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howldine asked in PetsDogs · 10 years ago

NJ has a bill to EUTHANIZE on arrival at shelters!?

7 days is all most animals get before they're put down. 7 days often isn't enough to treat TREATABLE health issues or locate the owner.

Now NJ has a bill on the table to kill an animal upon arrival- if it's deemed "Too Old"- what is too old? 4 year old dog? 6 year old cat? or "Behavioral Issues" - a dog that shivers and cringes? A cat that hisses and spits?

HOW DARE THIS STATE THINK THOSE DETERMINATIONS CAN BE MADE WITHIN 24 HOURS! Arriving at a shelter is a stressful situation for any animal! How can anyone think that 24 hours is enough time to treat an illness or injury, or properly assess an animal's true character, or think that a desperate owner could actually find their pet???

PLEASE protest this ridiculous bill before it is passed unto law. Contact Gov. Christie

Don't let this be the precedent for shelters across the states.

Rescued animals DESERVE more than 24 hours

We OWE them a fair chance to live!

Thank you in advance!


EDIT: Hey Jon! How do you know I'm not EQUALLY as passionate about those issues? This is my current Q on THIS issue. Please don't make blanket statements that prove...nothing!

Update 2:

EDIT TO ACE OF HEARTS: Unfortunately, this bill would cause the euthanization of all "suspect" breeds like Pits, Am Bulldogs, Rotties, Dobes, Mastiffs, some GSD's- upon ARRIVAL! This would also save things like "malti-poos" and "puggles" and other bul s hit mixed 'designer' breeds even SHOULD they be inherently sick or foul-tempered dogs because then the shelter would develop a "Sell" mentality much like that of a pet shop. Now, I'm lucky because my shelter is no-kill. But we rescue from the kill places in Newark and Trenton and Jersey City- and you know what? We PLACE the Pits and Rotts and Dobes we get from there. So now under this bill, all we're gonna get is the hideous "designer mutts" and the "Ooops" Golden X Shep litter? EVERY ANIMAL DESERVES A FAIR EVALUATION.

7 days- the current time- isn't long enough. What's "EUTH on ADMITTANCE?" Flipping a foo ki ng coin?

Update 3:

EDIT TO FIREPHEONIX: Yes, please email him! Christie is a (literal) Phat Cat who cares DI CK about anything that doesn't make money for big NJ corporations! He's killed NJ public education and transportation and parks $$$ and now he's going after the shelters so that he can take their public grant money and put it back in the pockets of his Phat Cat contributors!

(Please note that under this law he does not care for real Fat Cats- another qualification for instant death is "Poor Health" - this means a RESPIRATORY INFECTION- so a dog or cat with the sniffles can be killed upon arrival at a "shaky shelter"

7 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately and very sadly, due to so many irresponsible owners dumping their pets the shelters have no option. There just isn't enough space for all the animals incoming in.

    Of course the animals deserve longer than 24 hours. They also deserve better owners. Back yard breeders don't care about selling their poorly bred dogs to good owners who will love and care for the animals for life, they only care about the color of their money and will sell to any moron.

    It's a horrible situation and it's not the fault of the shelters it's the fault of scumbag owners who don't care.

    It's also sad that animals are considered to be 'too old'. I love the oldies and they're the ones I rescue.

  • 10 years ago

    Thank you for making people aware of this. How very horrible and sad! People breed dogs which increases the over-population problem. We need to better take care of all those who are already here. Yes, rescued animals certainly do deserve more than 24 hours.

    As far as the person who said other issues are more important - we need to extend our compassion to include those who can't speak for themselves. Animals have no voice and we need to speak out for them when there are wrongs such as this. Also, this is a site to post about animals. It is entirely possible you have posted in the appropriate place about hunger and other human rights issues. But posting about those issues on a site about dogs would be silly.

    Again, thank you so much for posting this. It is so important to fight this and to spread the word to get more people involved in making sure this does not happen.

  • 10 years ago

    They are already euthanizing surrenders here on arrival.

    Someone we know found a litter of kittens and took them to the pound, only to have them euthanized in the driveway.....which was quite a shock to them.

    I guess there is just too little money and too many animals to deal with.

    I don't know how it is there, but when I was doing breed rescue the pound would call me to come get the dogs. Maybe you could set something up with them so they would call you and you could rescue them before they are euthanized.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    that is horrible! i think that they should have atleast 2 weeks at shelters. as for the fixing world hunger and such. ya that stuff happens and it is horrible, but dogs were here first, even if we have altered breeds, and they have rights too. the fix for this is also so simple and easy, make fixing dogs mandatory. and make it illegal to breed your dog unless you are a certifide reputable breeder, only in it to better the breed. simply passing a law, that is all they have too do. the animal cops would do all the rest. such a simple fix that the governement is unwilling to do. it would make the world a better place, and would take almost no time from the fixing of world hunger and such. 8]


    Ace of hearts: in a perfect world, that would encourage better behavior from BYBs and people who abandon their dogs. but we live in reality. so people are not going to do that. already in america 9 million dogs are put in shelters each year, and 4 million are adopted. the rest put down. who does this encourage? people just dont know or dont care.

    Source(s): me
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  • 10 years ago

    OH MY GOSH THATS TERRIBLE i would love to help but im confused can you please tell me in the additional details exactly what you want me to do, email him? what all do i say ? i strongly believe every animal deserves a life cause they are just like people, better in a lot of ways they dont mess up the earth and treat other creatures unfair so yeah i would love to help

  • I'll probably get loads of TDs for this but oh well. I honestly don't think that's a bad idea. Maybe it'll slap some sense into people and make them start being more responsible when it comes to animals.

    Sorry but not all animals can be saved. Sad, yes, but it's reality.

  • 10 years ago

    Don't get me wrong I love animals as much as the next guy, but I wish people would be more passionate about things like poverty or world hunger than saving animals...

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