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  • If the US president election comes down between Hilary and Donald, who are you voting for and why?

    Please explain your point of view, be sincere, and think about it. I would really prefer to not see any because X is bad. Best answer goes to argument with enough support and common sense that it will make someone who disagrees on the candidate think twice.

    2 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • How would you define existence?

    Theoretically if I said "Harry Potter exist" would it be understood that I am referring to the fictional character existing in a fictional setting, or would the condition of existence be implying that I mean Harry Potter exist in reality, as a real person.?

    Does existence imply an actual presence on the same realm of life in which we inhabit?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • A riddle of sorts, I'm curious of how people will react to the given scenario. The full scenario is in the details. You're trapped in a room?

    Your trapped in a room. To the left there is a locked door. On the right, a long and winding hall where the voices of your captors can be heard. In the center of this room there is a strange wooden box. In the box there is a knife and a key. You can grab one, but once you do, the other will be lost forever. What is your plan of action?

    Possible things to consider:

    1) Where does the door lead: An exit, a trap, a tool.

    2) Does the key open the door, does it open a door, does it open anything at all.

    3) Can the knife open a door, can it open a heart.

    4) How many captors are down the hall. You only hear voices, could it be a recording, or an army.

    5) Could the captors be holding a key, or better weapons.

    6) Can you take out X captors in H2H combat, with a knife, or a key.

    7) What is down that hall?

    8) Are you the only person trapped, could you find help somewhere?

    9) Does a knife have to be used as a weapon?

    10) Does a key have to be used to open a door?

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Help making a cat pee?

    My cat is having trouble peeing and I fear the worse, which would be he's dead tomorrow morning, the vet is out of my budget and even if it wasn't, their hours are not in my ability, I need to help my cat pee, a male cat with urinary tract infection will have their urine build up and they will die. I don't want him to die, help, someone anyone.

    1 AnswerCats7 years ago
  • Help making a cat pee?

    My cat is having trouble peeing and I fear the worse, which would be he's dead tomorrow morning, the vet is out of my budget and even if it wasn't, their hours are not in my ability, I need to help my cat pee, a male cat with urinary tract infection will have their urine build up and they will die. I don't want him to die, help, someone anyone.

    7 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Can you make Biochar off of mushrooms and fungi?

    I'm looking to do a project for my school and i was wondering if making biochar off of fungi was possible.

    2 AnswersBotany8 years ago
  • Has increasing the carbon sequestration of biochar been researched by anyone? or organization.?

    I am doing a project for school and i was wondering if any organization or individual has researched such and did a lab. I would really hate in plagiarizer on another work. I ask for evidence of this being researched. I do not need a procedure or even a conclusion, just a basic abstract or thesis with the organizations name.

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology8 years ago
  • I'm thinking about becoming a vegetarian, food help?

    Okay so i am a major environmental activist and i care deeply for animals, i am aware of the cruelty they put onto these animals so i am desiring to stop supporting these industries by eating their food. The problem however is I'm not quite ready to give up eating meat(taste/diet wise), especially since meat products are a common part of my cultures foods. The thing i am wondering is what are good, vegetarian meat equivalents, which actually taste good, that i can offer to my family as replacements for hot dogs, hamburgers and chicken. Also any good brands or stores i should check out.

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Learning problems Help!?

    Okay, so i've always been really good at math, like top of my class, but recently i have struggling to learn certain formulas and equations and its stressing me out. My grades are starting drop and i really can't explain it. We'll do something in class, and i may or may not understand it but once i leave the school environment, everything i thought i knew just turns into shapes and numbers and i strain myself to just put down answers. When i return to school we'll have a quiz and i haven't retained any information. My math teacher isn't much help ether. If you ask to stay after with him, he'll just have you do your homework in front of him and critique you, but he doesn't educate you, or try to help you improve. If it means anything i'm a junior in high school. I honestly don't think these things really should be this difficult for me. The only other thing is this all stated around the time of my midterm.

    Can someone tell me what is wrong with me and why i can't learn and retain the information like i used to be able to?

    3 AnswersTeaching8 years ago
  • What is the purpose of human life?

    I am completely serious, why is their humanity, we do not help the planet, we do not uphold the natural order of things. All we do is destroy and take and spread our parasitic plague upon all of this planet. We bury forest and woodlands in our supermarkets and shopping malls. We destroy the ocean, which we have barely even gotten a good exploration of, by over fishing and offshore oil drilling. We pollute the atmosphere with our hairsprays and factory gases. Other animals do not over eat, over feed, feel greed. Other predatory animals hunt for just enough to survive. I am okay with hunting for a little more or say growing a little more for financial benefit and selling to the market, but i do not understand why some people take so much more than they need and in the end throw out the majority. Don't people understand this is not our planet to take from and harness, we live in this planet and we share this planet with the trees, fish, birds and other animals and organisms. If these other organic beings can coexist with each other and stick to the circle of life and energy without taking too much why can't we.

    I am not looking for an obvious scientific answer or a religious answer stating that god created us cause honestly i do not believe that, i want to know what is the significance of human kind when our species is the cause or at least the acceleration for so many environmental global issues? Do some people just want to watch the world burn?

    8 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • question about election, read below.?

    So it has come to my attention that many people are voting for governor Romney solely for the reason they do not want Obama reelected or voting for president Obama for the sole reason that they don't want Romney in office. So i am wondering why people are voting for "the lesser of two evils" instead of voting for a candidate they actually like. Their are more than two parties running for presidency so why vote for a candidate you don't like.

    (p.s, if your voting for a candidate because you honestly agree and like that candidate and not because you like him more than the other than this question is not directed toward you.)

    best answer goes to most informative and not most biased or troll.

    6 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Romney or Obama. Who are you electing for president? read details below..?

    okay so i want to know your opinions on who you or your family is voting for in the coming election. Romney, Obama or a neither. I also want 3 reasons why you like that candidate. I do not want any answers degrading one of the candidates or saying romney/obama sucks. I am curious to see others views. 10 points for who ever gives best answer. I am looking for informative not who i agree with so this will be completely unbiased.

    15 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • why do so many people waste so much time pondering death and what ever comes after instead of just living life?

    ive met a lot of people and i find it really odd how so many of them fear death, i personally do not, i see no reason to fear the inevitable and see no reason to question what happens next. So i am wondering why people linger over how they will die and what if this is this or that or that, heaven, hell deity, deity. You focus all your attention on this horrible image of a gruesome and painful death, why do people make themselves suffer in such a way. Death to me is an end i final act in the play of life, there is no sequel, no emotion, just the end. Period. So why fear something in which can never be avoided and regardless of how the act is performed whether it be age, or sickness, or murder once it happens it happens. Even for those devote religious types why do you focus so much time on this fate of eternal happiness or suffering, wouldn't it all be in the end your gods decision on where you go so why do you worry so much. I can't describe how many Gospel goers have told me about how i will go to hell or if you don't do this you'll go to hell blah de blah de blah. We have a life right now so why waste it focusing on the end when you can focus your time and energy on the present.

    To sum it up i am wondering the main question

    Why do people stress excessively over death?

    why do people fear death?

    and why don't people just live there life to fullest without the constant worry of what could happen post mortum?

    (excluding any idea of an illegal behavior in which people should definitely think before acting)

    One final question which i got from this book i had to read:

    Does anybody ever realize life while they live it?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Pre big bang theory idea question thing which im wondering?

    Is it possible that much before the big bang their was a universe like ours with planets, stars, nebulas, galaxies, etc. then when the white giants blew and other stars engulfed nearby planets and all the black holes formed and took in all of it leaving only the occasional particles and molecules, electrons, photons, neutrons flouting through space. Well is it possible that a significant amount of these particles could have collided with each other simultaneously causing the big bang. I mean like a colossal amount of particles all colliding in one point in addition to gaining energy while flouting around. causing these lone particles to acquire a rather hot temperature so that when they all collided it could have created such a massive bang. Im a high school student so i dont know much about astrophysics or space but if this is posible which is my first question then is it possible that it will happen to our current universe and the big bang is just a never ending cycle of the universe forming and ending.

    9 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago