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  • Breaking a lease rental property?

    If a tenant breaks a one year lease, the lease was up in March 2015 broke lease September 2014 are we obligated by law (state of Tennesee) to pay back the security deposit? it was 750.00

    9 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Flight attendant jobs, need advice PLEASE?

    I am 57 years old and noticed that many of the flight attendants now are older, I've never been a flight attendant but wonder what my chances would be, how hard to get into this field etc... I am female with exclusive customer service skills.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • Property Management Question?

    I have recently taken over managing our properties, is it okay for me to have them fill out an application first to pre-screen, check references, credit etc... before I show them the property? I have the home listed on craigslist and have told callers that they are welcome to drive by the home, which currently is occupied, if they are interested I am mailing them an application first to pre screen. I had bad luck last go round with showing the home only to find out the perspective tenants had horrible credit etc...

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago

    I've decided to homeschool my teen son for the last two years of high school, we both (my son and I) agree this will be the best way for him to complete high school. He moved from Oregon to Tennesee, and doesn't like the high school, hates it. He has had problems with grades, I feel it will be a better fit for him right now, plus homeschooling is much more popular and the success rate is very high.

    My husband works over seas, and I know he wouldn't approve, husband is step father. I don't want to tell him, afraid the Sh@t will hit the fan. I do feel it's my right to do as I please with my son, and that he should agree with me, but very, very afraid to say anything, should I tell him?

    7 AnswersFamily8 years ago

    I put on fifteen pounds in the last two years, main changes, not working now, menopause etc...

    ever since I went from a size four to a size 9 I AM NOT TREATED THE SAME. There have been comments made like, "wow you look different" one woman said ever time I see you, you just keep getter bigger and bigger.

    I have found that I am not treated the same, like I was before it's as if my weight gain has been looked upon as a weakness, and that I am no longer cute and petitte but frumpy. I am part of a ladies group where I've noticed those who thought I looked cute or tiny now look at me as if I am a tubby loser. I plan on working out soon to get back into shape. Just curious as what to say to someone who points out that you have gained weight, and that wow you looked so good before etc...

    43 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago

    We have a friend who dominates the conversation no matter what, he talks about himself constantly, never letting anyone else take part in speaking, and if someone does try to pipe up he will talk right over them not even listening to what they just said. He is an older man in his late 50's so chances are he isn't going to change. Just wondering if anyone has some suggestions that may give him the hint he needs to listen to others.

    4 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • New Zealand beach resorts where to go?

    We have never been to New Zealand but would like to travel there and stay at a beach resort, not sure what area to go, looking at a location where the weather is going to be the warmest, what time of year to go etc... Thank you!!

    2 AnswersOther - Destinations8 years ago
  • Should I move back to Oregon?

    I am getting custody of my son who is 16, he doesn't want to leave the state he is living in right now, which is Oregon to relocate to Tennesee, he would like to finish high school there. Most of my family want me to leave, move to Oregon temporarily until he completes high school. I feel very horrible because it's causing a ton of conflict in between my family, and my husband. I don't want to up-root him from his friends, school etc...but my home now is Tennesee. My husband said that if my son wants to stay in Oregon, that I can't go there, financial reasons, would have to find home, car etc...

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • What to do about slanderous FACEBOOK posts?

    My son doesn't like my husband, long story short we are living out of the country where husband works, son wants me to come back to the USA to live. I want to come home since where I am living is a very difficult place to be (saudi arabia) all freedoms I am used to in the states are forbidden here.

    I am planning on going back this summer but want it to be permanent my husband said that if I decide to do this that we may as well legally separate, and feels I am choosing my family over him, I am 55 years old by the way. I really detest living in SA, and have told him over and over again. Getting to the facebook remarks... My son called my husband a f ing sob, and the worse part was he said, "why don't you go back to costa rica and buy yourself a new wife, then continued to expose my husbands past, and aired some very dirty laundry. NOW ALL OF FACEBOOK FRIENDS KNOW. We both deleted our accounts. My son now won't speak with me and I am torn between staying with my husband and leaving a country that may as well be prison for me, or going back home. My other boys are there too, age 16 and 20. (I would see husband every three to four months in the states, and could come back to SA to visit, but he dosen't want to be apart).

    Family8 years ago

    I need to leave my husband (we live in Saudi Arabia) to take care of my 16 year old son who lives in the United States with his grown brothers. My eldest son who will be 25 has guardianship because his father will not let our 16 year old live with him. (dad is a drunk) my son no longer wants to be his guardian and requested that I come back to the states.

    My husband wanted my son to move here so we could all be together, but I don't want my son to uproot, leave his high school friends, etc...Husband is very upset that I want to leave and won't speak with me right now. We will still be able to see eachother but only every five months. I feel he is being selfish not me, what do you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Retin A cream questions?

    How long does it take to see results from using retin a cream and does it help with deep lines on forhead, and lines around the mouth?

    1 AnswerMakeup8 years ago

    I have a son who will be 16 in March, his father has full custody yet will not allow the child to live with him, (kicked him out) he has been living with his 25 year old brother who has temporary guardianship until I can get to the USA to obtain custody. I am remarried and live in Saudi Arabia where my husband works, he is also from USA.

    My family pretty much expects me to leave my husband and live in the USA so that my son won't have to move out of the country, (I totally understand this) but very torn and upset, I really want to live in the states and take care of him there, but my husband feels bringing him here would be a great experience, we would be able to travel my son would attend the international school here and meet people from all over the world, but I really don't want to up root him especially to a place like Saudi. My husband would like us to all be together as a family here and not be apart from his wife etc... but I don't want this at all. If my son did come here it would be for the school year only we would both spend summers at home in the USA.

    4 AnswersFamily8 years ago

    I sent my Mom a private email through my yahoo account, the email contained a song I recorded that I wanted to share with her. Mom decided without my permission to post it on facebook, she sent me a message saying "hope you aren't mad, but I posted your song" It wasn't that upsetting to me that she posted it, the worst part is that NO ONE, not even my family listened to it, liked it etc... I feel really humiliated now. The song was dedicated to the children in CT who were killed. It just makes me feel a little sad that no one took time to even listen. What do you think?

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • How do you pray for someone who is evil?

    I don't know how to deal with my husband's hatred, he is and has become so mean that it hurts my heart just to listen to him the filth that comes out of his mouth IS THAT OF SATAN, He in general is a grumpy mean man.

    He is 56 years old so he probably won't change! but lately I just can't stand to be around him and end up going in another room when he starts to rant. I am disgusted at his behaviour and don't know what else to do but pray for him. He almost needs an excorcist! I feel like annointing him with oil while he is sleeping, what should I do, or how should I pray?

    I feel so hateful toward him that I was thinking about getting a voo-doo doll and sticking pins in it, BUT THIS PROBABLY ISN'T THE ANSWER. HELP!!!

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How to deal with hatred?

    I am married to a man who has become very hateful about everything, he uses foul language daily, every other word is F this, son of a B this, he never has anything positive to say. He is judgemental of others and takes no interest in listening, conversations are always one sided.

    He talks politics about 90 percent of the time and if I tell him "can we change the subject?" he goes on about 'thats what's wrong with american today everyone wants to bury their head in the sand!" blah blah blah!!

    On a recent vacation to beautiful Como Italy, all he did was talk government, his hatred for the president etc... I don't know how to shut him up.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago

    My husband and I are visiting London for the first time next month, looking for a nice hotel medium priced with old fashioned charm, with a pub close by.

    2 AnswersLondon9 years ago

    I've been married for two years to a man who won't stop talking about HIM if I try to talk about my interests he pretty much ignores me then continues to talk my damned ear off.

    He will get mad if I bring it up and say something like..."well I just won't talk anymore" he is easily insulted if you point anything out even if it's constructive criticism.

    Tonight alone he has spent three hours blabbing about himself!!! I usually walk away after awhile, but really wish our conversations would be more interesting.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago

    I am an American women living in Saudi Arabia, monthly we have ladies group that meet for coffee and chit chat etc...

    The last time I attended was horrible for me as one of the ladies in the group she is from Korea pointed out that she couldn't get over that each time she sees me I just keep getting "BIGGER AND BIGGER!" and that I needed to excercise.

    I weighed 122 pounds when she first met me, now weigh 138. I don't want to go to the next gathering because she is always there I don't want to get upset again by her insensitive comments but don't want to isolate myself from socializing.

    I don't know what I may say to her if she insults me again, and if she does what would you say?

    5 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago

    I am 55 years old and for the last week my breasts have been sore and heavy as if I am 16 again, not on any medication.

    Not sure what's going on!

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago