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how can i get my 17 month old to walk?
my 17 month old crawls already and he walks a little bit but im wondering if he will ever just walk. Is it odd that he doesn't walk much? Or should i be concerned?
What could i do to encourage him to more?
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years agoIs labor near for me?
I am 37 wks and 4 days with my 2nd child. I was induced with my first so i have now idea what im looking for.
For the past week my symptoms have been-
-I have been sleeping a lot.
-Feeling lots of pressure
-Very achy
-I feel like im getting sick with a cold.
-Having braxton hicks(possibly real)
-On Thanksgiving i was in pain all day long.
Does this sound anything like what you experienced? If so how long after did you go into labor?
Is there a chance i could go into labor in the next few days?
1 AnswerPregnancy8 years agoWhat if i go into labor on my own before my scheduled c-section?
I'm 34 weeks and 3 days and I am scheduled for a c section on the 10th of December. But i have already dropped and i am constantly having pains. What would the dr do if i was to go into labor on my own before my c section?
I have a dr's appointment friday. He will be doing the group b strep test and checking my cervix for dilation.
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoWhat should we name our husky pup?
we got him today and so far hes a little bashful and shy. but he is playful too. so far we have come up with:
Bashful(Bash for short)
Any suggestions?
And im not asking for you to name our dog, just asking for some suggestions. Thanks in advance.
7 AnswersDogs9 years agoWhat should i name my cake and dessert business?
im a baker and a cake decorator from south carolina and im having a hard time coming up with a clever name for my business. i make cookies, cakes(custom), bars, candies, cupcakes, and much more. any ideas are welcome. appropriate ones of course.
6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years agoShould i be friends her?
im 21 and pregnant with my second child.i have recently became friends with a 19 year old who is married to a guy i have known for 6 years and she is pregnant with her first. they are always being rude lately and making me out to be a bad person in every arguement. my question, should i continue to be friends with her?
1 AnswerFriends9 years agowhat are some mature opinions for the name Allyson Rayne?
Mature answers only. And i am spelling it that way.
7 AnswersBaby Names9 years agoIm 9 weeks pregnant and im showing like im 3 to 4 months along?
My EDD is December 23rd and im showing like im 3 or 4 months. Had an ultrasound at 7w and 3days and it only showed one baby. This is my 2nd pregnancy. Is this normal?
7 AnswersPregnancy9 years agohow accurate are clear blue pregnancy tests?
i missed my period by 11 days and today i took 2 clear blue prego tests and they both said pregnant. how accurate are the tests?
6 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoCould I be prego? Im having lots of symptoms plus what looks like implantation?
My AF was due on the 24th. I ALWAYS start on the same day every month. I have been having the following symptoms:
Constant abdominal pains, cravings, constipation, body aches, overly emotional, fatigue, headaches, severe nausea, frequent urination, mood swings. Food tastes different. My stomach has been firm for 2 weeks.
Today i got this very very light reddish pink blood with the addition of clear sticky discharge.
I have been ttc for about 2 months.
Could i be pregnant?
Also i know to take a test , im not stupid. I just need opinions.
6 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agoIs this implantation bleeding?
Today i got this reddish pink blood when i wiped. My period was due on the 24th but never came. The blood is very light. I always have a heavier period. What could this be?
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoWhat are some good ways to control my temper?
Lately i have been so moody. I take things the wrong way. I let things get to me. I take all my anger out on my fiancee. I dont wanna lose him because im a complete *****. Any ideas to on how to start controlling it a lot better?
2 AnswersMental Health9 years agoCould i be pregnant? Im have lots of symptoms?
My AF is due on the 24th. I have been having the following symptoms:
Constant abdominal pains, cravings, constipation, body aches, overly emotional, fatigue, headaches, nausea, frequent urination, mood swings. Food tasted different last night when i cooked. My stomach was firm all day yesterday and today.
I have been ttc for about 2 months.
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoConfused. Having a lot of early pregnancy symptoms ?
Headaches, moodiness, cravings, bad cramping, frequent urination, sensitivity to smells, emotional.
No tender boobs. AF is due on 24th.
Could I be pregnant?
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoPeriod is 8 days late, 3 negative hpt, whats going on?
I was due to have a period on the 7th of this month. Havent started yet. im now 11 days late. i have taken 3 tests all negative. i am sexually active, we use condoms at all times. im not on bc and i never miss a period. i never have.
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years agoPeriod is 8 days late, 3 negative hpt, whats going on?
My last period was October 7th. I am 8 days late and i have taken 3 hpt and they are all negative. What could be happening? I am sexually active but we use a condom everytime.
I dont want any negative answers.
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years agoWhat day are you taking your child trick or treating? ?
I live in greenville, sc and I was wondering of they are doing it on Monday or Saturday?
5 AnswersHalloween10 years agoWhere can I get clear Dixie cups?
I'm making jello shots for a Halloween party and I need those little plastic cups with lids. I don't have a membership at Sam's club so I was wondering where I could find them else where.
3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits10 years agoWhat are some foods i can serve at an adults halloween party?
looking for easy but spooky looking recipes. im very good at baking. and i love to cook. anything will help
6 AnswersEntertaining10 years agowhat are some foods i can serve at an adults halloween party?
me and my friend are having a halloween party and need some adult type foods and drinks. any ideas? recipes are apprieciated.
3 AnswersHalloween10 years ago