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Lv 2758 points

Drummer Chick

Favorite Answers22%
  • What is the value of a key from the 1930's?

    I have a key that I believe to be from the 1930's. It's not a skeleton key and it doesn't have a matching lock, but it's pretty unique. I'm positive that it's hand carved. Just out of curiosity, could anyone tell me the rough value for this kind of key?

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • How to mark young chicks?

    I just got 5 baby Barred Rock chickens that are a little over a week old. They're pets so I would like to be able to tell them apart but I don't have any leg bands available to me (I live in the middle of Nowhere). I was thinking I could tie colored yarn loosely to their legs or paint a toe with nail polish. I just wanted to ask some opinions before I did anything. Thanks!

    Ps: They're names are going to be Rizzo, Frenchie, Marty, Jan, and Sandy (from Grease) ;)

    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Should I wait before coming out?

    I am a sophomore girl in high school and I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual. I'm attracted to both sexes but I haven't done anything with either sex yet. I think I would feel better if I came out, but I would hate to come out, get cold feet, and be stuck with the reputation. Do you think I should do some sampling before I make it official? Also what do you think about asking a girl to a dance? Thank you!

  • Can you train a horse for mainly bareback?

    Is it okay to train a horse to ride primarily bareback? Also, Is it okay to ride bareback on short to moderate trail rides? Thank you!

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Is 2 too young to ride and is there such thing as too much contact?

    I've been taught conflicting lessons by different horse trainers on both of these subjects and I wanted to get extra opinions.

    1.) I know you aren't supposed to ride a yearling horse because it's body isn't developed yet. The question is: is a 2 year old still too young to ride? I have heard some say 2 is fine and others say wait until 3 or 4.

    2.) Is there such thing as too much contact during early training? Some trainers say you should be with the horse every day. Others say that every 3 or 4 days is better for the horse.

    I know every horse is different but general guide lines would be heaps of help. Also, if anybody could tell me if any of this information is different for mules I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

    4 AnswersHorses9 years ago
  • Can I begin training with a mule yearling?

    Recently I have considered getting a horse/mule to train. I have had years of experience working with horses and mules but I have never trained one personally. I do have knowledge of horse training and I'm not exactly green. Ultimately I want a young mule (1-2 yrs old) because it would be more suited to the conditions and I enjoy working with mules. I was wondering if I would be okay training a young mule with my experience and some mentoring. I would only be training it for moderate trail rides and nothing more. Experienced people only, please. Thank you!

    1 AnswerHorses9 years ago
  • Confusing sexual preferences?

    Ok so I'm a normal teenage girl that likes boys. However, I've always had this weird thing lurking in my mind. I'm kind of a tomboy and I connect better with my male friends but not in an unnaturally manly way. I've always wished I had been born a guy but I don't dwell on it or think about sex changes or anything. For some weird reason I'm attracted to homosexual male relationships. They kind of turn me on. I also like being the dominate one in the relationship much like the man should be but I do embrace my femininity. I'm not really attracted to girls but I've always wanted to try out a relationship with them. Could I be a lesbian? I don't feel like one. Are my weird attractions normal in some way? I'm kind of confused.

  • Is this a good tank setup?

    I have a fully cycled 30 gallon tank with a filter and and heater. I am planning to put the following in the tank:

    - 6 Zebra Danios

    - 3 Platies

    - 3 Dwarf Gourami

    - 2 Cory Cats

    Do you think these fish will do well together? Is it overcrowded?

    Thank you!!!

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Any methods to keep trolls away?

    I have a really bad troll problem. They're real fierce and they refuse to negotiate. I need them to leave my house and garden alone as they are becoming a big nuisance and have threatened to make a meal out of my dogs and other animals. They smell to and they scare guests. Do you know of any tested methods to repel/exterminate trolls? Any other ideas would also be a big help. Thanks!

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Major contradictions in Christianity?

    I'm not Christian, but I do spend most of my free time studying religions of the world. Now, this is for the Christian's that believe in the Bible literally, not metaphorically.

    I've noticed some things about Christianity that either don't fit or seem harsh. I would like some opinions and perhaps explanation for these. I'm not trying to shame Christianity by all means. I'm just interested. Here's my list.

    1.) Christians say that Jesus died to repent for our sins. However, it's not like he committed suicide or died of his own will. He was crucified by the Romans because they believed that he was a threat to their government and religion.

