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howldine asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

Euthanasia for a mentally ill dog?

Some of you old-timers to this site know me. As YA saves user's questions you can see time and time again the questions I've asked about this dog.

7 1/2 yr old Brittany/Lab mix. Adopted from a shelter at 4 months old, no owners but us except for the backyard breeder-careless owner she came from.

Dog is physically completely healthy except for a fatty cyst on her hip that is being monitored by the vet. The last question I asked on YA was about the mass and when we took her in for the biopsy they did a complete (blood work included) checkover and she is 100% healthy. I live (literally) within a stone's throw of my vet- his office is at the end of my road.

This dog has killed 4 groundhogs, attacked my cats (several of them seniors) attacked the neighbor's dog, became snarly and lunging at an outdoor dog social event, knocked my child down to take food from her, counter-surfed, opened the garbage cans, eaten dead birds and dead rodents, tried to pry the fridge open, burned her mouth by biting a roast I was taking from the oven, growled at us repeatedly when we eat, growled in my child's face because dog was on the couch at eye level, bitten both myself and my boyfriend when we have handled the dog's collar, thrown herself against a door trying to bite it when someone was on the other side, attacked a CAR, leaped up on the side of the car scratching and trying to bite through the window, been Skunked 4 times because she wants to kill the skunk, must be tied down in a car now whereas she used to love car rides, etc, etc.

I have seen 3 trainers. I have bought 12 books. I walk the dog 2x daily for at least 1 mile. I have 3 acres in the yard and the dog is free to roam and play when we are outside- unless it's pouring or a blizzard that is pretty much every day. Dog has been on a premium/BARF diet for almost one year. Dog is still a little fat-ish due to the fact that she eats everything she can get hold of.

Food obsession has progressed to food aggression. The dog used to be like, "Well, you're on fire, but I've got my biscuits..." Now it's "I'll set you on fire to get my biscuits." The whole look in her eyes has changed. It used to be an interested "Can I have that?" inquiry. Now it is a cold predatory stare. (you think I'm making this up- I CAN'T make this up) She feels absolutely NOTHING for us- unless we have food. Try eating your dinner while your dog is skulking in the corner growling at you when you lift a fork to your lips. My 4 yr old daughter tries to play with her, and unless the dog is on a leash, it gives her a once over and you can see the "no food" expression, and she ignores my daughter. Heartbreaking. My daughter loves her.

Today she attacked one of my 14 year old cats because he came into the kitchen while she was eating a biscuit. The dog finished the biscuit and in plain sight of my boyfriend, lunged at the cat, pinned, and bit him. The cat screeched, boyfriend grabbed the dog and pushed her away (luckily he was not bitten) and the cat hid for over 2 hours and seems to be ok.

I have never euthanised a (physically) healthy animal in my life. I have never in my adult life given away a pet. I have now spent well over $2500 on trainers, vets, books, videos. This dog is miswired. There is something terribly wrong with her mental state.

She has never been beaten, left alone without a pet-sitter, kenneled, mishandled, taunted, nothing. She is a dangerous obsessive-compulsive that has killed animals and bitten her owners.

WTF do I do? PLEASE give suggestions on how to handle and cope with euthanasia if my vet and shelter agree. Rehoming this dog is not an option- she's a tragedy waiting to happen. Sanctuary is possible, if I can afford it, but if I can't... Please help me through this.

And another trainer isn't an option either- the last one told me "I could train this dog for the movies" - told me to up the walks to 3 miles a day, then stopped taking my calls when I left a message basically asking her to come take the dog and train it for the movies.

Thanks in advance


PS- just thought of a couple of other things- have to use baby gates to keep the dog off the couch or she will snarl at my daughter because she thinks she can 'possess' the couch. Also to keep her away from a snack my daughter has in the room. Must crate or tie the dog at night or she will go into the laundry room, eat all the cat food, eat all the feces out of the cat boxes, and then try to kill the caged birds that also live in there- after all that, then she will attempt to corner and attack the cats. Cats that she has lived with for almost 8 years.

Update 2:

EDIT- I said I'm not thinking about another trainer at this point because all 3 basically said "Better diet, more exercise, positive reinforcement" which we DID, and they've cost me over $2000 and the dog is getting MORE aggressive as she gets older, and I am simply running out of money.

Update 3:

EDIT TO ANTI YUPPIE- LOL about the groundhogs- I don't have much use for them either- they have dug into my garden and my well and cost me at least one sprained ankle with the sinkholes under the lawn. But the dog tried to EAT them after she killed them- and I think she would eat my cats and eat my parrot if she could. That's why she continues to get Skunked- what idiot dog doesn't learn after 1 or maybe 2 Skunkings? She wants to EAT the skunk. I sometimes think the growling at my kid is "I would like to eat you, little girl," like the scariest fairy tale ever. But the scariest thing of all is that I think the whole food thing is now leading into aggression about everything- that's the attacking the cars in the driveway, freaking out when the dryer makes a thump, barking uncontrollably about a truck passing in the road... it's getting worse, not better.


Update 4:

(ran out of space)

While I am not (physically) afraid of the dog, I am afraid of the rapidly worsening attitude and behavior, and afraid that my boyfriend (my daughter's father) will actually kill the animal himself because he's nowhere near as optimistic as I am. I am coming to realize he may be right, but what would be worse- the dog snarling at my daughter, or her daddy killing it in front of her? I don't want it to get to that point. Unless someone knows a miracle trainer, I think my options are sanctuary (slim) or euthanasia (probable)

7 Answers

  • anne b
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, my. You have alot of commitment!

    I would guess this to be a severe case of redirected aggression, as the episodes make no sense. Many cases of redirected aggression have a source that we as humans, have difficulty identifying, and while we are mystified, it gets worse over time.

    At this point, you have an extremely unhappy dog, an extremely unhappy family, and have exhausted your resources trying to help this poor animal. It doesn't seem feasible to continue. I would put her out of her misery, and get your family back to normal.

    Source(s): Have dealt with this very type of aggression in my dog.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well as far as attacking cats and groundhogs -- that is expected. For sure the groundhogs and I know many dogs that while not food aggressive with other dogs for some reason will simply not tolerate cats around their foods. It is still something that you should not accept from your dog but it is pretty common.

    BUT, I personally would never have an aggressive dog around a 4 year old. That would be the issue with me. When I have kids - my kids will come first and their saftey would of had that dog out of my home a long time ago. It is hard to really give you advice without seeing the dog and knowing even more, it is hard to tell you what to do. But I would say for sure crate the dog when you are cooking and eating. I'd crate the dog in the kitchen and make it watch me eat --but that's just because i'm an asshole haha.

    I would suggest that since she came from a backyard breeder that he mistreated her and this caused the problem. However, I got my dog from the same situation (he was byb, abused, and sick) when he was 4 months old. He had some noticable problems from the start: he was very timid and prone to fear related aggression, but now he is not aggressive or timid. I'd like to ask, how was the dog when you first got her? (I am NOT suggesting that the way you raised her is the problem, I am NOT at all a believer of "their are no bad dogs only bad owners" i'm way against that. I am just curious.)

    *And to answer your question, with the information you have given I would say the best to do is put her down. It sounds like you have tried to give this dog a happy life and have put in a good deal of time and effort into training. Talk to your vet -- sounds like he knows the dog, and see what he thinks.

    As far as training advice, I do not believe in 100% positive reinforcment. I think your dog should learn positive actions = positive results and negative actions = negative results. But I do not believe in beating or hurting your dog. If the dog does something positive it gets a treat...i'd say praise but sounds like this dog is 10000% food motivated. If the dog is being negative I would put a prong collar on the dog and give it a quick snap if it is being aggressive and crate her or put her in an isolated room for 10-15 minutes. If she resists that is too bad because she has a prong and she is not getting anywhere. Again, I am in no position to give you training advice...i'm just saying what I would do as a last hope to "fix" her.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Putting a dog down is very hard, they are part of the family but you are making the right decision, it is not a mean process, the vet will shave a little patch on the dogs front leg, and uses a needle euthanize the dog, you will be there to comfort your loyal pet through this process and then your dog will just fall to sleep. Even though this is still an emotional process its best for the dog and for your new puppy. Nine years is along time for a dog to live and I'm sure you treated him very well, take him for along walk or do what ever the other activities are that you did with your beloved pet and then take him to the vets, you will both have wonderful memories of his last day on earth . God Bless you both.

  • 9 years ago

    I don't have a problem with some of her behavior (the prey driven behavior), but I see no reason at all to keep a human aggressive dog around, especially one that is aggressive with its owner.

    I am big on trying to rehab difficult dogs, but if this were my dog, I would have her put down.

    I know it's have a lot of time and effort invested in this dog, but you can see the disaster looming on the horizon, and you should do what you know is right.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The dog may be physically healthy, but there is something not right with its brain. The dog has gotten too many thrills from bloody attacks and is no longer trustworthy. I'd put that dog down, and I am a dog lover. I'm sorry for you. It sounds like you have put in a lot of time and effort to train the dog, and it is not working.

  • 9 years ago

    I feel for you. Unfortunately, I think your dong might just have snapped. I have never seen that happen drastically before. I don't know why you said another trainer isn't and option because that's what I would do, try a different trainer before completely giving up and putting her down. If it doesn't work with a different trainer I would humanely put her down because she is a danger to you, your child, and other animals.

  • 9 years ago

    Id ethanize this dog before someone gets hurt. Its not worth risking your safety, your childs safety, your other pet's safety.. etc this dog sounds like a total psycho. Time for some pink juice and a dirt nap.

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