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42 years old, un-married and looking towards Jesus to help me everyday.

  • Jesus came to save us and keep us from it, yet why do many say it doesn't exist.......?

    Jesus speaks of hell. He mentioned hell three times more than heaven. He used many examples, such as Lazarus and the rich man, the "goats vs. sheep," etc, yet some people insist on trying to convince us that hell is not real.

    Even from a non-Biblical standpoint, the existence of heaven and hell are logical ones. Observe life from a logical standpoint; good is rewarded, and evil is punished. If you truly think that souls simply "cease to exist," I would have to question your ability to use logic or common sense.

    If you follow that line of logic, then this is the scenario: Hitler murdered millions of innocent people. So did Stalin and Mao. According to the logic of "souls simply cease to exist," those three evil men never face a real, honest recompense for their evil actions. They simply "ceased to exist." Does that even make a bit of sense?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Creationists, have you found this to be the case?

    After years of discussing evolution with evolutionists, here is my normal conversation with an evolutionist:

    Me: I don't believe that small adaptations over a long period of time equal large changes. I believe in small changes, or life adapting to fit its environment.

    Evolutionist: Evolution is a fact!

    Me:How is it a fact?

    Evolutionist: They've proven it!

    Me: I don't understand. How can you prove a process that takes millions of years? You would literally have to observe it over a million years to actually say it's even a theory.

    Evolutionist: You're stupid!

    Me; Okay......but it still begs the question:how can you call something that requires a million years of changes a fact when you can't logically test a million year process? That's not logical.

    Evolutionist: You're stupid! Creatard! Evolution is a fact!!!

    Me: But how is it a fact? To even call it a theory, you would have to test, observe and retest it. That's the scientific method and has been for decades.

    Evolutionist: You don't understand evolution!

    Me: I guess not. What do you consider evolution?

    Evolutionist: You're stupid!

    Me: Name calling doesn't answer my question. What do you consider evolution?

    Evolutionist: It's a fact!

    Me: But what do you describe it as?

    Evolutionist: You're stupid! read a book! You don't understand evolution!

    Me: Apparently, neither do you.

    Evolutionist: Creatard!!!

    At that point, ,I wonder why I began the discussion to begin with.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Any takers? Offer going quickly.....?

    I haven't heard "Let it Go" in at least 20 minutes. I'm going to call the radio station and request it. Any takers?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Is share price the same as share value?

    I am doing a project for my Accounting class. The question is regarding shares for CCE ( Coca Cola Enterprises.) I need to find out how much the a share would be worth at the close of 2011. Now, here's the confusion....I found the COST of the share at the closing of 2011; however, is the cost of the share the same as the value? I don't think so.

    There is another entry in CCE's report that specifically says, "Maximum Number or Approximate Dollar Value of Shares (or Units) that may yet be purchased under the plans or programs," and that value is directly listed at $1,000 per share.

    Would that be the value of the share?


    5 AnswersInvesting7 years ago
  • If you're computer has crashed, can your employer still track websites you've visited?

    I spent a lot of time on Facebook and Yahoo answers. My computer crashed. I need to have it fixed. Can employers still remotely track internet usage once a computer has crashed?

    2 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • Question about using the name of Jesus to curse....?

    I always find it interesting when people use the G-D curse or JC curse in movies. Why is it that nobody cusses in the name of Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Vishnu or any other gods. Interesting. It really makes a case that people recognize Jesus as the real God, or don't seem to equally discriminate against other gods they way they do Jesus. Seems like some hard core bias against Jesus.

    Thoughts? And if all you have is just have some weird, vagrant insult with no substance.....well, I'll just consider the source and move on, I guess.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Fasting, and urinating a LOT. Serious replies only, please....?

    I am on a veggie/fruit/water fast for about 5 days. I started on Sunday. Since last night, I have been peeing a LOT. I mean, I even had a dream about urinating. Not happy about this, and a little frightened, but I did read that fasting can cause frequent urination at first (polyuria).

    Anybody else every experienced this?

    Serious responses only, please....

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Why more vampires? Why????

    I am sick of vampires. Years ago they were cool. Now, every stupid pretty boy who tries to look evil hangs out in a poorly lit apartment for a year to get super pale and then tries to wow us with his anemic James Dean posing.....seriously, I am sick of vampires.

    You know what I want to see? Midgets. Lots and lots of midgets. Angry ballerinas would be cool too.

    3 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Christians, have you noticed this......about some atheists?

    Some have a very good heart, sincerely good people....I have talked to some and quite simply, they are hurting and just like the rest of us, believers included, blame God first and for everything. So, some are atheists because they're hurting, wounded people and don't believe because they haven't been shown the real God of the Bible, just the one that people who never truly know or knew God push on everybody....

    .....yet there seems to be a hard core, absolutely no-conscience-whatsoever atheist movement of today who has no reverence or respect for ANYTHING or ANYBODY The current generation seems more and more out of touch with reality than I've ever seen.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the best bank out there? Hate my bank....?

    I am leaving Hell Fargo ( Wells Fargo). Been member for 8 years, paid off 10k loan, they just nabbed me for 6 overdraft fees ( my fault, yes, but wouldn't even take off two or three of them, just for customer service). I am looking for a good bank, maybe a credit union. Any suggestions?

    They are probably all the same, but looking for the least JERK of a bank out there.

    5 AnswersCorporations8 years ago
  • Copyright laws - can somebody please help?

    We are shooting a comedic video, and want to use the Rocky them song. Can I legally get away with this, or are there any unruly, tedious copyright laws I have to follow?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Christians, have you noticed this?

    You have an agnostic or atheist ask a question about a Biblical scripture, Jesus, the OT, etc. You give them the best answer you can, based from your research and knowledge.

    They then proceed to ridicule you, mock your beliefs, call you names and insult you endlessly. They always come up with the same answer,"Well, if that works for you," suggesting somehow that you're delusional, misled or crazy. The sad part is this - no great truth was ever discovered by just taking a swift glance at something and thinking two-minutes of biased research would produce good results. But that's the attitude prevalent today. "I read the Bible (which means they opened it a week ago, found a scripture, didn't get it and proceeded to hate God for whatever personal reason, thinking to themselves that true understanding just comes immedaitely, with no sacrifice or strain)"

    Anyhow, I think you get the point.....

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Anybody else feel like doing this?

    I thought I would send High Energy Radio Station 93.3 a little thank you message through their website:

    Below is what you submitted to

    on Friday, July 13, 2012 at 17:25:38

    Dear Program Director:

    Can you play Rhianna's "Where have you been all my life" one more time? I've been listening to your station and once an hour, every hour every day for the last 15 months just isn't enough. Also, more Nicki Minaj, because hearing her every hour isn't enough for me! more more more more! I just can't get enough of the same 9 songs you play every hour, every day. More more more of the same music, over and over, day after day, hour after hour. more more more more more more......

    Oh, and more Pitbull, because we don't hear enough of him either. Thanks. I appreciate it.

  • Is it just me, or is Wells Fargo the most horrible bank to do business with...ever?

    I have had it. I know banks are a necessary evil in life, and I know they are not my friend. But has anybody else banked with Wells Fargo and sick to death of their horrible, horrible policies? I have never been so stinking frustrated with a bank in my life. They go out of their way to find ways to screw you over.

    3 AnswersCorporations10 years ago
  • Do you believe in trinity or Oneness?

    Know I'm opening a HUGE can of worms here, but I have to ask.... Christians, do you believe in a trinity or are you Oneness?

    I was the former, but after serious prayer and seeking, I became the latter.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago