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Lv 2967 points

ezgi w

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  • Kind of adopted a kitten, but dont know what to do...?

    sorry meant to say there are 3, and only 2 are good with ppl.

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What about, Fresian Horses?

    I really like them, but dont know much about them.

    are they sweet, can they jump well, and are they a loving breed. I would just like to know about Yalls expierences with them, and if you could tell me about the breed thatd be great!! thanks! :)

    (ps: im looking to buy one soon, in tx, what do they cost about??)

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Dont know what to do with my horse! =[ help me!!?


    so i dont know what riding style to do.

    me and my horse (harrison) both have a back ground in both english and western...but i dont know what to train in!

    i mean i guess i could train a lil in each....but lessons cost so dadgum much these days!!!

    i really enjoyed jumping!

    and western is soo much fun! but my horsegoes lame some imes!!

    so what should i do??

    why?? thanks!

    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • songs about falling in love with your best guy friend?

    can ppl please name a few?? or maybe even bout falling in love with a girl...what ever just falling in love with yuor best friend!! lol


    4 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • Shouldars are too broad,is there any way to make em smaller? i wear a d-cup,but my boobs look tiny (like a small c or big b) cuz i have a broad chest cavity(from being a swimmer) i quit swimming 3 years ago but my shoulders and chest cavaty are still very broad. is their anything i can do to make them smaller?





    please help!!


    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I need help with spanish?

    Im supposed to be doing 3 sentences.

    So i was listening in class so dont jus yell at me. unfortunatley my teacher is in the hospital and the sub is stupid and honestly needs to grw up. She is 21 and doesnt get spanish and flirts with the boys in my class. ANY WAY

    Please help me translate these. At 6 pm i watch tv.

    I go to P.E at 4:20 pm

    I go to school at 8:30 am

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Ok.Need your thoughts!C'mon horse people!yall know your stuff!?

    So here is my story

    I bought my horse in california from my old trainer. He was lame (meaning no one really checked on him they just fed him and left him in his stall after i quit riding but i loved him so i couldnt stay away from him for to long) when i bought him, but when i shipped him out to texas(where we live now) he got better. Im not sure if he went lame due to him jumping 3-5 times a week at 45 mins per lesson or if it was cause he was depressed due to me quitting shortly after i stopped training.(i was the only one who paid attention to my poor baby) Any hoo we moved out to texas and he hasnt gone lame a single time since...its been 8 months and this is a horse that would be lame about every other 2 months.(so hed be sound for 4 months lame for 2). SO we are now ridding western. And I LOVE jumping. and i think he does too.

    SOO MY QUESTION IS- Should we continue jumping? or do you think that he was lame due to depression? and if we do it will not be as much as it used to be. Or should we stay with western. I vowed never to sell him and to keep him till he passes away. He is a 14 yr old throughbred chestnut big boy 16.2 hh. I just want him to be happy and healthy....but i want to have fun too! hehe


    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Need a new way of riding! Getting a bit bored w/ what im doing now?

    Ok yeah. Im getting bored w/ what me and my horsey are doing now. He has done EVERY form of riding.I haven't...:(. I love him to death! we used to do dressage and jump. But i recently switched to western(what he originally did before i got him) and i want to do something w/ cattle. He is a 16.2 hh Thoroughbred and vey big,he is also fast. Soooo please help us!! thanks a bunch!

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Stem cells- GOOD? VS. BAD?

    what do you think? i am doing a debate for school. I want to make sure i win! hehe. I want to know your opinions on both sides of this argument. Well thanks a bunch!

    7 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • My horsey is being so weird...and MEAN!?

    I dont know whats wrong with him!

    its like hes a diffrent horse. He has been pinning his ears back at me and trying to bit me and rearing up in his stall at the site of me.

    he used to be my baby and would always nicker when he heard my voice and would follow me around. an i always looked forward to seeing him. WHATS WRON WITH HIM??? can he really just hate me out of no where like that? i still love him and selling him is not an option. but now i dread going to the barn....

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • HOWRSE????gallop test number three??plz hlp me!?

    ok. so i looked up the answers online. but they are none of the questions i am being asked. i am doing riding level #3. here are the questions.~

    1 - Feeding your horse sugary feeds and treats can give them cavities in their teeth:



    2 - Horses that are frequently exercised need what?

    Increased carbohydrates

    Increased glucose

    Increased fats

    Increased protein

    3 - What is Founder?

    A twist in the horse’s intestine

    Inflammation of the laminae of the hoof

    A tear in the cartilage of the horse’s knee

    Loss of sight in one eye

    4 - How many stomachs do horses have?





    5 - When your horse refuses food and water, looks around at their sides, paws the ground and tries to lay down often, what is wrong?

    They have Twisted Gut

    They have the Flu

    They have Spasmotic Colic

    They have Impaction Colic

    6 - Which feed or grain provides a horse with the highest amount of energy?





    7 - If your horse is lacking minerals, what can you do to help add more minerals to their diet?

    Give them red meat

    Allow them more time to graze

    Feed a Veterinary recommended supplement

    Provide a Mineral Block

    8 - A horse that requires little extra dietary maintenance and maintains a healthy weight is often times called a:

    Simple Keeper

    Good Horse

    Easy Feeder

    Easy Keeper


    3 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • Top 5 vet colleges in U.S.A?

    I would like to know the top five collages for Vets. I want to be a large animal vet when i grow up. I already know about davis and A&M. Thanks abunch!

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • kinda weird doggie question is it just my dog that does this and why?

    My papillion dog poops in circles. and sometimes she gets it EVERYWHERE!!! it so nasty. why does she do this? is it bad? is it only her and should i try..and stop her from doing it if so HOW?

    thanks and please helllpp

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • MY Papillions fur???not what i wished for ! help!?

    I got my papillion puppy for chirstmas(a present to myself!) but her hair isnt long. i have her akc papers confirming shes a purebred and she looked just like a papillion pup up until two months ago. i noticed she was coming to about a year and didnt loook like the rest of the pups at our monthly play group.

    WHATS GOING ON?? i never trimed her fur! but she doesnt looked like i wanted her to.

    i will always love her but its so weird!lol ok please answer!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • PIGS????????????? FFA wylie tx?

    I am in the ffa, and this year i will be showing one.Please answer the following questions.

    What can i do to exersise it.

    Do you have any advice?

    What kind of pig would i be geting?

    How big are they when you get them.

    What should i feed it?

    ANything fun to do with it?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Getting a doberman, puppy or adult??

    Yeah should i get and adult or puppy?

    ups and downs of both.

    And other info about dobermans please! i love the breed i just want to know a bit more!


    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Stripping a dogs coat?Jack russell!?

    Hi i was on and they said that you should strip a jrt's coat.

    What does this mean?

    and would it reduce shedding?

    thanks please answer cuase im really confused!!

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Ok,I want a saddle that i can use for more than one discipline!?

    What kind should i get? i want to be able to do dressage, jumping, and maybe even western, but most of all TRAILS!

    something comfortable.

    Please answer this question with info or even links!


    12 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • HACKAMORE???Tell me about ppl!?

    Facts about them?pls

    Y you would use them

    and um i have another question do you perfer bitless bridles or bridles w/ bits.

    my horse has been really bit sour. like he doesnt want to respond to them

    But he really responds to the halter and presure on his nose.

    so should i get a bitless bridle??

    Thanks PLS HELP!

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Getting a puppy!!Brittany! please helllpppppp!!!!

    We are getting a brittany spaniel pup....

    We will be keeping it in its own room in opur house.

    We have had pups before.

    But i want to help my little sister(it will be her dog!)

    What do we need?

    Anything thing we need to know about this breed?special traits etc.

    and are they good with small dogs?

    Thanks please help!

    oh and what food should we give it wet or dry?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago