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  • USA vs. Australia game?

    Is there a live stream that I can watch the game from?

    3 AnswersBasketball9 years ago
  • The latest case in The Commisioners court, with Dictator Roger Goodell..?

    Tyler Sash of the Giants is suspended for the first 4 games of the season for taking an anti-anxiety drug prescribed to him by doctors which just so happens to be one of the thousands of drugs banned by the NFL. Sash of course appealed and lost, like so many players before him... So goes on the legacy of dictator Roger Goodell. A man who claims to care about the players saftey in his league, but god forbid a player ever need a prescription.

    1 AnswerFootball (American)9 years ago
  • I see a bunch of Aaron Rodgers Overrated Questions..?

    I got to wonder, do these people actually believe what they are spewing out? Or is it just wishful hate talk? Matt Flynn has one great game and it appears to me that a bunch of haters want to use it to call a Quarterback they are jealous that is not on their team overrated. It's one thing for a Quarterback to come in and have a great game when teams have not game planned for you and you have a skilled team surrounding you. It's another thing to have the Success Rodgers has had over three years at an All Pro level with defenses having game tape on you, studying your tendancies, your strengths, weaknesses.. and still going out and performing like an All Pro every week. Hell as a Bears fan the Packers are my teams main Rival.. but I am not blind or ignorant enough to call Rodgers overrated.

    7 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago
  • Bonds is up for the hall of fame next year..?

    Should he be inducted right away? I personally think steriods or not, he is one of the greatest hitters to ever play the game. Even before the supposed Steriod Era he was a 300-40-120 guy and was even better defensively. Add to that he was never actually officially proven to have taken them, and I think he should be inducted.. Bonds may have been a Jerk, but being a jerk shouldn't be something that keeps you out.

    9 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Got to love the way TNA..?

    Flows the Camera up Christy Hemme's body when she is about to introduce the competitors.. so sexy..

    2 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • apparently doesn't appreciate opinions heh..?

    On the comment board for the page saying the WWE universe is responsible for the Miz being Intercontinental champion because of Online Interaction.. I posted that the WWE should maybe worry less about Social Media and more on improving their storylines.. to which the post was deemed offensive and not shown. And no, there were no obscenites or anything.

    8 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • In WWE 11 or 12 wrestling video game..?

    I haven't played a WWE video game in a couple years.. do they have the Lets go Cena, Cena Sucks chant from the crowd when Cena is in a match?

    2 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Did I just hear this right?

    Conservatives are complaining that they want the government to get out of their life? Wasn't it the Conservatives who passed the amazing "Homeland Security Act" which allows the government to spy on you constantly by any means they want?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why are there some Romney supporters worried..?

    worried that Obama will fix the election? Is it because Romney is afraid of the same cheating tactics he used to beat Ron Paul in the Republican Primaries?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Will the WWE debut a new Intro at the start of the of the show?

    Looked at all the old intro's over the years on, and they change about every 3 to 4 years.. I think tonight would be a good time.

    BQ: Favorite intro?

    Mine would be the 2002-2006 with Union Underground performing the intro song.

    5 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • Did Punk and Bryan just mock Sonnen?

    Punk went for a spinning back fist and Bryan ducked.. and Punk slipped and then Daniel Bryan kicked him in the midsection. Intentional mock? lol

    4 AnswersWrestling9 years ago
  • A round of applause for..?

    R Truths best rap yet.. that was the Truth.. CANADA SUCKS!

    9 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Any wrestling fans dare too..?

    Watch the debut of Micro championship wrestling tonight? Why or why not?

    5 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Indianapolis Colts are now on the clock..?

    Do they use the first pick? Or trade back?

    10 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • NFL network just reported Peyton Manning.?

    Had a third Neck Surgery this morning. How many wins will the Colts have without Manning this year?

    5 AnswersFootball (American)10 years ago
  • Whoops, slip up by TNA website..?

    They should learn to choose their advertisers on their website better, they had an online game arcade advertising Legends of Wrestlemania right on the TNA website.

    3 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Our Bimbo Divas champion vs..?

    The Bella's again!? Come on give me a break... the WWE has more divas then Kelly Kelly, Eve, The Bellas, and Beth and Natayla.

    4 AnswersWrestling10 years ago
  • Who has the better champions in your opinion?

    TNA has World champion - Kurt Angle

    TV champion - Eric Young

    Tag Team Champions - Mexican America

    X Divison champion - Brian Kendrick

    Knockouts champion - Winter


    WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio

    World Champion Randy Orton

    Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes

    United States Champion Dolph Ziggler

    Tag Team champions David Otunga and Micheal Migillicuti

    Knockouts Champion Kelly Kelly

    8 AnswersWrestling10 years ago