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  • Does anybody believe that this could backfire?

    Now, take it, I care more about my country doing well then my own political agenda, however:

    Does anybody else feel that when the democrats are voted out in November it could end up backfiring? I believe that if they are out and the right has the majority in congress, things could definitely get back on the right track. But, when 2012 rolls around, will people put the praise on Obama and think the reason for the recovery was him and re-elect him? By having Republicans retake the majority, is it putting us at risk for having Obama for a second term?

    LOL- the suggested category for this question was Cars and Transportation- Car Makes- Chevrolet. haha.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you remember about the Sept.11 2001?

    What are your stories? Where were you, how old were you, do you remember your reaction and what you were doing when this awful attack happened to America? I'd love to hear your experiences.

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I don't know what to do...?

    I am so lost right now, I can't believe I'm asking random strangers for advice, but I need all the input I can get. So, I met my boyfriend 3 years ago in Milwaukee. I am from there, and he was living there for college. We started dating and it was everything I ever dreamed of. He is the most amazing man I have ever met. After about 6 months of dating, he couldn't afford to go to school there anymore and had to move back to Missouri. I loved him and didn't want things to end, so I moved to Missouri in August 2008. Things have been amazing with us ever since, except that I hate it here. I have a good job, and plan on marrying this man, but I can't stand to be away from my family anymore. We are a very close family, and on top of all that, I have a 2 year old nephew who's life I am missing. I can't go home very often to visit because of my job. I told him this past April that I couldn't take it anymore and I really would love for us to move back. He told me that if that is what I needed, he would make the sacrifice and move. It's now September and we have tentatively been planning on moving to Milwaukee in December. In recent weeks, I can tell he really does not want to move, and his parents are threatening to completely cut him off (they help with his car payment, cell phone, and insurance). He is 24 and almost done with his associates degree and his field is booming in Milwaukee. I know he could find a job, sure it would be tough financially for awhile, but it would not be impossible to make ends meet. The problem I'm having is I feel like he is not going to move with me. I feel that he thinks I will change my mind and stay here, or try to prolong the move. Long distance is out of the question, we both did that in our previous relationships and it turned out horribly. I love him, I know he loves me, but I feel like we are completely trapped. I don't want him to be unhappy and have to leave his hometown, but me being here is making me resent him. What do I do? How can we work through this?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know how much to charge for a mural of this size?

    So, I don't have all the information I would like for this, but would anyone have a guesstimate on how much to charge for a 12,000 sq ft mural? This would be done for a children's museum, so not just painting one color but an actual mural. I've heard average for a commercial mural this size would be around $35-$75 per square foot- does that seem accurate? To high or too low? This would be done by a private team, not a corporate team. Sorry again for not having more details, but any experience on this would help!

    2 AnswersPainting1 decade ago
  • Is really unbiased?

    My boyfriend always uses FactCheck when making political decisions... after reading some of it myself, I'm not sure if I really believe it is unbiased. They seem to be more slanted towards the left. Does anyone know for sure and do they have links that would support any information concerning this matter?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If this health care reform bill passes...?

    If the health care reform bill passes and the government is in control of our health care, will they be able to make inoculation a mandatory procedure? Could they really force us to be vaccinated???

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this the most ludicrous thing you have ever read?

    Speaking with reporters, Kirk also predicted that Congress would approve a national health care bill by the end of the month – in time for the president’s State of the Union address – and said he would vote for it even if Massachusetts voters elect Brown. Brown has said he’d be the 41st vote against the health bill, which would give Republicans a large enough margin to prevent if from moving forward.

    “Absolutely,” Kirk said, when asked if he’d vote for the bill, even if Brown captures the seat. “It would be my responsibility as United States Senator, representing the people and understanding Senator Kennedy’s agenda and the rest of it … I think you’re asking me a hypothetical question but I’d be pleased to vote for the bill.”

    Representing the people??? Really? Last time I checked, only 36% of Americas were for this health care reform bill!

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Atheists and non-Christians?

    I have asked this question of atheists before, but now I'm curious about other religions. If Christians are correct in their beliefs, and the rapture does happen in your lifetime, will that be sufficient proof for you to believe in Christ? Serious answers only please!

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can I have your opinions on this? Especially Muslims?

    My best friend works at the Olive Garden. The other day, a table of 15 came in, sat down and one man ordered for the whole table. They all had the same dish. After they finished their meals, they asked my friend if there was bacon in the dish. She told them yes, there was, and pointed out that it said that on the menu. This man got very, very upset and told my friend that they were all Muslim and it was a disgrace that she let them eat pork. He said that she should have pointed out to them that there was pork in the dish. In the end, the manager gave them the meal for free and it was all fine. My question is, do you think she should have pointed that out to them? Wouldn't it have been a little stereotypical to assume someone is a certain belief system just because of the way they look? (They were not wearing headscarves or anything by the way). Do you think that if it is part of someone's religion to refrain from certain foods, it is that person's responsibility to ask the server if there is any of that food in a dish?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A question about the Dead Sea Scrolls...?

    People are constantly saying that our Bibles have been misinterpreted and translated so many times they are just a game of telephone and don't mean anything. But what about the Dead Sea Scrolls? They contain fragments of almost every book in the Old Testament except Esther, and were written from 200 B.C. to 68 AD. They contain generally the same story that our Bibles today contain. There haven't been huge, significant changes that have altered it's meaning. So, I guess my question is, why are we still having that arguement?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Anyone have information on why not to vaccinate?

    I'm doing research into why I should not vaccinate my children. My whole family is against vaccines, and I am leaning that way very much so myself. I have already looked into all the reasons why they say I should vaccinate, now I'm looking for reasons I shouldn't. Anyone out there who did not vaccinate? Thank you!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • To all the Religious people on R&S, what do you think of this?

    Check this out!

    "People of faith are better citizens and better neighbors, and America is “amazingly” religious compared to other countries, says Harvard University professor Robert Putnam."

    (Read the whole article here )

    Another study done says that:

    "Religion is among the factors that have been extensively studied. People who attend religious services are healthier, live longer and become less depressed as a result of illness, according to most studies, and they handle stress better."

    What do you think of this information?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, do you believe in ghosts?

    Im just curious if you believe in ghosts or paranormal phenomena?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do Christians really feel it's beneficial to have "fire and brimstone teachings"?

    I am a Christian myself, but do other Christians realize that threatening people with "the fiery lakes of hell" and "eternal torment" doesn't work? Besides that, to follow God because you "don't want to go to hell"? Isn't that very self-serving and the exact opposite of what Jesus wants us to be? Shouldn't we be following God because all that He has done for us, and because He is our Maker? Now, I'm not saying that I don't believe those against God will go to hell... but it's definitely not my base argument for coming to God. The church I was raised in didn't have these threats, and I think if they did, I would have been against Christianity too! Can't we find more effective, loving, and Christ-like ways to share our faith?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me where the proof is?

    What is the proof of evolution? What have they found that is 100% scientific evidence for evolution. I've found plenty on micro-evolution, but as far as a new species forming entirely, none of that. Micro-evolution is plain as day to any scientist, and no Creationist disputes it either. But it certainly isn't proof of the origin of life. I haven't found any fossil evidence either that hasn't been proved to be frauds. So what is the proof that everyone is talking about?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people still say "Jesus wasn't a real person in history" when almost all historians say he was...?

    I see on here all the time "jesus wasn't real, he was made up". Whether or not you believe he was the son of God... scholars and historians have found clear historical documentation that Jesus of Nazerath did live and was executed under Pontius Pilate.

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • When this happens, will you believe?

    Ok, so let's say Christianity is right. Now all you atheists, agnostics, so on and so forth, must know how christians believe in the "rapture". At this time, all the christians will disappear from the earth (please no snide comments ;)), leaving everything behind. After that various horrible things will happen, such as horrible wars, plague, horrific natural distruction, etc. So, if this does actually happen in your lifetime, would you finally acknowledge God is real? I think people will end up blaming it on aliens or polar shifts, instead of acknowledging christians said this would happen...

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A serious question for atheists?

    Ok, this is a serious question, and I am not attacking anyone for what they believe in what so ever! Do you ever question "what if I'm wrong?" People ask me that all the time (being a christian). When I think about it, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. No downfalls to that. I have an amazing heavenly support system to lean on, a higher sense of purpose in life. My faith gives me extreme joy! I don't have to worry day to day because I know my life is in God's hands. If it ended up that He doesn't exist (which I fully believe He does), what am I losing? When I die, if there is no afterlife, I won't even have the consciousness to be disappointed! So do you ever wonder, what if there is a God? And when you die... what if you have a deal with a heaven or a hell?

    (This really isn't meant to be hostile, I hope you all will realize this is seriously an honest, respectful question)

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago