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~Educated, opinionated, don't mince words, don't care if you agree ~99% of pets should be sterilized. ***ALASKA is killing wolves using airplanes to increase caribou herds already at 1 Mill+ head (more subject to weather than predation) to attract trophy hunters. ILLEGAL- US AIRBORNE HUNTING ACT 1972 ~MT,WY & ID have full wildlife control and are shooting on sight, seeking to eliminate 80% of the wolves in the region. ~Washington State just exterminated its 1st naturally occurring pack in over 100 yrs ~"Wolf Management" includes POISON, gassing pups, or clubbing ~keeping wolves as pets contributes to bad press of wild animals ~BOYCOTT CABELLAS- WHICH SPONSORED A WOLF KILLING DERBY WITH PRIZES FOR THE FIRST IDAHO WOLVES SHOT YOU CAN HELP- contact NDRC or Defenders of Wildlife OR write Sec'y of Interior K. Salazar- this is NOT why we elected them- TWICE! MAKE THEM WORK FOR US!!! YES- MY AVATAR IS A DEAD WOLF ON AN ALASKAN PLANE

  • Would like Quality info to help in training a puppy of a breed/mix I've never had?

    Female pup, 8 months old, spayed, UTD shots, Whippet/Pit Mix. Adopted from County ASPCA in Florida about 3 weeks ago. Back history is that the dog was with a homeless man who was then committed for mental health issues. Don't know how long he had the dog. She is incredibly people friendly/kid friendly. She appears naturally housebroken as I don't think she's ever been in a house before. She eats at a normal sedate pace and takes treats gently from fingers. She also sits fairly well about 85% of the time and then the rest of the time with mild correction. She is good with medium sized and larger dogs. She is also fairly good with my 3 indoor cats as now they mostly ignore each other. She needs a ton of daily exercise and is WICKED fast and is also extremely interested in chasing squirrels/small dogs that are outside. Some separation anxiety issues which are understandable because she was probably never separated from her homeless companion. Anyway, would like feedback on best book/video/show/blog that might help address some more advanced training issues. Anything relating to the Sighthounds or racing breeds would help. Not concerned at all about the Pit part of her- that's the loving people side. It's the Sighthound that makes her want to chase. Thanks in advance- but please don't waste anyone's time suggesting Cesar Milan- I am very familiar with him and I don't agree with most of the methods nor do I like the format of the show. Thanks

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • 9 year old Lab/Spaniel mix 'benign fatty tumor' now has issues?

    2 yrs ago posted about this dog with small fatty cyst on hip squishy and loose and caused no pain. Diagnosed as Lipoma (fatty tumor) Benign. Now, 2 yrs later in one week mass has grown to 5-6X size, dog exhibiting discomfort when mass is grabbed, hot to the touch. BEFORE I take her to the vet- and you all will scream that I do so, I know the drill, I want to know about the possibility of this being an abscess. Normally any unknown mass that grows that fast would be CANCER! to me, I've lost 3 pets to cancer. But the heat on the mass, + the proximity to a lot of hair (on the hip) and the anal glands, etc. I am first thinking abscess. I plan on shaving the area tomorrow and looking for a wound or outside cause, also expressing the anal glands although this dog has never had an issue...Anyway, would like to know if anyone knows through experience if a 'harmless' cyst can suddenly abscess and the best treatment for it- because if the cause is internal- ie: I can't open, drain, treat and medicate the abscess myself, then I need a vet

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerDogs8 years ago
  • This is the final question about this dog?

    I've been on YA for 7 years although I am not a regular user these days. Jobs, my kid, my schedule, a 1100 mile move, etc- I've slacked

    But those who still know me also know that I have asked dozens of questions about my dog because of her behavioral issues. So this will come as no surprise. For those that do not know me, brief summary:

    Dog is 9 yr old spayed female Brittany/Lab mix UTD on shots, been with me since she was 4 mos old, taken from shelter. Dog originated from backyard situation in KY and was shipped to NJ where I adopted her 3 weeks later. I've had rescued dogs all my life, have been a shelter volunteer for 15 yrs, and understand and have been experienced with lots of different behavioral issues. NOTHING I have done for the last 7 yrs has affected this dog for the better. Dog was perfectly fine for about 14 months, making her just shy of 2 yrs when it started. It got bad fast. Now, the older she gets- worse it gets.

    Dog suddenly unable to go in the car. Shakes, pants, whines, then jumping and leaping while driving- chewing through seatbelts and restraints- car physically not big enough for a crate for 50 lb dog.

    Dog proceeds to start growling and snapping at cats when they come near her food. Then doing same when dog thinks cats are getting something she isn't. Dog starts to counter-surf, raid litter boxes to eat cat sh it, attack garbage bags and bins, bolt to the neighbor's garbage, try to eat roadkill,

    starts attacking and killing small animals, starts lunging and growling at all other dogs even onlead, starts cornering cats in the house and biting to kill. Dog then claims the couch, growls in my toddler's eyes, then BITES both me and my husband who remove the dog using the collar but not using excessive force. Dog is then banned from the couch and eventually from the living room because I will not allow her unsupervised around child. Dog then starts lunging and trying to topple toddler when she has food. Dog becomes so obsessed about food that she must be fed alone late at night shut away from the cats.

    Dog then starts leaping upon visitors, those she has known her whole life. She snarls at strangers. She then starts hearing a footstep outside or a car drive by and goes into hysterical barking fits that when finally silenced lead to hours of constant, nonstop growling. Dog then takes this a step further- growling at branches creaking, at house shifting, at the thump of clothes in the dryer, at a loud noise from the TV. Growling CANNOT be stopped. Dog will "lie down" on command but will not stop growling. Sometimes it is 5-6 hours, constant growling. Dog comes upstairs for bed but because of hostile behavior is crated or "bedded"- with a leash- in our bedroom. Dog will start hysterically barking at 3 am due to a falling leaf (almost kidding) and then growl and growl....hours. Will NOT stop. Sleep is impossible. If dog is bedded in another part of the house the barking will literally continue all night.

    Dog will not play with anyone. Ignores my daughter (now 5 1/2 ) unless child has food, then she will try to knock her down to steal the food. She hasn't bared her teeth again to child, but that's because the dog is not allowed to be alone with the child.

    Counseled with and saw the trainers from the shelter. Hired and fired 3 prof trainers who charged crazy $ and said dog wasn't physically fit and I walked her wrong. All untrue. Dog is A1 physically healthy. I do not let even a big dog direct a walk. Dog sits before and after entering a door, walks next to me, receives only positive correction although it is so goddamn hard.

    We moved from a big house/yard to apt. in a heavily populated community. Because I cannot risk losing the unit we bought a DOGTRA shock collar to stop the bark/growl. Dog responded at first and is now literally clenching her teeth and barking through the shocks because the maids driving a cart across the street (a cart she cannot see inside!) are so threatening that she accepts the pain.

    Summary is incomplete, but mostly there. I invite anyone who doesn't know this saga to look up my questions and answers as they are not restricted, and read everything I've done for this dog. Read about all the attempted solutions vs. the NEXT problem that happens.

    My daughter loves my dog. I don't particularly even like her anymore. But she is my responsibility. I cannot give her away. She has bitten more than once. I will not expose anyone else to this threat. I will not dump her in a shelter. I cannot afford another shitty trainer. So, I will take free advice, or if someone can recommend a good book or video, or give me a website or phone number for a trainer with proven methods who also can prove that they'll put their money where their mouth is.....?

    Otherwise, the question is:

    Time for the Big Sleep?

    Thanks in advance- email open

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Keeping a Fulcata- African Spurred Tortoise?

    I have recently moved to central Florida and will in the next couple of months have a house with a good sized back yard and would like to add an interesting outdoor pet or two. A local adoption society has a Fulcata Tortoise that I am seriously considering. I have been doing some research, but as usual, am getting conflicting info so I would like to ask the Reptile folks in here a few questions:

    One site says that this tortoise cannot live outdoors with temps under 70F. A lot of Florida nights are 70 or less and the days in the winter can also only be 60-65. Is this okay? If not, it would not be a problem to provide an outside heat source in the form of lamps or solar activated warming mats for nights/cloudy days.

    Another site says that this tortoise being a desert animal is prone to respiratory infections in a humid setting. Being that Florida is always humid- is this also okay? The animal for adoption is already in Florida, so I assume it's already experiencing humidity unless it's being kept inside an air conditioned building in which they're providing a heat source

    Info also says lots of greens and fiber but no protein- says Hay, grass, cactus, some flowers, yucca. Can anyone else provide me a good diet to support this tortoise?

    Last question- as it would be a fenced outdoor enclosure I'm thinking about including an Iguana and maybe a couple of Guinea Pigs to cut the grass. The pigs would be Frontlined to eliminate any bugs. I also don't see any conflict between Guinea Pigs and these reptiles as they would also be 2-3 possibly related female pigs who should show no interest in a couple of big crawlers. Pigs might also share the burrowing hole for the tortoise if they get along.

    Any suggestions or more info would really be welcome. I've never had the opportunity to do this stuff with rescue critters outdoors in a climate that supports them. Also I found this great local rescue that has all of the animals above available to me.

    ~As soon as I get the house!

    ~Research first!!!

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerReptiles8 years ago
  • What's the safest paint to use?

    for refinishing animal cages? Specifically I want to sand and repaint an iron bird cage (parrot occupied) but I would also like to touch up a dog crate. Either way, the pets are going to chew or mouth the paint so it needs to be non-toxic, yet waterproof, strong, and hopefully not too expensive. You know, miracle paint!

    Thanx in advance

    2 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Recommend a REAL shock collar for serious problem?

    OTC collars are a joke. Need a referal for a collar that works- I mean really lets the dog feel it. I tried 2 cheaper brands- one from Ebay- put in new batteries- cranked the setting- shaved the dog's neck- dog barks constantly every day full volume. Cheap collars s ck. If this dog won't be silenced I must put it down or it will literally jeopardize my home. I cannot rehome it as it has bitten. I won't take any verbal abuse about how bad an owner I am as I've had this dog for over 8 years and jumped through hoops for it and a shelter will kill it because it has bitten. Now I have corrected most of the bite and aggression issues but I can't stop the barking. I MUST move to a micro apartment to obtain a new job. If the dog barks it can't stay there. If it can't stay there it will die. These are the cold hard facts.

    PLEASE recommend a bark collar that works. If you can't help me just ignore my question.

    I've been a shelter volunteer for 14 years. I've been a pet owner all my life and had this dog for 8 years- since she was 4 mos old. I've been a Yahoo Answers respected user for 6 years. This is a legit question that needs legit answers.

    Thank you

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Planning my next dog?

    Next dog 1-2 years in future. For the first time I am saving for a pup from a reputable (show) breeder- I have always either had a 'neighbor' pup or adopted, but I think I would like to try the purebred, WELL bred route this time.

    Coupla questions:

    After meeting a few reps of the breed and doing some general research, I am interested in a Bearded Collie for these reasons- medium/large size, low-shed (understand the grooming requirements), people/dog friendly, medium-high energy level, likes water, intelligent, respectable life expectation.

    I will have at least one cat by that point in time, so the breed must be cat-friendly- any experiences to the contrary? Also my daughter will be 6-7 years old at the time the pup arrives- is this too much dog for her to handle? She knows how to walk my 50lb mutt but is occasionally pulled.

    Also, anyone recommend an excellent breeder- one who shows and offers pet quality pups with spay/neut contracts in either the New Jersey/Tristate area or else in Florida, as we will be either here or there in 1-2 years.

    Thanks in advance, all INTELLIGENT responses welcome

    12 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Where can I donate...?

    Opened, partially used wrapping paper?

    I've accumulated about 57 rolls...okay, maybe a little exaggeration. But there's a lot of them and my local toy drive won't take them.

    Don't want to throw away, recycling last option.


    2 AnswersCommunity Service9 years ago
  • Tooth grinding in a sleeping child?

    My 4 1/2 year old daughter grinds her teeth when her sleep is disturbed- if she semi-wakes, is repositioned, rolls over, reaches for a blanket, etc. The grinding is severe and very loud.

    It is NOT continuous- just one or two really harsh rasps. (I expect to see a piece of tooth fly-they are THAT loud)

    I know these are her baby teeth but this must be damaging. Her dentist said her teeth are fine and suggested lifting her head or changing her pillow so that her head is always supported. She seems to have inherited my restless sleep (including talking) and none of these remedies are helping.


    Thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Euthanasia for a mentally ill dog?

    Some of you old-timers to this site know me. As YA saves user's questions you can see time and time again the questions I've asked about this dog.

    7 1/2 yr old Brittany/Lab mix. Adopted from a shelter at 4 months old, no owners but us except for the backyard breeder-careless owner she came from.

    Dog is physically completely healthy except for a fatty cyst on her hip that is being monitored by the vet. The last question I asked on YA was about the mass and when we took her in for the biopsy they did a complete (blood work included) checkover and she is 100% healthy. I live (literally) within a stone's throw of my vet- his office is at the end of my road.

    This dog has killed 4 groundhogs, attacked my cats (several of them seniors) attacked the neighbor's dog, became snarly and lunging at an outdoor dog social event, knocked my child down to take food from her, counter-surfed, opened the garbage cans, eaten dead birds and dead rodents, tried to pry the fridge open, burned her mouth by biting a roast I was taking from the oven, growled at us repeatedly when we eat, growled in my child's face because dog was on the couch at eye level, bitten both myself and my boyfriend when we have handled the dog's collar, thrown herself against a door trying to bite it when someone was on the other side, attacked a CAR, leaped up on the side of the car scratching and trying to bite through the window, been Skunked 4 times because she wants to kill the skunk, must be tied down in a car now whereas she used to love car rides, etc, etc.

    I have seen 3 trainers. I have bought 12 books. I walk the dog 2x daily for at least 1 mile. I have 3 acres in the yard and the dog is free to roam and play when we are outside- unless it's pouring or a blizzard that is pretty much every day. Dog has been on a premium/BARF diet for almost one year. Dog is still a little fat-ish due to the fact that she eats everything she can get hold of.

    Food obsession has progressed to food aggression. The dog used to be like, "Well, you're on fire, but I've got my biscuits..." Now it's "I'll set you on fire to get my biscuits." The whole look in her eyes has changed. It used to be an interested "Can I have that?" inquiry. Now it is a cold predatory stare. (you think I'm making this up- I CAN'T make this up) She feels absolutely NOTHING for us- unless we have food. Try eating your dinner while your dog is skulking in the corner growling at you when you lift a fork to your lips. My 4 yr old daughter tries to play with her, and unless the dog is on a leash, it gives her a once over and you can see the "no food" expression, and she ignores my daughter. Heartbreaking. My daughter loves her.

    Today she attacked one of my 14 year old cats because he came into the kitchen while she was eating a biscuit. The dog finished the biscuit and in plain sight of my boyfriend, lunged at the cat, pinned, and bit him. The cat screeched, boyfriend grabbed the dog and pushed her away (luckily he was not bitten) and the cat hid for over 2 hours and seems to be ok.

    I have never euthanised a (physically) healthy animal in my life. I have never in my adult life given away a pet. I have now spent well over $2500 on trainers, vets, books, videos. This dog is miswired. There is something terribly wrong with her mental state.

    She has never been beaten, left alone without a pet-sitter, kenneled, mishandled, taunted, nothing. She is a dangerous obsessive-compulsive that has killed animals and bitten her owners.

    WTF do I do? PLEASE give suggestions on how to handle and cope with euthanasia if my vet and shelter agree. Rehoming this dog is not an option- she's a tragedy waiting to happen. Sanctuary is possible, if I can afford it, but if I can't... Please help me through this.

    And another trainer isn't an option either- the last one told me "I could train this dog for the movies" - told me to up the walks to 3 miles a day, then stopped taking my calls when I left a message basically asking her to come take the dog and train it for the movies.

    Thanks in advance

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Dog has fatty lump on posterior?

    I noticed this lump about ten days ago. I will sound like a moron saying it appeared out of nowhere, but I brush this dog regularly because of her shedding, and she had a bath 2 weeks ago and it simply was either not there, or too small to be noticed.

    6 1/2 year old Brittany/Lab mix female. UTD on shots, worming, spayed. Dog is slightly overweight (5-6 lbs) in spite of daily exercise consisting of 1 mile walks and unlimited play on my 3 acres. Lump on her lower hip- trending more towards her backside. Lump seems to be contained just beneath the skin- not into the muscle tissue. Lump is approximately the size and shape of small egg- very fluid and flexible mass, almost seems to slither under my fingers when I grab it. The perimeters of it seem stable but are not an absolute line. I grabbed it hard a couple of times to feel the texture (which is very smooth and consistent- no hard spots or weird irregularites no marks on skin, no hair loss) - dog didn't even turn her head. It does not cause pain. The dog ignores it- does not chew or scratch or favor the leg. Dog has no weight loss or other physical issues at all.

    As a shelter volunteer, I have access to their vets and counsulers. General consensis: This is not an abcess. This is not an infected wound. This is not a tick bite site. This does not present like a tumor because of its uniform shape, smoothness, and flexibility. Diagnosis: fatty cyst.

