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Lv 55,972 points

Bernard Jean-Pierre

Favorite Answers13%
  • Luke 4:5-8 shows Jesus is being tried/put to the test, but then James 1:13 says that God can NOT be....?

    To me, this shows a clear distinction between Jesus and God. And in the same text of Luke 4:5-8 Jesus says that it is 'Jehovah your God whom you must worship', and not 'it is US whom you must worship'. How would you explain these scriptures?? What do they indicate to you?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you could communicate with one species of animal or insect, and use them to do things, which?

    Like if you could communicate with Dolphins and have them escort you to an island, etc. Or use ants to invade your office and get the day off of work etc. lol What species would you choose? Why? And What type of things would you do?

    10 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Are Mermaids internally conflicted about Poop?

    Gold fish for some disgusting reason find the 'droppings' of other Gold fish tasty, or atleast very interesting. If you have ever owned gold fish, then you know what I mean. Yes it is unsettling, I agree, but it happens.

    So, lets take that a step or two further and just say that Mermaids did exist.....which in theory are half man/half fish, and normally are Women like the Little Mermaid. (which is another question in itself)

    Humans on the other hand are EXTREMELY disgusted by the thought of another human using the bathroom. Half of us dont even like the idea of our OWN self going to the bathroom. Doesn't matter who is 'doing' it....Mother, Father, Sister, Cousin, Baby......poop is poop.

    So, with that in mind....Do you think Mermaids being half fish and half human, are internally conflicted?? Do you think they are equally and simultaneously interested and disgusted at the thought of other Mermaids using the bathroom??

    9 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is that many people automatically associate 'Paradise' with Heaven?? What about the Earth?

    There certainly is a Heavenly hope, and the Bible supports that very strongly. (John 14:2, Hebrews 3:1) But the Bible ALSO speaks just as strongly about a 'Paradise' and eternal life on EARTH. For example, Psalms 37:9-11 (KJV) "For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the LORD, they shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace."

    And verse 29 - NWT "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, And they will reside forever upon it."

    Furthermore, the Bible speaks of a resurrection of the 'righteous and unrighteous' (Acts 24:15) But this could not mean that these ones are resurrected to heaven, because 1) ONLY the righteous ones can enter the heavens (1 Peter 2:21) and 2) the unrighteous are to be 'judged', but the Bible says the ones who have the heavenly calling will themselves be 'kings and priest' who will be 'corulers' with Christ during the 1000 year reign. So, based on this, the Earth has to be included in the picture, because according to Isaiah 45:18 it was not created 'simply for nothing'.

    Why is the Earth often 'forgotten about' when it comes to 'Paradise' etc, when the Bible clearly shows it will play a VERY big role in the outworking of Jehovah's promises? (Matthew 6:9,10)

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • JW's - Brothers and Sisters- What if Women could have multiple husbands in Paradise??.....?

    And yes I know this will not likely happen at all, nor are the scenarios above 'ideal' or 'realistic'. I am just using the 'context' of Paradise to base this open ended question to seek opinions about the 'multiple spouse' issue, more so than the issue of 'if' or 'how' it would or would not comeo about. Thanks in advance for your reasonableness and understanding.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did it surprise anyone else to know that Teodoro Reyes was blind?

    I have listened to his music for some time now, but I just never saw him on video until just recently, and was like, 'wait a minute, is he blind?'. Nevertheless he is one of the best Bachata artist of all time if you ask me.

    3 AnswersDominican Republic1 decade ago
  • Do you think Eve was THE most Beautiful Woman Ever, or Were her daughters more Beautiful than her? Why?

    Was Even THE Most Beautiful Woman, for the simple fact that she was created DIRECTLY by Jehovah God himself and was perfect, or do you think that she had within her the potential to create a daughter more beautiful than her, albeit imperfect??

    Variation has created some painfully beautifully Women, but do you think they could compare with Eve??

    I also find it interesting that the Bible does speak specifically about certain people being physically beautiful or physically attractive - David, Tamar, Absalom, Job's daughters, Sarah, Rachel, etc. But it does not really speak of Eve in the same way, true Adam did speak poetry upon seeing her, but King Solomon wrote an ENTIRE book of poetry about a woman also. So in comparison, Adam's words alone although profound, to me do not really place Eve on the same plateau.

    What do you think? Was Eve the most attractive and beautiful for being created Directly by Jehovah? Or do you think her perfection was more related to being a 'perfect' human - in the context of function and ability, instead of just being physically attractive and beautiful??

    Or do you think that due to variation and genetic combinations that her daughters are more beautiful than her??

    41 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the Connection between a Woman's low self-esteem and Eve, the first Woman?

    I have seen over and over again, that many Women (not all though) have a very low self-esteem and self generated confidence. Even Women who are painfully beautiful still don't think much of themselves, and what is more, they don't even realize or accept the fact that they ARE beautiful!! Its so confusing and perplexing to me. Not all Women are like this, but I would certainly say that the majority of them are. Many are not comfortable at all with their appearance, those who average size think they are ugly and dispoportioned, those who are slim somehow reason that they are still rotund and fat. And those who are actually somewhat overweight usually despise themselves with a purple passion. Where did this warped view of oneself come from originally? My only guess is Eve.

    But what did Eve lose to cause her daughters to acquire such an acute sense of self-loathing??

    Since we are moving 'away' from perfection gradually, will this phenomenom get worse as time passes??

    What type of related characteristics will a 'perfect' Woman possess in the New World??

    What do you think?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In the Context of raising children, Do you think 2 Men or 2 Women are Equally Suited to Raising a Child?

    Keeping in mind the respective abilities, weaknesses, strengths etc of each one (man and woman) do you think it is possible for 2 homosexual men or 2 lesbian women to raise a child in a balanced and healthy way?

    From even the most unbiased perspective a Man and a Woman seem to provide the right 'balance' for a child. It is also the pattern you see in the Animal world, from the largest Animals to tiny insects you see the same thing, Man and Woman, Male and Female.

    The Bible shows that God joined Adam and Eve together and then told them to be fruitful and subdue the Earth. Although many people talk down on the Bible or categorize it as undated, I personally can not help but to agree with its counsel on this matter. To me 2 Men or 2 Women can not raise a child with the same level of success as a Man and Woman can simply because each member (male and female) bring different qualities that have to compliment the other.

    Men are usally the disciplinarians, the providers, the protectors etc, to balance this Women are the care takers, the emotional embrace, they have attention to details and are intuitive. Both too much of each respective members input, and the child can be raised with an unbalanced and emotionally unstable foundation.

    What do you personally think??

    Do you think 2 Men or 2 Women are just as capable of raising a child?

    Or, Do you think the most appropiate and beneficial enviroment for raising a child is composed of a Man and a Woman??

    12 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Why is it so Adorable and Attractive for a Woman to wear a Man's Dress shirt or Tshirt?? And not vice versa?

    I think deep down every Man likes to see his Woman wearing his tshirt or dress shirt, which normally seem to fit loosely on the Woman and make her look adorably cute. I don't know why this is, but it is. I think from the Man's perpespective its like the Woman saying 'I love you so much I want to surround myself in anything that reminds me of you'. And that of course (in addition to the cuteness of her wearing an oversized shirt) it produces a very attractive image.

    I think Women also enjoy wearing a Man's shirt. They seem to relish in the idea of being able to frolic about the house wearing their Man's shirt and smell his cologne that has slightly permeated the fabric. Maybe its some type of 'intimacy' thing. Or perhaps its related to 'ownership' (not as in property - lol, but like the Woman 'belongs' to the Man, and the Man 'belongs' to the Woman, etc). In any event I find this very interesting, because if a Man puts on his ladies night gown, it does NOT produce the same affect. lol!!

    A woman with a man's shirt is acceptable, even cute, and man with a woman's shirt is..........well, NOT acceptable, questionable, highly suspect and just weird. So, I wonder what the difference is???

    What do you think? Do you think it is cute and adorable for a Woman to wear a man's shirt? If so, Why? Or, Why not?

    16 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Brother's and Sister's- Is it just me or does our dear Brother Myro look like a famous Bachata artist?

    I listen to Bachata like 90% of the time when I'm not listening to Merengue and Salsa and old school R&B, and if its one thing I know, I KNOW MY BACHATA ARTISTS. And my dear brother Myro (also one of my favorite contacts) has a striking resemblance to one of my all time favorite Bachata Artists - Yoskar Sarante!?!

    Is it just me, or is there not an undeniable resemblance??

    Yoskar Sarante is a handsome fella (takes one to know one -lol) and very talented, so at the very least this is a compliment wrapped in curiosity and intrigue. lol

    See for youself....

    19 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters/Jehovah's Witnesses - Bow Ties and Fish net Stockings - are they accepted in your area?

    Ofcourse depending on your region or area or culture your answer may differ. But personally, if you saw a Brother wearing a Bowtie, or a Sister wearing 'Fish net' stockings, what would be your reaction or feelings??

    Would you have no reaction?

    Would you think its weird or different?

    Do you think its inappropiate, flashy or drawing attention to oneself?

    Do you think its classy, creative and/or nice looking?

    And on a similarly related note, about those 'fish net' looking stockings. They are not 'really' like fish net stockings, but more of a layered, designed looking stocking....atleast the ones I've seen. At first I was completely SHOCKED about the idea of a sister wearing 'fish net' stockings after another sister told me that they are worn in her congregation, but that was likely because I associated them with 'Women of the Night', not a Christian Woman. But after seeing them, I felt differently, the ones I have seen are simply 'called' fish net stockings but are not the 'typical' kind you would think of. So lesson learned for me to not jump to conclusions about anything before actually 'knowing' what it was.

    But how do you personally feel about these particular types of clothing?

    Are they accepted in your area? Or are they viewed as being 'racy', 'over the top', 'flashy', 'inappropiate' etc??

    I am not asking IF they are inappropiate, because many other factors have to be considered as well. And additionally the Bible gives us principles to apply to help us come to our own personal and Bible trained decision.

    30 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else had those 'Crazy Core' Skittles?! In the Orange Bag?! Woa!?

    I have been a long time diehard Skittles fan, and up until today my favorite were the ones in the Purple Bag, but I must admit those Crazy Core Skittles are relentlessly delicious, they are exponentially scrumptous! I have never put anything so wonderful into my digestive system. I think EVERYONE should have a bag of those right now! Stop what you are doing and go get some!

    Have you also tasted these unbelievable good candies?

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters-Jehovah's Witnesses- Do you think 'older' ones will have visible distinction in Paradise?

    The Bible shows that physically we will change - the blind will see, the lame will walk, skin will return young as in childhood etc. So eventually we all will return to the 'peak' of youth. But, there will still be some among us (in theory) who have different ages. For example: If Armageddon came tommorow there would be many people to survive ranging in age from babies to elderly ones. But after everything is restored by through the Millenial Reign, a child and an elderly person would both 'appear' to be the same age.

    So, do you think Jehovah will assign some type of 'honor of distinction' to 'older' ones? In other words those who have survived the Great Tribulation and/or the resurrected who are among those who have been serving Jehovah God the longest.

    My grandmother for example is 87(?) if we both survive the Great Tribulation there is NO way I will ever 'catch up' to her years of service, she will ALWAYS be at the very least 61 years older than me. And, Jehovah always gives honor to those who serve him. Naturally EVERYONE who survive will be counted as a 'righteous' one. But will Jehovah assign an additional 'distinction' to such 'older ones' (although appearing young) that will be a constant testimony to their faithful service to Jehovah for MANY years??

    If so, what type of distinction do you think it could be? A type of clothing or garment? A certain hair style? (like the Nazarites, etc) or perhaps they will give off a certain 'visible' glow. Perhaps Jehovah will allow us to use our 'perfect' vision to see certain colors or radiances that today we simply can not see. Perhaps like Moses, they will give off a visible glow - of course not with the intensity of Moses when seeing Jehovah's glory, but just visible enough for all to know that such ones are among the 'oldest' servants of Jehovah on Earth, and perhaps due such honor and distinction.

    What do you think?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters (Jehovah's Witnesses) what do you think of Vot's new Avatar picture?

    I think its great!

    It sums up 'From Russia With Love' so well in my opinion. It looks friendly and inviting, the hat says, 'cordial yet comfortable', the glasses say, 'intelligent', the smile speaks for itself, and the earrings say, 'fun personality'. I draw portraits so I am drawn to nice pictures, I think this one is very nice.

    What do you think about 'From Russia With Love's' new picture??







    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If Evolution is true, Why have we developed or 'evolved' so many 'useless' Traits and Abilities so Uniquely?

    If we all slowly and gradually developed into complex beings from the same basic microscopic life forms, why are we so unique, and why do we have so many 'useless traits'? (contextually speaking)

    Humans do not need to appreciate Art or Music to survive, so exactly why did we just so happen to randomly start developing such an ability?? And why is it so unique? A dog can not appreciate a Musical composition. A Dolphin can not extract the figurative and literal language of a Poem or fictional story. Even the most intelligent Apes can not appreciate the comedic value of a well timed joke, or sarcasm.

    So what is the purpose of such traits? They are NOT necessary for survival, because millions of other creatures have survived just fine without them. And why did we develop such abilities so uniquely if we came from the same evolutionary 'starting point'?

    If we did in fact evolve from Apes, why don't they possess those same abilities? There are only a few Apes that can even recognize there own face in a mirror. If we came from them, why did they 'stop' developing those traits? Supposedly evolution takes Millions or Billions of years, but should there not be atleast 'some' creatures at the 'beginning', 'middle' and 'end' of that process?? If we came from Apes and we are more complex and intelligent then they are, I would conclude that we are probably closer toward the 'end' of that process. So, logic would dictate that there has to be a 'beginning' and 'middle' too. So where are the 'intermediaries'???

    To me Evolution just does not answer those questions sufficiently. Humans are simply too unique and we have a desire to know the unknown (a Spiritual need). I do not see how that much complexity and uniqueness just evolved.

    How would you explain this?

    35 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Here And Now by Luther Vandross is one of the most perfect songs for a Married couples first dance? Yes or no?

    There are others that are great too: 'Always and Forever', 'One in Million', 'Stairway to Heaven', 'Ribbon in the Sky', etc. But 'Here and Now', just gives me chills every time I here it. It is to me one of the most perfect wedding dance songs of all time. Its not too slow, not too fast, the lyrics fit completely, its builds to a perfect climax, and for crying out loud, its Luther Vandross!!

    Do you agree with this??

    14 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters (JW's) What Physical Trait do you most like about yourself? Which do you dislike?

    If you name one thing you dislike, you have to name something you like as well. So, don't beat yourself up, I won't allow it.

    Personally, I like my eyes and my top lip (only the top one) but I don't like my index and middle fingers, nor my walk.

    What about you?

    Please Star for others

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • True or False - Telvin Campbell set the standard of Modern day R&B for Solo Male Artists?

    Modern day as in 90's to 2000's.

    His "I'm Ready" Album to me is just perfect R&B.

    What do you think? True or False

    9 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade ago
  • If you were locked into a room with a Lion, a Bible, a Flashlight, a Surfboard, a Bike and a Elvis Costume?

    The Lion is on the other side of a very big room and the only exit is a Window too high for you to reach on your own.

    What would you do to survive?

    How would you use the items mentioned to escape or survive the Lion?

    Bike as in bicycle, not motor bike.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago