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red_rabbit239 asked in PetsReptiles · 1 decade ago

Snake skin?

If used for boots or wallet, would this fall under the categorie of animal cruelty?


I'm not thinking of doing myself. But there is the really wonderful wallet I want that has snake skin on it.. But I'm not for animal cruelty and I don't want to contradict what I'm for if it is bad...

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The species used for clothing and accessories are common species, not endangered, sometimes farmed. However, I still frown upon it because only the skin is used. I also frown upon fur coats, because nobody uses the rest of the animal. You never hear of anyone eating that mink. I don't have a problem with leather- every part of the cow is used. Just my opinion- I hate waste.

    Source(s): animal lover, conservationalist
  • Well...

    The general life of one of these snakes. Not all are like this, just a lot.

    The female breeders will be overbred.

    The snakes will often be forcefed mice and rats that are too big for them, to try and make them grow quicker. They're kept in small cages with no real life.

    They're killed (often the head is just cut off) and then skinned. Or in some countries.. skinned, and left to die. The rest of the snake is then burnt or thrown away.

    Pleasant, eh.

    Then there's the waste issue mentioned above. Often the snakes do not get the same treatment as cows, sheep and such do, because they're a reptile.

    So no, I wouldn't buy them. But it all depends on your morality really. I couldn't handle it myself.

    Source(s): Documentries, research.
  • anon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Depends on a couple of factors:

    A. when the animal was alive was it housed correctly and treated well.

    B. When slaughtered, was it done so in a humane method?

    Personally I wouldnt want to own a pair or snakeskin boots (I had a pet snake for many years) But to say that would be hypocritical considering I wear leather, eat meat etc...

  • 1 decade ago

    Is it real snakeskin, a lot of items like that nowdays are fake snakeskin?

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  • 1 decade ago

    That depends on your point of view... but if you're thinking of doing it on your own (not as a business), then definitely yes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think so, yes.

  • 1 decade ago

    YES!!!!!! I do not beleive in it and if you do not either then DO NOT do it...... PLEASE DO NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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