    I intend to have the dog checked over after the holidays- shelter personel think she'll be fine until then. The reason I would like to wait is because I need to make the xtra holiday pay to cover a full exam. HOWEVER- if anyone feels like there is something I should be more immediately concerned about, if I described anything that triggers an alarm, please give me input.

    Thank you- all serious answers appreciated. (Please don't waste your time with "Take it to the vet"- she has seen a vet and will soon see another.

    21 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • NJ has a bill to EUTHANIZE on arrival at shelters!?

    7 days is all most animals get before they're put down. 7 days often isn't enough to treat TREATABLE health issues or locate the owner.

    Now NJ has a bill on the table to kill an animal upon arrival- if it's deemed "Too Old"- what is too old? 4 year old dog? 6 year old cat? or "Behavioral Issues" - a dog that shivers and cringes? A cat that hisses and spits?

    HOW DARE THIS STATE THINK THOSE DETERMINATIONS CAN BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS! Arriving at a shelter is a stressful situation for any animal! How can anyone think that 24 hours is enough time to treat an illness or injury, or properly assess an animal's true character, or think that a desperate owner could actually find their pet???

    PLEASE protest this ridiculous bill before it is passed unto law. Contact Gov. Christie

    Don't let this be the precedent for shelters across the states.

    Rescued animals DESERVE more than 24 hours

    We OWE them a fair chance to live!

    Thank you in advance!

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Pet Chipmunk Questions?

    Yes- I know keeping wildlife as pets is illegal. However...

    I apparently have a big bright yellow SUCKER sign on my body that I cannot see, yet animals of all types immediately recognize. (I recently spent an hour cutting a trapped Dragonfly out of a spiderweb with my nail scissors.) I get possums, raccoons, deer, cats, turtles, frogs, you name it...if they are in need and I am around...SUCKER MAGNET!

    Well, now I have a baby chipmunk that crawled out from under my tire while I was stopped at a computer repair store yesterday. It crawled onto my shoe and looked at me. It didn't even attempt to bite me while I stuffed it in a small hard drive box and was equally docile when I took it home and put it in an old birdcage.

    It's got a mild respiratory infection- wheezing and sniffling- not surprising since we've had torrential rain here in NJ for the past 4 days and it probably got washed from its hole and soaked. Also it's bony- again, not surprising if it was flooded out and not able to eat for a few days.

    But after 24 hours this animal is climbing into my palm and eating from my hand. It has never tried to bite and is accepting of the cage and my reaching into it.

    I intend to keep it long enough to treat the respiratory issues... but after that...?

    My yard has a plethora of wildlife, including feral cats that will kill this critter. My dog also kills animals up to the size of groundhogs- she's killed 4 10-15 lb groundhogs.

    So, question is, if I decide to keep it, other than the "Legal" issues- no one will ever know that I have a Chipmunk, what can I expect?

    I have VAST experience (15 + years) breeding and raising rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, G pigs, and rabbits.

    We had one Chippy as a kid, but my cat killed him within weeks of my mom rescuing him under similar circumstances.

    All I've heard/read suggests they do make sweet pets with intelligence/temperament/lifespan along the same lines as pet mice: smart, gentle, live 2-3 years.

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • Economy SUCKS! What's your contingency plan for your pets?

    We have a huge ceramic Piggy Bank in my kitchen that was given to me at my baby shower- it is the fattest pinkest most supremely smug pig you've ever seen- We put a sign on it that says "I'm hungry, feed me!" and my guests and relatives drop their change in for my daughter. I also dump change in in on a daily basis and after 3 years my daughter is worth more than I am.

    On another counter is a ceramic jug designed to hold dog biscuits. Well, I decided to leave the biscuits in the bag and throw some change in now and then. While not nearly as popular as the Piggy- for obvious reasons, the BISCUIT BIN has collected almost $700 in about 5 years. (Obviously it isn't big enough to hold $700- money got put aside) 2 weeks ago, I needed $300 to pull a couple of teeth on my 14 year old cat. Without the BISCUIT BIN I don't know what I would have done. Like all of you, my cash is so tight it's skin grafted to me.

    So what do you do for emergencies?

    This is once again prompted by the recent spate of "I can't afford a vet" questions on this site.

    Thx in advance.

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • How do I go about legally putting a copyrighted item on a product?

    I'm making some custom T-shirts.

    For instance- if I wanted the Superman Logo on one, how do I go about legally obtaining the rights to do so?

    And how much is a reasonable price to pay for using a copyrighted image? I want to do this all legit, as I'd like to start selling online and then maybe mass-marketing. I'd like to avoid paying a lawyer or agent at this point, so until it takes off (hope hope) I need to make sure I'm doing it right.

    (Tell me who to contact in general, not just for Superman, as that is the example)

    Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerSmall Business10 years ago
  • What are the only 100% American companies that produce T-Shirts?

    Self Explanatory.

    I want to do some custom T's and want only American made products.

    Thx in advance

    2 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • Lyme Disease/Bell's Palsy and Acupuncture?

    Apparently I've had Lyme Disease for about 8 weeks and my symptoms became critical about 2 weeks ago when I went to the doctor because after lots of other flu-like symptoms that I didn't know were Lyme I came down with Bell's Palsy. When I woke with 1/2 my face paralyzed I finally went for treatment. The so called 'tell-tale' bullseye didn't show up for 2 days AFTER I started treatment.

    Anyway, after 2 weeks on Doxycycline, all my body aches and fever went away and my mouth, which was on sideways, has almost returned to normal. My right eye, which was wide open and staring for a week, is now blinking almost normally, but the eyebrow is still drooping pretty bad, the eye is still dry and irritated, and the muscles around it are still ticking and twitching. I'm on schedule for one more week of antibiotic. If the eye is not better in a week I'm thinking of seeking more treatment because I cannot put a contact in it and I need to see better in order to function.

    Question: Has anyone used acupuncture to treat the muscles in the face due to Lyme or Bell's and what was the result? I've used acu for pain before and had great results.

    All advice appreciated- if you know of another treatment for Lyme related Bell's I'd be grateful.

    Thx in advance

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases10 years ago
  • .....And the next foster cat is....?

    A 10- month old kitten. Babies having babies. She was part of a 10-cat surrender from an almost-hoarder. If she has 3 kittens (which is what the shelter vet says she feels in the belly) this will bring my total of fosters from Oct-April to ****30.**** 30 cats thru my house in 6 months. And I live in a 10,000 person town.

    Question: Is there a low-cost spay/neutter clinic in your state? Have you located and provided the info (in the form of posters, email, Craigslist Ad, dumb YA user) to your community? If there isn't a low-cost S/N clinic in your area, how would you start one? Which community organizers and politicians in your area will help you? How can YOU help US make this nationwide/global? How can YOU help US to reduce the number of unwanted litters here in the good old U.S.A. or in the good old E.A.R.T.H.?

    Thx in advance.

    (Put this in DOGS because most of my people are in DOGS- my CAT people are starred and will see it!)

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Should Groundhog's Day be changed to "Hound-Dog's Day"?

    After this year's prediction I'm ready to put a contract out on Punxatawney Phil- It's April 1 and still only 45F in the daytime and 20's at night in NJ- Early Spring my sainted A ss!

    So is it time to acknowledge that spring really comes when your dog blows her coat all over the house? Mine budded up and bloomed yesterday- she's a Brittany/Lab mix, and I have the most adorable and beautiful little "Muttflowers" all over the house.

    General gripe about the lousy weather- legit Q:

    Which vacuum should I buy to deal with the pet hair from this Brit Beast and the 4 cats that share her house? I have my eye on a Bissell Pet Pro but am still in the market.

    Please tell me which vacs have helped you with Spring Blowout and general cleaning, and include their prices.

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can I be arrested or sued for this?

    So I was helping a friend with a charity sale the other day and had a pocket full of markers and stick on price tags. After helping her organize and tag items I went to the supermarket for a few things and on the bulletin board saw 3-4 signs advertising pups for sale of a particularly odious mix. So I whipped out the marker and wrote "Mutts- don't buy" and "Adopt mutts- don't buy them" and "Backyard breeder- watch for SCAM" and the like- all over their posters.

    Now I of course didn't leave my name or phone number, but if someone had seen me do this, could they have reported me? What would be the exact crime I committed- after all, I could have torn down the posters and thrown them away. I could have taken down the phone number and spammed the hell out of the BYB. I chose to try to educate, instead. Did I do the right or wrong thing, here?

    What would you/have you done?

    I am an eleven-year volunteer at a local no-kill shelter, a registered foster home, and have already had 25 cats and kittens thru my house since the FALL!!! And the dogs ('designers' too) are coming out of our ears at the shelter. I have 0 tolerance for BYBs.

    Thanks in advance.

    14 AnswersDogs1 decade ago