any suggestions?

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Anybody want to change the views on feminism with this question?

    My husband is great, he helps me with the baby, he works long hours and had two jobs while I was on maternity leave. He always loses his keys, he's better at WOW than I am, I can play the piano and sing better than he can, he can draw better than I can.

    If you take the sum of the two of us, we are equal in different ways. He respects me and my strengths, we love to debate and argue with respect of each others ideas. THAT is what feminism is in my world, equality. I make more than he does but he is a medic and I am a secretary so I consider his job more stressful yet more needed in society.

    I'm so tired of people bashing feminism, saying we're manhaters. do I hate womenhaters? of course, but I do not hate men in general. just specifically!

    13 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Does anybody actually disagree with me on this?

    I'm so sick of people asking how to lose weight. Now, I'm not including everyone, such as people with real physical reasons why they are overweight. But in general, as an american, this what you can do to lose weight and keep it off.

    1) exercise, get off your butt and stop watching American Idol, Desperate Housewives or Survivor. Go for a walk, go for a swim, ride a bike. Do SOMETHING to get your heart pumping once a day.

    2) Eat less. I mean come on, a whole box of pasta is not dinner, its a whole day's worth of meals! Eat more vegetables than meat and pasta. Skip desert. If you absolutely have to snack, make it carrots or something healthy like that.

    3) Drink water. Yes drink water, that means no soda, or juice with sugar in it. Juice without sugar is fine.

    4) Chocolate and ice cream once a week is fine. Why do you need it more often?

    5) If you are hungry before bed, drink water.

    Now really. This is common sense for most of the American population. NO FAST FOOD!!!!

    12 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why would you pierce an infants ears?

    My daughter is 7 months old and I saw, today, another baby who might have been younger than her with pierced ears. I cringed. I cut her once by accident with a fingernail clipper and I cried more than she did, I can't even imagine forcing that pain on my daughter. Including the fact that she pulls on her ears when she's tired and its so hard to keep sticky gooey hands away from some things so how do you keep them clean when they're healing? Seems like a lot of trouble for too much pain. What do you think?

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby Rash with tiny white spots that disappeared?

    My daughter is 7 months old almost and eating solids. She does get momentary baby rashes every once in a while. But last night, a rash she had developed white spots on it. This morning the white spots went away about an hour after she got up so it lasted about 12 hours but she still has the rash. The spots are around the meaty part well outside of the vagina where the diaper presses down. What could this have been? Any ideas? I'm waiting for a call back from her pediatrician but has anybody else experienced this?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Office etiquette question?

    If there is a relationship problem undercurrent between a supervisor and their subordinate. Who's responsibility is it to take charge and try to talk things out? The supervisor or the subordinate?

    4 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Doesn't it just suck that social security used to take out $7 a paycheck, but now takes out over $50?

    I understand that more people are going on social security because they're retiring, but come on, it just plain sucks anyway. and i'm kinda curious if people who make more than me get more taken out or the same? If you are so brave, would you mind posting how much a year you make and how much social security takes out every two weeks? Just really curious.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I call Funerals Weddings and Weddings Funerals?

    any ideas on why I do this? hehe. Its kinda funny. I've been married and divorced once, but i've always done this, it just kinda slips out :). My boyfriend really wants to get married but I'm dragging my feet even though I can't imagine being with anyone else. Any thoughts? quips? giggles?

    8 AnswersEngagements & Weddings1 decade ago
  • Why are you so against taxes, state and federal?

    As long as the taxes are distributed fairly from poor to rich, I am still baffled at why so many citizens in the United States are against taxes? Don't you realize what they do for this country? Federal taxes help pay for interstate highway repairs, things like the PELL grant that help students pay for college, the wages of our soldiers who die for us every day. State taxes help keep the fees for car tags, they pay for the schools and teachers wages, the roads in the state.. The list literally does go on. So why are taxes so bad? Why do people act so happy when they get tax cuts? It does not go to just the poor, yes states have the burden of the "welfare" state now but that is such a narrow view of where taxes go, it goes to so many other places that help EVERYONE. So please tell me, as the elections are going on, why are you for less taxes?

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Large back tattoo but no drawing?

    I have had this idea of what I want on my back for a tatto for a very long time. But I can't draw. I have a few pictures that, if put together the way I'm imagining, are what I want. How much does it cost to get a tattoo artist or somebody in general, to work with me on drawing it out for me? I know the tattoo itself is going to cost so much haha but thats okay in the long run. I'm not in a rush to get it yet. I would just like to get the drawing done.

    7 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Do you think Kosovo should be allowed Independence from Serbia?

    Why or why not? Be specific, I'm curious as to opinions of those here. I am looking for opinions, by the way, not predictions. Just a discussion as to popular opinion (as far as Yahoo Answers is popular opinion haha)

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Kosovo should be allowed Independence from Serbia?

    Why or why not? Be specific, I'm curious as to opinions of those here.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • After having the Baby my relationship has fallen apart...?

    Being on maternity leave after a csection caused us to have money problems that we're still catching up from. He never offers to help with the baby unless I'm obviously stressing, tired, or asking him too. I work all week asked for one day a weekend to sleep in, which he agreed was fair, that was a month ago and I still haven't gotten a break to sleep in as late as I want. He doesn't spend any time with us, he just plays world of warcraft. He says he loves me, and he tells me all the time how he's so shocked that I'm still with him, why do I put up with him.. But he doesn't stop doing all of these things that just make my life harder. My instinct says that he's distancing himself, what do you think? Before I got pregnant it wasn't like this. But we also had money to go do things from time to time. I just want to cuddle on the couch, is that too much to ask? sex is still great though and often.

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • After having a Baby our relationship is falling apart...?

    Being on maternity leave after a csection caused us to have money problems that we're still catching up from. He never offers to help with the baby unless I'm obviously stressing, tired, or asking him too. I work all week asked for one day a weekend to sleep in, which he agreed was fair, that was a month ago and I still haven't gotten a break to sleep in as late as I want. He doesn't spend any time with us, he just plays world of warcraft. He says he loves me, and he tells me all the time how he's so shocked that I'm still with him, why do I put up with him.. But he doesn't stop doing all of these things that just make my life harder. My instinct says that he's distancing himself, what do you think? Before I got pregnant it wasn't like this. But we also had money to go do things from time to time. I just want to cuddle on the couch, is that too much to ask?

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Careers with a Masters in Social Policy?

    I have an Associates in Arts, a Bachelors of Arts (History major Women's studies minor) and I'm going to get a Masters in Social Policy. Any career ideas?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Looking for a Bright Starts playmat for my 5 week old :)?

    Does anybody have one that their angel has outgrown? These things are so expensive that I'm tempted to try and make one myself which isn't ideal haha. Ideally, I'm looking for the Bright Starts playmat (which sells for 79.99 at amazon and target). Ebay isn't being helpful because I'm not the only new mother trying to get deals so I can still eat and keep my little angel stimulated with something other than my face haha. Can anyone help me out? Its a bit past yardsale season here in Cobleskill, NY.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago