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Why do my friends say that I'm nasty because I'm a man that loves to eat p*$$y? Women do it for us so why shouldn't we do for them?
I love the way you taste, I love the way it looks and smells. Believe it or not if you look it up there some health benefits, for those of the men who are unaware of it, look it up. I'm sorry but I can't help pleasing women that love it.
My friends think I'm this disgusting person for eating p*$$y. I sincerely hope they change their mind, because they're missing out. Lol.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years agoHow am I a racist, when I told my friend to stop calling me ***** in every speech, yet he s?
There is this guy that I ve known for years.
Everytime we re having a conversation, rather than call me by name he ll say *****.
I told him to stop calling me *****, I told him to call me by my name.
His excuse is that he grew up luke that. BS, he s Italian-American on his mother s side, his dad is Puerto Rican but ge doesn t know his dad, his mom raised him.
He passes for white saying ***** all the time.
When I ve told him to stop, he tells that racist.
I told him I m not racist, I just don t like it.
I told him just because you hear some black people say it, doesn t give you the right to say it and or appropriate their culture.
I just don t like that word. It makes me feel less than.
If he was smart, the origin of the word was to treat degrade and treat blacks as if they were ignorant and less then.
Peoole think ***** is different from niqqer when it s not.
***** should never be ysed as an endearing term to greet friends.
1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups3 years agoDid you know 10 years, a new black hip hop artist will be rare? Aren't black people overue for a new genre of music?
You have people from all walks of life in hip hop today. Even though hip hop musin was created by blacks in the bronx, hip hop will be taken over by white people, Latinos, Asians, biracials, etc.
When this happens, it will no longer be just black culture anymore.
3 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop3 years agoI don't understand, why would my mother call me a bigot or racist?
I'm not a racist. A racist is a person that feels they're superior to other races but their own.
Me as a human being, it's only natural that people stick to their own king. I don't care for every person in my race, but I deal with some of the ones that I like in my race.
I don't like all black people or white people, however I pick and choose the black and white
That I want around me.
Whites never gave me much of an issue, but I always get it from black people. You can't say anything around them because they'll attack
I'm tired of being picked on by them, ridiculed and disrespected by black people.
They say America is a free country, but not
Around black people. They pick and choose what you can say too them and around them.
Even growing up in Brooklyn,NY all they would do
Is pick and harass me for no reason.
Do black people not have other solutions?
Is violence the way for every situation?
Just today someone thought I was looking at him and I wasn't, I was looking both ways before I crossed the street.
Some black guy was telling me where to look.
All I told him was that I wasn't looking at him.
His mind wasn't wrapped too tight.
Like most black people, his defence mechanism got the best of him, do the fact that black people are emotional people.
Their minds aren't as fully developed, as apposed to white people.
I guess it's safe to say, you can take gorillas out of the jungle, but you can't force them to be civilized and use their brains.
7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups4 years agoWhy do some men have the gift for gab when it comes to getting girls, but some guy flunk at it, no matter how hard they try?
I'm always rejected by girls, but I see how other day things that turn women on, but
With me it doesn't work.
I'm in my early thirties and this s*** should not be happening to me like that.
I just want to give up so bad, but another part of me doesn't want to.
I refuse to me a nice guy, but I don't want
To be a bonehead or jerk off either.
Something has got to work, I've tried everything, nothing works.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoWhy is French so hard for me to learn? I can read English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Latin, Swahili, just fine.?
But French is very difficult. Is there are foreign language program to help me read read French?
I'm a quick learner. I've always wanted to learn the language or love. I plan on visiting Quebec someday, but need to learn French first.
3 AnswersLanguages4 years agoWhen will non whites world wide realize that miscegenation with the white race equals white genocide?
Think about it for a moment. White people are the only people in the world that can only produce their own color.
I'm not white and I see what's going on.
The birth rate is getting lower, and more white women are having babies outside their race than the white men.
When whites become a minority, their going to live in fear, and they'll do anything to survive.
Why do you think most whites that are racist hate those who are not white?
They're afraid of black vengeance, black retribution, their benefits that goes with white privilege, and an entire racist society to preserve their race.
I have three friends that use to be racist.
They all came from racist families. They revealed everything to me and they were pretty honest.
I don't support racism, but I support the idea of one sticking with their own kind.
For example if blacks keep mixing up their race, then theirs no more black people, the same goes for other races.
If whites are a dying breed leave them alone.
4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups4 years agoWhy do some women penis shame men with small willies, cheat on them, yet live with these men, and spend their hair earned cash?
It isn't right or fair. That doesn't give a woman the prerogative to vility a man based on his endowment.
Some of these women have unhealthy pH balance. If a man said that or tells his pals about it, then he's the devil himself.
If they are with a man with a big one, they wouldn't go pick on them or vilify them like that.
If God gave a man a choice on the ideal penis size, every man would pick the big one.
Some chicks have smelly *******. If a man said that, he's the devil himself.
3 AnswersGender Studies4 years agoWhy am I called a racist because I don't date Puerto Rican women anymore and prefer white women?
To me Puerto Rican women are not very bright at using birth control methods, their extremely hard headed and indigent. I'll never have money in my pocket, because they have to all of it.
Their similar to black women, only less ratched, their hair is real. It's like having two kinds of girlfriends when dating a Puerto Rican woman,
when she's angry at you, she'll speak in Spanish, when she's happy she'll speak in
1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years agoWhy do most Cubans identify themselves as 65 percent white, when most Cubans are 51 percent mulatto?
Go to any library or legit internet source,
excluding wikipedia or,
you will see that their sources show that 51 percent are mulatto, 37 percent are white, 11 percent are black, and only 1 percent are Chinese.
17 years ago mulattoes were 51 percent. Now their 24 percent?
No way did their number fall so small.
Unless their are mulattoes in Cuba who pass
for white and classify themselves as white.
This would never happen in America due to the one drop rule.
White Americans are the majority the USA, and even their numbers are getting smaller.
2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups4 years agoHow do I erase old questions from yahoo answers?
I have old questions I no longer want.
Some questions are just there and no one has answered it.
It's a waste for me to ask some questions and no one has answered it yet.
4 AnswersYahoo Answers4 years agoHow do I deal with someone who doesn't mind his business, by telling me I need a girlfriend, yet I never see him with one?
I'm single and I've been single for six years. I like women, but don't want any strings attached.
He has complained about it to me three times already. I'm tired of it, just like I'm tired of people telling me what to incorporate in my life or how to live it.
I'm dealing with a person who brags about having sex with over 400 women, he says he don't need it, but I never see him with any women to back up his claims.
All his buddies and pals are single, but he doesn't talk to them like that.
Please help me anyone. If need be I need semantics.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoHow do I deal with complicated people that likesto lie, manipulate and contradict you?
There's this guy that I see every now and then.
I don't know whether to still call him a friend.
Everytime I tell him something, he contradicts me
all the time.
If I startspeak in big words, he'll get mad or ask me questions where I've learned the word from.
He's older than me, but he's more of a street
person. He makes fun of the way that I talk, because I'm not the average urban Hispanic/latino with an accent.
I can indent very well. I never asked to hang out with this guy. My twin bro use to hang out with him, but occasionally. This is due to the guy introducing my bro to unsavory people.
His fat slob sisters have no respect for me.
I've seen them for years and they've never
gave me the time of day, until I started hanging out with this guy.
Like most females, they'll try to get familiar with me, treat me like trash, degrade me, undermine me, and start groping me by touching my a$$, and she already has man. She also calls me a liar.
I confronted this guy about this three times,
and he keeps taking his sister's side, by saying she's just playing around, like most men that I know that says that.
He doesn't work, he doesn't go to school, do anything with his life.
He keeps saying that he has four felonies and that there is no way of in bettering his life.
He treats me as if everything that I've ever learned is all hogwash.
I'm gullible sometimes and trying to fight it.
Whether it be male or female no one has
the right to be sexualized and disrespected
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years agoWhat do your call a person who is obviously annoying, unwelcomed, but still shows up to other peoples home?
I need this word badly, I can't remember that word. That's bad.
8 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 years ago