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Aristotle Reginald Tesla
Anonymity is a beautiful thing isn't it? I have no clue why Y!A says I'm posting from Singapore. It just does. I am not a left-handed atheist from Singapore. I'm an ambidextrious atheist from the US. I made a lame cartoon: The real me being boring: I KAN PWAY PWETTEE MOOSEK!!!!!
Why does my sim have soup stuck on his hand?
My Sims 3 game has glitched in a way that shows a bowl of soup stuck on one of my sims' hands. I have tried waiting, changing his outfit and restarting the game, but neither worked. The sim will age up soon, which might cause the sim to shed his soup, but I would rather not wait and see.
Here's a video of my stupid glitch:
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWhy is football so important to American culture?
5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade agoSims 3 guitar problem.?
My sim somehow put its guitar down at another sim's house. Now I cannot put the damn thing back in my sim's inventory. I tried giving my sim the kleptomaniac trait, but because the item is still registered as my sim's property, it cannot steal back the guitar. Is there any way to fix this without having to buy a new guitar?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoAlright, so what do I say if he brings it up again?
Recently one of my friends asked me what religion I am, and I told him that I am not religious and I don't believe in a god. His response was as if I had said I was a flying purple hippopotamus that sits on babies. The conversation continued to him trying figure out how it was possible that someone wasn't religious. I tried to avoid getting into a long debate over it for several reasons, but was entirely unsuccessful at changing the subject.
If he brings it up again, would saying 'I respect your beliefs and hope for you to respect mine, or rather my lack-thereof' work for preventing further debate?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat is wrong with admitting one does not know?
I apologize for it is a bit longer than I expected.
Why must some people when dealing with things they cannot currently explain try to explain it by invoking some sort of paranormal entity, be it ghosts, aliens, or a god, and when someone DOES admit that in fact that cannot explain an event these people take it as an admission of the existence of whatever they claim explains the unexplained.
When an event cannot be explained, it simply means that it is not yet explained. It does not mean that there is no explanation, nor does it mean that it cannot be explained, and it most certainly does not mean that the even must be the work of the paranormal.
Often a formerly unexplainable phenomenon can be explained with advances in technology and a furthered understanding of physical and natural laws, but this is explanation is sometimes met by resistance from those who wish to cling to their paranormal 'explanation' while failing to see that their 'explanation' does little more than hide the problem.
And just because somebody admits to not knowing everything by does not mean that they are stupid, uneducated, or ignorant.
I was going somewhere with this, but whatever, it's already too long.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSpiritually bored is there such a thing as a conspiracy theory that actually kinda makes sense?
'Cause every one I've ever heard is just funny.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoI am re-posting my little game. Who wants to play again?
It got deleted last time before I could finish.
The following links are images of six people, three theist, and three atheist/agnostic. Whoever can guess who is what wins.
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoEhrm, does this make sense to anyone here?
I got a message in Arabic which read "طلب صغير تصلى على النبى وتبعتها لكل اللى عندك حتى لوانا منهم" which according to Google Translate roughly translates to "A small application praying to the Prophet and followed by all who you have, even to them Wana". Clearly this isn't the best translation, but can anyone here make sense of it?
4 AnswersEgypt1 decade agoEhrm, does this make sense to anyone here?
I got a message in Arabic which read "طلب صغير تصلى على النبى وتبعتها لكل اللى عندك حتى لوانا منهم" which according to Google Translate roughly translates to "A small application praying to the Prophet and followed by all who you have, even to them Wana". Clearly this isn't the best translation, but can anyone here make sense of it?
I ask this here because it seems to have some sort of religious meaning.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSo, what do you think about 'Ancient Astronaut Theory'?
Wikipedia explains it as "According to certain authors, intelligent extraterrestrial beings called ancient astronauts or ancient aliens have visited Earth, and this contact is connected with the origins or development of human cultures, technologies, and religions."
I explain it as "Take any religion/mythology and replace the name of every supernatural figure with 'alien' and any tool used by them with 'alien tool/craft'. If there is any event in history that cannot be currently explained, don't bother because aliens did it. Oh, and don't all these cave drawings look like spacesuits and/or stereotypical aliens?"
16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSpiritually paranoid, is the yamster reading my e-mail?
I sent my friend an e-mail a long time ago and he sent his response on June 20th, but I just got the e-mail yesterday. What gives? Where did it go for those 20 days it took to reach my virtual inbox? Is this normal?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAlright, I'll admit it. I am secretly a Stainist...?
I worship the mighty Stain. It makes Its presence known in the laundry where It clings to the threads of your coverings and refuses to be lifted no matter how much bleach you pour in It.
All hail the mighty Stain.
2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSpiritually scared, there are bananas growing in my backyard and I am an atheist. What do I do?
The impending pile of disgusting rotting bland yellow mush is really a nightmare.
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo Creationists take logic and then they throw it on the ground?
So I was sittin' in a classroom and the science teacher says we goin' to be studyin' evolution and I says "Evolution? What do you take me for? Some chump who believes everything I'm told? Listen up, the bible says dat goddit! I ain't a part of yo system!" and then I took his book and I THREW IT ON THE GROUND!
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo people who use Pascal's wager think that they are the first to have ever come up with it?
Or did they get it off some website or lecture somewhere or are they just trying to be annoying?
10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs there anything that I do wrong while playing the piano?
I'm a self-taught pianist and I want to know what I do wrong. Here are a couple of videos of me playing:
Any tips, suggestions, criticisms are greatly appreciated. I ask what I'm doing wrong because knowing what I need to change is going to help me way more than knowing what I don't.
3 AnswersClassical1 decade agoWho here knows the true story behind these photos?
Here's one of them:
There's a false story, and then there's what really happened. Who here knows the latter?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago'ello creationists of R&S, who wants to debate?
Just post your best evidence and arguments and I'll see if I can refute them tomorrow.
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago