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Lv 42,735 points

Martin Neville

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I am 24 years old. I have been married for over five years. I am a strong Bible believing Christian. Moderate politican. I am a Christian apologetic and a Theologian. I am opposed to any form of racism. I am patriotic and devoted to my country. God bless America! I believe in the literal return of Jesus Christ and a literal heaven and hell.

  • New parents: How did you feel the first few days with a new baby in the house? We just had twins.?

    Me and my wife had twins: one boy and one girl last week on Sunday, March 3. We got to bring the babies home on Thursday and the first few days we have enjoyed. Its amazing after nearly six years of marriage to have children. Its always been my dream and even though it was an unplanned pregnancy you can feel Gods amazingness and blessings.

    How was your feelings at having children for the first time? Do you remember the joy of having babies?

    5 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • I visited the Creation Museum and was amazed. It really opens your eyes to how silly evolutionism is?

    Saturday I visited the Creation Museum in Kentucky with my family and it was amazing. The exhibits are awesome and true science is displayed. I have never seen such an amazing display of science, amazing facts, and refutes to Evolution before. It really opens your eyes to how foolish evolutionism really is. Some of the exhibits really make a laughing stock out of the idea men came from ape like creatures. I had some possible belief in Evolution before but this museum has defiantly blow that to bits.

    Have you ever visited? What was your view? I know few atheists will visit since it exposes their false theories and thougths but how does the Christians enjoy this?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Do you feel feminism has destroyed marriage and culture? I have a traditional wife and successful marriage?

    I see the rise of feminism and the liberal views on women and marriage as a huge factor in the rise of divorce rates and failed marriages. At one time, divorce was rare because women knew they were supposed to honor their husbands and love and support them. Men and women had unique roles in marriage. Women cared for their men and raised the children and done her traditional work. Women were valued and were supposed to be advisors for their husbands. The husband is supposed to be the head of his household, the head of his wife and children, and center of the home. The woman was supposed to have the major role of running the house on a domestic level. Women honored their husbands and husbands loved their wives. Adultery was rare.

    Today women have reversed the roles and tried to overrule their husbands contrary to nature, leading to arguments, women taking over houses leading to lax morals and decreased values. Sex before marriage is out of control and divorce rates skyroket. Women no longer want to do their duty as a mans helpmate and caretaker and do roles nature did not intend for them to do leading to collapsing families and short marriages.

    My wife, being of good Orthodox Christian upbrining and having wise parents and grandparents, is a good wife and a rare breed of women. She still respects me as her husband and her head. She, currently 34 weeks pregnant with twins, for five years has honored me and treated me well. I have done the same for her and loved her. She is my closest friend and my most trusted advisor in all things. We bond over Bible, dinner, and deep love for each other. She always has a hot meal for me when I come home and always keeps our home tidy. She files her role perfectly and our marriage is very strong because of our rules, morals, virtue, and respect for each other.

    Do you feel the strains feminism has caused on marriage and divorce? The whole thing is cheapened today!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • My wife is due in five weeks with twins and we are getting nervous? How did you spend these last few weeks?

    My wife is 35 weeks pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl we discovered. We are really nervous and excited both. We have the nursery done and ready for the babies to come home. How did you spend your last few weeks before birth? Does it make for an exciting moment? Do you remember this moment?

    4 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Whats the major differences between Anglican Christian and Orthodox Christian?

    Both seem very similar. Both reject the sinful notion of the Pope being a perfect, "sub-God", and the leader of his church. Both historically agreed that the local language was the best way for Christians to learn about God (the Roman Catholics until recently believed only Latin was acceptable for reading the Bible in and worshiping in). They both allow their priests to marry and have families. They both have strong views of worship.

    So what are the major and minor differences that seperate these two large faiths?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Has feminism help to increase divorce rates? I am blessed to have a traditional wife. What is your view?

    I see the rise of feminism and the liberal views on women and marriage as a huge factor in the rise of divorce rates and failed marriages. At one time, divorce was rare because women knew they were supposed to honor their husbands and love and support them. Men and women had unique roles in marriage. Women cared for their men and raised the children and done her traditional work. Women were valued and were supposed to be advisors for their husbands. The husband is supposed to be the head of his household, the head of his wife and children, and center of the home. The woman was supposed to have the major role of running the house on a domestic level. Women honored their husbands and husbands loved their wives. Adultery was rare.

    Today women have reversed the roles and tried to overrule their husbands contrary to nature, leading to arguments, women taking over houses leading to lax morals and decreased values. Sex before marriage is out of control and divorce rates skyroket. Women no longer want to do their duty as a mans helpmate and caretaker and do roles nature did not intend for them to do leading to collapsing families and short marriages.

    My wife, being of good Orthodox Christian upbrining and having wise parents and grandparents, is a good wife and a rare breed of women. She still respects me as her husband and her head. She, currently 34 weeks pregnant with twins, for five years has honored me and treated me well. I have done the same for her and loved her. She is my closest friend and my most trusted advisor in all things. We bond over Bible, dinner, and deep love for each other. She always has a hot meal for me when I come home and always keeps our home tidy. She files her role perfectly and our marriage is very strong because of our rules, morals, virtue, and respect for each other.

    Do you feel the strains feminism has caused on marriage and divorce? The whole thing is cheapened today!

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • A woman I had an affair with who nearly wrecked my marriage is too close. I want rid of her. I love my wife?

    Long back story short" My marriage went trough a very weak spell in late 2011 and things were falling apart. In January 2012 I had a brief affair with another woman I was close too. We slept together a few times and I would make excuses to go see her. In early February I decided after my wife had a ill spell of health I wanted her instead, so I ended by affair and focused on saving my five year marriage. Me and my wife worked out our problems, started back at church again, and since made a fresh happy start. I confessed to my priest about my affair, we prayed about it, and he told me to forgive myself and make peace and not to tell my wife. He said its best she does not know as God has already forgiven me and that I need to focus on my wife instead of the affair.

    Well my ex-lover faded away for months until yesterday. Yesterday evening we ran into her while we was eating. She spoke to us. My wife knows her a little but not much. My wife has no idea I had an affair at all with this woman. I took my priests advice, made peace with it, and never mentioned it to my wife. I do not want this woman nearby. But I learned today shes planning to apply for a job at the phramacy in town. Shes got an apartment in town now (she was living 10 minutes away). I cannot have this woman in my town and running around. Its ackward she reminds me of my sin against my wife. I am in love with my wife. Shes now 34 weeks pregnant with twins and me and my wife are looking forward to being parents.

    What do I do? How do I handle this? Just avoid this other woman? I have lived here my whole life and worked at my place for years. I do not want this other seedy whorish 19 year old girl to wreck my marriage.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Why did my wife have to take US citizen test if her father was a US citizen and her mother was not?

    Long story short: my father in law was a 19 year soilder with the US Army in Ukraine in 1990, he had a fling with a Ukrainian teenager and she got pregnant. They marry, my wife is born in Kiev, Ukraine in July 1991. They raise her and her sisters in the Ukraine until he is discharged and they return home in 1999 with my wife and her siblings and my mother in law.

    In 2010, we went through all kinds of trouble to prove my wifes citizenship and she had to take a test and get naturalized. I always thought the fact her father was a US Citizen she had automatic citizenship through him? Is there a way she was not? Was it her illegitimate status or the fact she was born in a Soviet nation?

    3 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Where is the strangest place you and your spouse have had sex?

    We have done it on the beach in Ukraine, our backseat of our car, and even in the bathroom at the hospital before. Where is the strangest place you and your spouse?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Does your spouse sleep rough? Or do you both sleep comfortably?

    Me and my wife both lay pretty still. Shes 33 weeks pregnant so sleeping has became a little more rough for her.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Have you ever seen your best friend naked?

    How long you been friends and what was the circumstances?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Protestants trace their roots through the Trial of Blood and Baptists. Did you ever read these exciting facts?

    I am revising information in my book about the Baptist Succession through the "Trial of Blood" from the apostles to the 1600s when the name "Baptist" was given to the Christians who had hide and struggle for their lives during the Middle Ages. I have learned a lot about the Paulicans and Waldosenians during the Middle Ages and how they kept Christian traditions alive despite the organization of Middle Ages Catholicism. I have also studied deeply the religious world of Queen Elizabeth I one of my heroes.

    Are you interested in the history of your church? Do you know many other Protestant churches owe a lot to the Christians who lived and survived and kept the gospel going through the Trial of Blood from 300 AD to the 1600's? The core beliefs of Christ and the very words of God were preserved in the Greek and Latin Bibles of these brave Christians so they could be presented to us without the corrupt Jerome Vulgar editions.

    My weekly Bible study group had an in depth lesson this week on the horrors of the persecutions and how most Protestants were burned at the stake. On October 21, 1356 over 5,000 Baptists and other Christians were burned in one day in Florence, Italy. The Vatican controlled media has prevented these facts from being seen in a lot of history books but the writers of the Reformation defiantly wrote about them and their records have survived!

    Did you find this amazing? Did you know we owe a lot to those who survived the Trial of Blood?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What is the theme of your babies nurseries? We are using angels and bears for our twins a boy and a girl.?

    My wife is 33 weeks pregnant and due Thursday, March 7. We having twins a boy and a girl we just learned that last week. We moved into our new apartment (two up, two down) and are fixing the front bedroom into a nursery for the twins. We have decided to use bears and angels as a theme for the babies room and been working the last week getting it together.

    What themes did you use for your babies nurseries?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • My packcheck is smaller this year thanks to Obamacare. Honest question how did this help working people?

    Well now that new taxes are in effect for Obama care, my paycheck got smaller. I work hard. I am a honest man. My wife of almost six years is 32 weeks pregnant with twins. She no longer works. I work 50-55 hours a week and barely get by. We have rent, bills, and groceries and soon will have the expenses of the babies on us. I work myself to death and get no benefits. The liberal welfare refused to help me since they say I make too much money which is a lie since I barely get by. The welfare can give help to any black or Mexican or drug user but not me but hey liberals don't care.

    Well last year my checks was barely getting us by, now that the Obama care tax has reduced them its going to be harder. So honestly how did this help working people? I am not trying to start a fight I just want to know? Be honest?

    Next year how is forcing me to buy insurance going to help me? My expenses are now keeping me broke and counting pennies next year we may have to go without lights or water thanks to the Obama care forcing another expenses on us. I just don't understand how this plan helped. I do support healtcare and helping the poor get medical treatment. But this plan is obviously a failure.

    My boss is also affected and said his check went down too when I asked him why the extra expense and he told me that Obamacare was responsible.

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • My in laws want us to bring our twins to the Orthodox Church to be raised. Me and wife are Baptists. Help?

    Me and my wife are expecting twins in five weeks time. Her parents are strict Orthodox and my wife was raised Orthodox and I met her when I was a Orthodox Christian. But after we married, we left Orthodoxy (the church was against our remarriage as I was divorced). We did briefly consider returning to the Orthodox Church during the summer and hunted around for a church but we returned to Baptist. We love the Baptist Church and my study of history shows that the Baptist Church traces back to Christ through the "Trial of Blood" and the historic English seperation from Rome in 1533. We reject infant baptism as sinful and ineffective. A baby does not know whats going on.

    Her parents are still strict Orthodox. They insist we return to the church and have our twins baptised as infants in the Orthodox Church and raised that way so they will go to heaven. I am totally against it. I believe Orthodoxy came out of Catholicism which came out of pagan worship. I respect them and I believe Orthodox Christians will go to heaven along with Catholic Christians but I prefer our children to be raised in our Baptist Church that we have attended since three weeks after we married in June 2007. We even founded a weekend ministry as part of the church in a rented building where me and our friends take turns holding Bible lessons and faith programs.

    Am I wrong? What should I do? The problem is really bothering me.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • My in laws want us to bring our twins to the Orthodox Church to be raised. Me and wife are Baptists. Help?

    Me and my wife are expecting twins in five weeks time. Her parents are strict Orthodox and my wife was raised Orthodox and I met her when I was a Orthodox Christian. But after we married, we left Orthodoxy (the church was against our remarriage as I was divorced). We did briefly consider returning to the Orthodox Church during the summer and hunted around for a church but we returned to Baptist. We love the Baptist Church and my study of history shows that the Baptist Church traces back to Christ through the "Trial of Blood" and the historic English seperation from Rome in 1533. We reject infant baptism as sinful and ineffective. A baby does not know whats going on.

    Her parents are still strict Orthodox. They insist we return to the church and have our twins baptised as infants in the Orthodox Church and raised that way so they will go to heaven. I am totally against it. I believe Orthodoxy came out of Catholicism which came out of pagan worship. I respect them and I believe Orthodox Christians will go to heaven along with Catholic Christians but I prefer our children to be raised in our Baptist Church that we have attended since three weeks after we married in June 2007. We even founded a weekend ministry as part of the church in a rented building where me and our friends take turns holding Bible lessons and faith programs.

    Am I wrong? What should I do? The problem is really bothering me.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • My friend learned his wife wasnt divorced yet when they married. Can he get in trouble? Is divorce required?

    Long story short, I am asking this for my friend. He married his wife two years ago and she told him her and her first husband were divorced. They had a licence and ceremony. He since left her since he was unable to deal with her mental problems and then she admitted she lied and wasnt really divorced yet. He vistied her exhusband and he admitted they didnt divorce and she just signed the licence as single.

    My friend is afraid hes going to get in trouble for bigamy or contributing to bigamy. Does he have to report this? My wife and I believe he wont and the state will simply annul the second marriage as invaild. What is the case? We all live in West Virginia.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • I founded a church. Its a Baptist Succession Church, we believe in the Baptist descent and morals?

    Me, my wife, my friend, and a few others finally have succeeded in starting a new church something I have dreamed about for many years. A church with roots to the apostles, traditional values, patriotism to America, and devotion to Jesus. Its a Baptist Apostolic Church. We plan to follow the values of the American Patriots, and good moral lessons. We are preaching Traditonal family values, prayers, worship, good services, and fine people. We are expecting a crowd.

    Our church believes in believers baptism and the values of Catholicism are symbolic of Christ but not a requirement for salvation. We believe in freedom of the local church and we believe in the sacrament of marriage between one man and one woman. We believe strictly in the Word of God as the only guide for our life paths.

    Our first service will be conducted on Friday in a small building we all jointly rented. Anyone want to pray for a successful ministry?

    We have our own church on Sundays a Baptist Church. We believe in Baptist Successionism as detailed in the Trial of Blood by Pastor Carroll. How the Baptists were a secret church from the time of the Apostles until they came forward thanks to the Anglican movement of the 1500's.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • My wife learned today she is expecting twins. I am really nervous. First time fatherhood.?

    Today we learned my wife is expecting twins during her scans. She is 30 weeks pregnant much longer too than we thought so we are really surprised. She is excited but I really am nervous. Never been a father and was nervous enough about one baby but now two! I am really happy and blessed by God but I need a way to calm down a bit. We only believed she was 21 weeks along so the doctors really screwed up (we been going to the free clinic in town).

    Can anyone with twins give advice or anyone at all?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • My wife learned today she is expecting twins. I am really nervous. First time fatherhood.?

    Today we learned my wife is expecting twins during her scans. She is 30 weeks pregnant much longer too than we thought so we are really surprised. She is excited but I really am nervous. Never been a father and was nervous enough about one baby but now two! I am really happy and blessed by God but I need a way to calm down a bit. We only believed she was 21 weeks along so the doctors really screwed up (we been going to the free clinic in town).

    Can anyone with twins give advice or anyone at all?

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago