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Lv 43,188 points

Anthony T

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  • Electrical problem on 2001 Subaru outback?

    Electrical problem on 2001 Subaru outback?

    Electrical problem

    2001 Subaru Outback 4 cyl All Wheel Drive Automatic

    I checked out this car and did a draw test on battery. it was good but the starter would drop volatge below 4V when cranking. Seems like a bad starter, but,

    I noticed with the lights on, the two relays would rattle like going on/off many times a second.

    I drove it after a jump, and the battery and brake lights went on and off spuratically. I turned on the blower motor and when the two dash lights went on, the motor increased in revs. a few times when they were off, the ABS light would come on. After a few miles, the guages started to fail then come on simultaniously, and once, the ignition went dead for a second and started firing again. The lights dim and brighten and when the switch is off (daylight sensor only), they would come on and off.

    I tested resistance between alternator and battery, and it was at 3mV. a bit high, the alternator charged at 13.9 and 14.5 when reved, but then, would cut and charge at 12.9 and 13.6 when reved out of the blue. Very strange.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why are emission tests unreliable, yet the testers act like they know it all? One couldn't even find the DLC.

    I failed emissions and then circled around and went to a different test stall and passed.

    I warmed up the engine and drove a bit prior to getting tested.

    I had tested it as well with my 4 gas analyzer and it was within specs.

    Also, there was no line so I didn't have to sit and idle at all.

    This has happened to me three times in three different vehicles (no fords) in the last 10 years. One was a Chevy sprint, one was a '77 vette L48, one was an Olds Delta 88.

    I believe the tests are not accurate or the equipment is miscalibrated, or it's just a money making scheme for the State and Certified Emissions Repair Services.

    Also, the last one I took through, ('84 500SEL) failed miserably, Like by 1000%. I threw a tune up and adjusted the timing (which was out 20 degrees) and it ran great so I went for it. This time though, I idled for about 20 minutes while they couldn't input the title data. (this car had never had emissions not required where it came from). Also didn't run it prior.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Taboo most cultures agree?

    Why does every culture in the world share this belief:

    "Never pick a stranger's scab"?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago