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Mr. C (c for cool)

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  • dog lovers... PLEASE help me out!?

    I got my dog from a beagle rescue. they told me that he was a beagle mix... they dont know what hes mixed with, but they told me he was a beagle. I'm starting to have doubts that he is a beagle at all to be honest with you, i think that he actually might be a harrier. the AKC doesnt give me enough of a description of the different breads (beagle, harrier and foxhound - they all have about the same description)

    my dog is a:

    a male

    about 50lbs

    stands to the shoulder at about 23-24 inches

    he basically has typical hound features ... hes black with a white face minus a brown patch on each eye and brown ears, the lower half of his back is brown and mixed brown and black down his tail except for the white tip. his feet are white and his belly is white. the rim around the white spot on his stomach and chest is also brown...

    I went to the vet and she said "he looks like a beagle, acts like a beagle and even sits like a beagle but i dont know what he is" the vet also noticed that the 2 outside toes on his front feet stick out a little bit and the 2 inside toes stick in a little bit, but only on the front feet, the back feet are both normal. she made this statement about that 'maybe hes just unique' .....i think that is a feature of a harrier although im not positive

    here is a video of him ...

    i appreciate the help and feedback in advance!

    thank you!

    7 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • como eu posso ser um cidadão brasileiro?

    sou um americano que casei com uma brasileira aí no brasil. depois o casamento a gente foi pra morar nos EUA. minha esposa já tem o green card americana. eu quero pra ela ser um cidadã aqui, e depois que ela a recebe a gente formos morar no brasil. desde a gente casarmos aí no brasil eu posso fazer um aplicação por cidadão quando chegarmos aí? o que eu preciso fazer ser cidadão brasileiro?

    (vou falar em ingles tb, talvez podem entender mais do que to falando...)

    im an american and married a brazillian there in brazil. after the wedding we went back to live in the united states. my wife already has her american green card. i want her to be an american citizen here, and after she receives her citezenship we will go and live in brazil. since we got married in brazil i can apply for brazilian citizenship when we get there? what do i need to do in order to be a brazilian citizen?

    4 AnswersOutras - Sociedade e Cultura10 years ago
  • praying to saints...?

    Praying is a great thing, God brings prayers to life. He does, and I am living proof of that! so, is it bad to also ask other people to pray for you? of course not! In the bible it says that if 2 or more people ask God the same thing that it will come to light, if its meant to happen.

    Now this is what bothers me, why do you ask DEAD people to pray for you? (they are dead until they have been risen by God, and God will rise them up on ressurection day.) I dont care who that person was, whether its mother teresa or one of the apostles, they are dead and you shouldnt be talking to dead people! Isnt that satanic??? I pray to Jesus because Jesus is alive and He is the only one from this world that can help anybody here! ....

    why do catholics have all these days dedicated to saints and why do all the catholics out there stand for this? do they not know that this is wrong or do they just ignore the fact that its wrong because thats what their parents and their preists tell that what to think? in the catholic church there is no such thing as asking questions, they just tell you what to believe from day one. in a catholic church that i have gone to rescently they had a class called `why be catholic?` the class didnt give even 1 reason to be catholic in that class! they just told you to do more stuff that i dont agree with.

    here are some verses to help back me up a little bit...

    * john 3:13 - No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.

    * john 11:24 - Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

    *1thesselonians4:16 - For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

    * ephesians1:21 - far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

    * daniel2:44 - And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.

    * revelations1 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, 2 who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw. 3 Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.

    * revelations4:1-2 - After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.

    * revelations11:15 - Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms[f] of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”

    * revelations12: - Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • questions for catholics......?

    this will be WAAAAAAAY too long if i write in a formal paragraph form so maybe ill just ask a bunch of questions?

    ...How did you come up with the rosary? Jesus said to pray the our father NOT the hail mary (the hail mary prayer isnt even written in the bible as a prayer, and just because it says once that she is blessed because she gave birth to Jesus doesnt mean that its a prayer), and you say the hail mary what, every 3 times you say the our father? and whats up with the stuff that the pope added to it, the mysteries?

    "the rosary is a magnificent and universal prayer for the needs of the church, the nations, and the entire world. - pope john XX11"? how is that possible?

    "the rosary is a priceless treasure inspired by God. - louis de montfort"? how is it inspired by God when half of it is made up by the pope?

    "one day through the rosary and the scapular, our lady will save the world. - dominic" how is mary gonna save the world? Jesus is gonna save the world, NOT mary!

    "the rosary is the compendium of the entire gospel. - pope pius X11" how is that?

    ...Why are people not aloud to call themselves catholics or atleast take the communion unless you have taken classes first?

    ...Why does the catholic church only baptize people as infants?

    ...Why are priests not aloud to get married? in the bible it says that its ok to get married, but just that its more commendable if you dont so that you can dedicate all of you time to God.

    and why do priests have to where those special robes, just because thats similar to what Jesus wore? and when there is a bishop giving the sermon why do you have to kneel to him if you go up to the pulpit to do a reading? and why on earth would you kneel to the bishop rather than the bread which is at the alter!?

    ...Why does the catholic church have so many symbols? for example the X with the P.

    ...Why is catholicism not listed under christian when you fill out a servey or some sort of religious application

    ...Why is the pope so darn important and why does he speak latin? The bible says not to speak in tounges when nobody can understand you. (thats not word for word of course, but thats how i remembered it at the moment.

    why are all the past popes burried in highly decorated coffins and treated as kings were in egyptian times?

    why do popes where those jewish hats on their heads?

    ...Why are the catholic bibles different than christian bibles? (your bible has more books than mine does)

    why does your bible have books called St. paul, and St. peter when my bible says paul and peter?

    ...why do catholics take 30 minutes out of the 60 minute `mass` to go over the communion, why not just do it once a month so that you can spend more time talking about Jesus?

    why is everything in the catholic church all scripted? everything i have ever seen from a catholic church, from the prayers to the preachings were ALL scripted. the priests arnt married so they have time to learn what theyre going to talk about and talk freely about it, why MUST they read what they talk about? (and this just isnt from one catholic church that ive gone to, this is in several, INCLUDING the popes messages AND churches on the television)

    i could say A LOT more, believe me, but i figure if this gets any longer you guys wont respond. PLEASE respond with GOOD answers. dont get all defensive on me! im looking for real answers here. thanks for your time and patience.....and if you were wondering i am a non-denomonational christian

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • evolutionists and athiests...?

    people who believe in evolution and science "facts" disproving religion, why do you say that religion is fake or 'a fairy tail`? christians have proof from the bible which was written about 2000 years ago and passed down from generation to generation. its the same thing as knowing your family history. if you only speak english but your mother told you that your great great granparents were all from spain do you not believe her because you dont look spanish or know the language?? Scientists that disprove religion are idiots, how can you say that the world was created by some star that blew up and created the world as we know it today? first of all, how did that star get there, 2nd why did it blow up, and 3rd how did that create life forms and the planet to be as perfect as it is from 1 explosion. I personally prefer to believe that it was created by God and that we were put here by Him and created in His image....

    tell me why you disagree with me. anyone who believes or doesnt believe in God can all answer this question

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Is my dog really a Beagle?

    So, I got a puppy from a beagle rescue shelter about 5-6 months ago. When I first got him I was informed that he was a beagle mix. Honestly, at that time I didn't know too much about beagles. I had done a little bit of research, but just enough to make sure that it was a friendly bread and ok to be in an apartment as long as he got plenty of exersize. Well, now that he's starting to grow up (hes about 6-7 months old now) I'm starting to think that he's not a Beagle at all, but a Harrier!

    This is his description: He's a tricolor dog (if it matters where the colors are here it is...his body is mostly black, but brown is starting to be prominant on his back and on the lower half of his body, by his stomach. from his knees down on all four of his legs are white as well as the tip of his tail, chest, most of his neck, and his face, with exception of his eyes that have brown patches on them. His ears, parts of his neck, eyes, and upper legs are all brown, as well as the lower of his sides (that I had already mentioned where brown is starting to take over as well as his tale which is also starting to get taken over with brown.) with big rounded brown eyes. He's got long floppy ears that come just barely down past his jaw. I measured him at ABOUT 20-21 inches from the floor to his shoulders and weighed him in at about 40lbs. One more interesting thing that I noticed about him is that his front legs appear to be almost underneath his body which gives him the appearance of a taller more slender looking dog when he is in a standing position, but once he sits down his front legs appear to be more on the side of his body to make him look more broad.

    Now, the reasons why I think he's a Harrier and not a Beagle is primarily because of his hight. Everything that I have read about Beagles say that they can't be taller than 15in. where as my dog is about 21in. The other main reason is what I just mentioned about his front feet, usually Beagles appear to be more broad looking (like a bulldog) rather than tall and slender. My final reason, which will be hard for you guys to tell since I don't know how to upload a picture on this thing is his face. My dogs face looks a little bit more narrow than that of a Beagles face which I think tends to be more broad looking as well.

    If anybody knows the true differences between the Beagle and Harrier or even the Foxhound PLEASE let me know and respond to this! I'm DYING to find out!

    ...One more interesting fact, previous research that I have done says that both the Beagle AND the Harrier are both miniture versions of the Foxhound!

    7 AnswersDogs10 years ago