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howldine asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

This is the final question about this dog?

I've been on YA for 7 years although I am not a regular user these days. Jobs, my kid, my schedule, a 1100 mile move, etc- I've slacked

But those who still know me also know that I have asked dozens of questions about my dog because of her behavioral issues. So this will come as no surprise. For those that do not know me, brief summary:

Dog is 9 yr old spayed female Brittany/Lab mix UTD on shots, been with me since she was 4 mos old, taken from shelter. Dog originated from backyard situation in KY and was shipped to NJ where I adopted her 3 weeks later. I've had rescued dogs all my life, have been a shelter volunteer for 15 yrs, and understand and have been experienced with lots of different behavioral issues. NOTHING I have done for the last 7 yrs has affected this dog for the better. Dog was perfectly fine for about 14 months, making her just shy of 2 yrs when it started. It got bad fast. Now, the older she gets- worse it gets.

Dog suddenly unable to go in the car. Shakes, pants, whines, then jumping and leaping while driving- chewing through seatbelts and restraints- car physically not big enough for a crate for 50 lb dog.

Dog proceeds to start growling and snapping at cats when they come near her food. Then doing same when dog thinks cats are getting something she isn't. Dog starts to counter-surf, raid litter boxes to eat cat sh it, attack garbage bags and bins, bolt to the neighbor's garbage, try to eat roadkill,

starts attacking and killing small animals, starts lunging and growling at all other dogs even onlead, starts cornering cats in the house and biting to kill. Dog then claims the couch, growls in my toddler's eyes, then BITES both me and my husband who remove the dog using the collar but not using excessive force. Dog is then banned from the couch and eventually from the living room because I will not allow her unsupervised around child. Dog then starts lunging and trying to topple toddler when she has food. Dog becomes so obsessed about food that she must be fed alone late at night shut away from the cats.

Dog then starts leaping upon visitors, those she has known her whole life. She snarls at strangers. She then starts hearing a footstep outside or a car drive by and goes into hysterical barking fits that when finally silenced lead to hours of constant, nonstop growling. Dog then takes this a step further- growling at branches creaking, at house shifting, at the thump of clothes in the dryer, at a loud noise from the TV. Growling CANNOT be stopped. Dog will "lie down" on command but will not stop growling. Sometimes it is 5-6 hours, constant growling. Dog comes upstairs for bed but because of hostile behavior is crated or "bedded"- with a leash- in our bedroom. Dog will start hysterically barking at 3 am due to a falling leaf (almost kidding) and then growl and growl....hours. Will NOT stop. Sleep is impossible. If dog is bedded in another part of the house the barking will literally continue all night.

Dog will not play with anyone. Ignores my daughter (now 5 1/2 ) unless child has food, then she will try to knock her down to steal the food. She hasn't bared her teeth again to child, but that's because the dog is not allowed to be alone with the child.

Counseled with and saw the trainers from the shelter. Hired and fired 3 prof trainers who charged crazy $ and said dog wasn't physically fit and I walked her wrong. All untrue. Dog is A1 physically healthy. I do not let even a big dog direct a walk. Dog sits before and after entering a door, walks next to me, receives only positive correction although it is so goddamn hard.

We moved from a big house/yard to apt. in a heavily populated community. Because I cannot risk losing the unit we bought a DOGTRA shock collar to stop the bark/growl. Dog responded at first and is now literally clenching her teeth and barking through the shocks because the maids driving a cart across the street (a cart she cannot see inside!) are so threatening that she accepts the pain.

Summary is incomplete, but mostly there. I invite anyone who doesn't know this saga to look up my questions and answers as they are not restricted, and read everything I've done for this dog. Read about all the attempted solutions vs. the NEXT problem that happens.

My daughter loves my dog. I don't particularly even like her anymore. But she is my responsibility. I cannot give her away. She has bitten more than once. I will not expose anyone else to this threat. I will not dump her in a shelter. I cannot afford another shitty trainer. So, I will take free advice, or if someone can recommend a good book or video, or give me a website or phone number for a trainer with proven methods who also can prove that they'll put their money where their mouth is.....?

Otherwise, the question is:

Time for the Big Sleep?

Thanks in advance- email open


Ms Manners- You are the first "oldtimer" that does know the saga of this dog. I added an extra 300 in expenses from my move from NJ to FL for this dog- the collar, the big crate, the meds, the vet checkup, money I did not have. I did NOT want to move here. But I lost my job in NJ, FL hired me...

But now I am living and working in a resort where I am hopefully temporarily living in a big hotel suite. People come and go beside me all the time and these are not neighbors I can ask about the dog growling, these are clients. We cannot move out at this time, it's $$$$ impossible. I will not risk my daughter's security for this goddam dog. I have tried. I have cried. I have sat down and talked to the animal as if she was a human being who simply didn't get it. Okay, I admit I was probably drunk when I attempted the heart to heart with the dog. BUT NOTHING WORKS!!! I have euthanized some of my closest best friends over the years due to incurable illness, whi

Update 2:

continued to MS MANNERS: anyway, I euthed several physically sick animals I loved forever, but have never had to do this to a mentally ill animal. People with these issues get locked up or medicated, but I have neither the devotion or the $$$. You're right, it's time. Abby, my daughter, will be horribly upset, but I will try to explain that Kaya is sick. Kaya is the dog. I know that I kept saying "the dog the dog" and depersonalizing her, but this is the only way I can face my responsibility. Kaya was mine from adoption until death. Better and worse. Now it is worse and I must do this. Thank you for helping me. YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SUCH A GREAT INFORMATIVE SOURCE BUT ALSO A FRIEND. I miss you

Update 3:

EDIT to CLOCKWORK: I never allowed this dog to run loose. We had 3 acres with fence. This dog killed creatures within the fence- groundhogs, squirrels, things that in other circumstances you would be happy for the dog to kill. I do admit I didn't really shed a tear over the groundhogs- they totally messed up my fenced and cultivated garden- but the problem was that the dog wanted to EAT the dead bodies- started to eat them, guarded them and snarled when we took the bodies away. As for the cats inside my house- she was a puppy when 3 of the cats were already 6 years old. She stalked and cornered them INSIDE MY HOUSE. This is not me just 'letting the dog run wild.' The dog never attacked my neighbors- just lost her mind if my neighbor dared to mow his lawn. I appreciate your sentiment but you did not read and did not look up past posts and I believe your criticism is unwarranted and leaves folks believing I have not done everything I can. However, the bottom line r

Update 4:

Why does YA tell me I have characters left and then keep either requiring me to shorten my question or keep cutting off my responses?

Annoying.....anyway, about the "Big Sleep" comment. I sincerely know it's DEAD. Could you possibly allow me to find anything about this situation to make it less painful for about 3 seconds than telling me "sleep is not dead"??? Jeez......

8 Answers

  • Chix
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Gee. I hate being right. I remember you very well and remember this dog - the person with the rescue who moved to an apartment with a dog that already had developed strong behaviour problems including extreme nuisance barking and instead of recognizing your constant abuse through extreme pain would actually make the dog worse, you decided to zap the crap out of a dog because you had to move.

    That was the last chance this dog had for a new life -it would have been a blessing if you gave the dog up right then when you were moving to an apartment with a dog clearly not capable of living in one.

    Oh yes, and you had actually tried shaving the hair off the dog to get a better "charge" and when that failed, you bought a new collar. Who can forget a person like that. It was bar none - the most disturbing and sickening example of animal abuse I had read in years.

    Anyway, now surprise, the dog is unstable, growls at people without cause, and needs to be put down. Gee, I wonder why.

    I realize its a total waste of my time to tell you anything but in the blind hope you will stop torturing animals here goes.

    A dog that counter surfs is doing it - BECAUSE IT CAN. YOU are responsible for the dog's freedom.

    A dog that kills critters does so because YOU LET IT OFF LEAD. YOU are responsible for the dog's choices.

    A dog that STALKS CATS does so...(here it is, can you get it yet) BECAUSE IT CAN. YOU are responsible for your dog's choices.

    A dog doesn't CLAIM the COUCH. THIS IS WRONG. Dogs JUMP on a couch because its soft and comfortable and they want to be near you.

    If you use PAIN to get the dog off - the dog will begin to anticipate that, and now growls at you. ITS THE COLLAR - and your punishment after the fact that has created a dog that distrusts and now growls at you.

    You NEVER correct a dog after the fact. Period.

    Use a leash and collar and prevent the dog from accesing areas it does not belong. NO PAIN. Use obedience commands like down stay and reward with food (your dog needs all the trust it can get).

    If the dog still gets on the couch - call it and reward it - or just grab the lead and say òff`- NO CORRECTION. DON`T GET MAD. NO PAIN -

    NO DOG of mine has ever counter surfed, or garbage raided - unless I LET him.

    Since I am smarter than a dog, I realize a dog will choose what it wants because it can - so I take preventative measures by leashing and REWARDING GOOD BEHAVIOUR - rather than use pain, punishment and abuse to kick the living crap out of a dog by defeating it after it has made a choice that I don't like.

    If you CANNOT spend time exercising your dog - DON"T GET ONE.

    My one dog will kill a cat, or a critter. I don't need to electrocute her because its her nature and genetically, she sees furry creatures as little lunchboxes. I simply LEASH her and since i know my dogs are prey driven, I don't own a cat. I don't WAIT for the dog to start killing things before I take preventative action.

    And finally - DOGS GROWL at owners they DON"T TRUST. YOU lost the trust of this dog years ago - and barring a brain tumor - dogs that were once tolerant of people and no longer are act that way because of the OWNER. A dog that growls at you when you approach is anticipating a correction or pain. It KNOWS punishment is coming. And since a fresh kill is a high priority to this dog - it will defend it.

    YES, a dog will eat a fresh kill. Of course it will. What did you expect, that it would take it to the movies? Punishment is futile after the fact - if you insist on letting the dog roam - then don't expect it not to kill things.

    If I had tried HALF the stunts you have pulled with my Doberman's - they would have killed me by now. Literally - because these are dog that will not accept unconditional and constant abuse.

    The ONLY reason your dog hasn't is because its a Lab cross. But given the situation, the dog is likely to snap and since you have children, its dangerous to keep it.

    You have failed the dog at every juncture, every step of the way because you fundamentally do not understand how to train a dog - your only method is one of defeat.

    Sadly, I think killing the dog would be the first and kindest thing you every did. I really wish I knew what shelter you volunteered at, because its actually sickening to think you have any access to any animals and I would write them a letter.



    Yup. I knew it was you.;_ylt=As...

    Funny, I actually agree with you on the wolf stuff. Seems you would be better off sticking to that - then owning a dog.

    If you have sought advice in the past - it was bad advice. If you believe dogs `claim`` couches, or rooms, you have a paranoid and misugided view of what a dog is.

  • Covah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Such a long post... sounds like euthanasia is the only remedy here.

    Your dog's a threat & it's time to put her out of everyone's misery.... especially here own.

    Added: whoever this "Neller" is.... stop spamming yourself on almost every post. This dog needs to be put down, not an incompetent wanna be trainer.

  • KenAn
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I am so sorry that you are going through this difficult time. I have heard of dogs being mentally unstable, but haven't personally witnessed it. I firmly believe that a dog that bites should be put down. It can be very sad, but there are too many good dogs that need homes to deal with a dog that hasn't become a better canine citizen when the effort was put into trying. Given the fact that you have children, I even more firmly believe this to be the only solution available at this time.

  • 8 years ago

    Yeah - IMO it's time.

    It sounds like there may be something physical involved - something like a brain tumor (I am assuming you checked her hormones).

    But a 50 pound dog can seriously hurt someone, and you just can't take that risk.

    I'm all for rehabilitating dogs, but there is a limit.


    ((((HUGS)))) I know, it's hard to let go of an otherwise healthy dog, and all the hopes you had for her.

    But you have to do what is best for everyone involved.

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  • CDog
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Sorry, but I'd say yes, definitely. Sounds like she's got a screw loose (or three). Pets are supposed to be enjoyable and you've certainly tried everything. She sounds dangerous to you and your family. The hardest part will be explaining it to your daughter. Best wishes with that.

  • 8 years ago

    the only thing I can suggest is take her for long runs, maybe train her to run beside a bike, and get a good quality muzzle in the meantime while you re socialize her. with the muzzle on, you can take her where she can see the carts and whatever is passing by, and whenever she goes histerical, tap her lightly on the stomach to snap her attention away from whatever is bothering her. make sure she is muzzled when you try this, some dogs may be shocked by this tap and whirl towards your hand, so just be cautious. the bast thing you could do is call a trainer, but I know about the expenses of doing that. good luck, and do everything you can to avoid euthanasia.

    Source(s): working as a dog trainer
  • 8 years ago

    Have the dog destroyed

    You allow it to run lose and attack pets and humans, growls, is a threat to neighbors , is a danger to your child..........well past time to put the aggressive dog down

  • 8 years ago

    Big sleep? Nope, a one way trip to the Vet won't give them a *big sleep.* Sleeping is not the same as dead. Make sure you have the later done. The later should have been done years ago. Make it final tomorrow.

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