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Does the seller have to be present at a concert?
in order for the person using the tickets, to get the whole VIP package? (books, cds, etc.)
Someone gave me 2 VIP tickets and is now saying he has to be there for us to get the whole thing.
I think he's lying. True?
1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade agoabout a piercing (women would be helpful)?
I want to get a piercing, down there..I am a woman. Someone told me that they allow your gf/bf to finger you while they're piercing keep your mind off of the pain. I didn't believe it and I've Googled it, I cant find anything about it. Do they really let you do that?
3 AnswersTattoos1 decade agoTransportation?
I want to ride a train from Fort Worth Texas to Las Vegas NV, because I've heard it is cheaper than flying. My question is.. which train station does that and how much does it cost? I can't find any info on it.. thanks for the help if you can tell me anything!
1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade agoHappy Birthday?
Ok so for my gfs birthday some friends and I are going all out for it and I'm going to be coming out of a huge cake and giving her a lap dance.. my question is...what song is good for that? I need it to be a really good song cause she is turning 18 and I was kind of hoping for a classic rock type thing...any info would help me alot..thanks!
17 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoTrying to find?
This toy store in Paris, France but I have no clue the name of it or what street it might be on. I'm in need of the website because I live nowhere near but I don't know how else to go about finding this store and I really want to buy a doll that looks just like this one for a friend..
Any info would really help me..Thanks so much
3 AnswersParis1 decade agoTaraka Store?
Could anyone tell me the name of this store right across a taraka store in Paris, France?
Or the location of the taraka store?
I am trying to find it because my friend really wanted that doll but couldn't get it at the time and she didn't know the name of that so I'm hoping I can find it online and get a doll like that one for her...Any info would help me alot... Thank you so much..
1 AnswerParis1 decade agoPorcelain doll?
Does anyone know where I might be able to find a doll like this one online?
I don't know the name of the store where this came from or what brand it is besides porcelain.. but I want to get something just like it for a friend cause she really wanted it but couldn't buy it...This pic was taken in France and she didn't even know the name of the info would help alot..thanks
1 AnswerOther - France1 decade agoBlades Of Glory?
Did anyone notice in the scene when Jimmy MacElroy is eating and Chazz Michael has a towl on and gets something to eat, that there is a picture of Matt Damon and Cher on the refrigerator? LMAO! I wonder why.. Especially Cher?
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoWhat happens when?
You bid on something at ebay and you've been outbid? Do you still have to pay, or do you just get outbid and lose? Thanks..
7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoHow do you get?
backstage passes to a concert to meet your fave singer/band?
Because I went to and I didn't see anything about a backstage pass.. Please help?
2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoCher question....?
Has anyone bought the Chrome Hearts magazine that Cher is in? Because I'd like to know whether or not its worth paying $50 for. I mean yes its Cher and I love her, but is the fold out poster of her worth it or should I just buy a bigger poster? Thanks..
3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoSnake skin?
If used for boots or wallet, would this fall under the categorie of animal cruelty?
7 AnswersReptiles1 decade agoWhich one is better...?
Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 [Old Version]
Photo Explosion 1.5 Special Edition.
Please help? Thanks..
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoIs this a good..?
sofware to edit photos and make wallpapers with pictures of people? Is Photo explosion any good or should I get Photoshop? And if I did get Photoshop, which one?
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoWhat do you use?
Digital Art software? I know alot of people use Photoshop, but I'm not sure which one would be the best for making amazing digital art..Please help?
1 AnswerOther - Visual Arts1 decade agoOld home in Weatherford?
I'm looking for old homes to look at and consider moving into.. I live in Alabama and was wanting to move to Weatherford TX and would love to rent a house like the ones I passed while I was in town shopping at antique stores.But I don't know what streets the houses are on. I think the street was called York Ave or something.. Please help?
1 AnswerDallas1 decade agoWorking at a Day Spa?
How old do you have to be to work at a spa?
What do they pay and do you have to have any prior experience?
I want to work at a spa and I'm 16.. Can I do it?
2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoYour addiction?
Everyone has one. It doesn't have to be drugs or stuff like that.. Something your obsessed with?
24 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoDo you know of a book?
That would explain how to write a script and explain the languge of a movie script? Because I wouldn't know where to put the (V.O), CUT TO, and all that stuff.. But I really need to know because I'm trying to write one.. I've got the story and everything, I just don't know how to write it.. I need a book.. Help please?
2 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade agoWhat does all this mean?
I know what you're thinking.
This is in a movie script and at that point, Mini is narrorating.. But I don't know what that (V.O.) thing is..?
And then in the script after they describe what she looks like, she starts narrorating again only this time it has a (V.O.) (CON'D) thing...
I just need to know what (V.O.), (CON'D), INT., POV, and CUT means in a movie script.. Help?
Is there maybe a book that I could buy that explains all of this stuff?
6 AnswersTheater & Acting1 decade ago