    2.) Do you realize that the cross, a major symbol of your religion, is actually a cruel Roman execution device? In all reality the cross that Jesus died on was probably in a T shape, any way.

    3.) Also, do you realize that Christianity remains the only religion that has created a pure evil deity? I mean, even Hades, of Greek mythology, was not Evil. And Shiva, of Hinduism, was serving for a good purpose as well.

    4.) Going along with the last question, the whole concept of Heaven and Hell seems unfair. If the point of Hell is for sinners to learn and repent, then why don't Christians believe in reincarnation? How are sinners supposed to repent for their sins if they're condemned to eternal punishment in Hell?

    5.) Doesn't the concept of Hell seems more of a controlling element of Christianity? It seems like it's more to scare people into following the religion instead of something they believe in.

    6.) Do you realize how many scams and conspiracies that Christian churches through out history have participated in? Most of the time it was to get money, notoriety for the church, or to scare people into becoming Christian or behaving and coming to church.

    7.) Also, none of the Christian holidays are unique. All of them were copied from the Pagan religions. For example, Easter was a Pagan holiday named after the ancient Saxon goddess, Eostre, whose name came from the ancient word for spring: "eastre".

    8.) Why is it that every other religion has a name for their all powerful deity, except for Christianity? Christians are content with calling theirs simply "God",which, by definition, means only a supernatural being, and nothing more. Some even call him "Lord", which, again by definition, means a master, or a man who has considerable power, authority, or influence over others. Somewhat harsh, don't you think?

    9.) If God's number one rule (from my understanding) is to love everybody, then why are certain people condemned to Hell? People like gays, Pagans, and people of other religions in general do not deserve to go to Hell just because they're different than you. Do you agree?

    10.) Why do Christians seem to have a hard time with Pagans? I don't see any reason for Christians to feel threatened by them.

    11.) If I understand the concept of Baptism correctly, then is it true that someone could live a life laden with sins as bad as murder, then get Baptized and go to Heaven any way? Even if he did not truly repent?

    Any opinions, comments, or additional information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :D

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are the limits of astral projection?

    Lately, I've been accidentally using astral travel a lot. I don't find this as weird seeing as how I come from a long line of astral projectors. However, every time I do travel out of my body it seems that I'm in a different time zone. Perhaps the 1700's or so. This seems absurd to me. On the other hand, considering Einstein's Theory of Relativity, it doesn't seem impossible. Only rather difficult.

    There's a person from that place who has begun to astral project to me in response. Their signal (for lack of a better word) is very weak as is mine when I manage this astral voyage.

    Is it possible that we could be astral projecting through time?

    What about inter-dimensional astral projection? This seems more of a possibility than time travel seeing as how the spirit,or "astral body", seems very apt to crossing dimensional barriers.

    Are there any proven limits to astral projection?

    Any extra information, opinions, or personal experiences will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena1 decade ago
  • Alternative medicines and/or home remedies for depression?

    I have already come to the conclusion that I have clinical depression.Although I never been officially diagnosed,it is quite obvious and has been proven by multiple online tests.Over the past month,I have been taking "St. John's Wart" religiously and using aroma therapy to help with the symptoms.My mother is against taking me to the doctor due to her disapproval of modern medicine.She asks that I search online for alternative,natural medicines and home remedies.Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.Thank you!

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • I keep having frightening dreams/visions.Should I seek help?

    It is not unusual for me to have these recurrent,telepathic dreams,but this one is particularly worrisome.They all include an unidentifiable,dark,male power claiming that I belong to him because of some sort of deal that I had made in the past.In the dreams I am always burdened with the loss of hundreds of innocent souls.Most dreams are not prominent enough for me to distinguish any details but the last one was shockingly strong.From that dream I could decipher that "He" was somehow associated with the name "Soul Keeper".I also figured out that the place that he had brought me was to the river Styx.In this particular dream,the souls had gone into the river.However,this place was also part of the place were I grew up and therefore resembled it (a strikingly beautiful meadow surrounded by thick forests).I find this somewhat odd.I have a feeling that this dream has to do with a past life of mine.There have been many dreams like this but none that were as disturbing or prominent as this one.I have talked to other semi-psychics like myself (online) and they seem to be having the same dream or something very similar.One interesting thing about this is that they have all been women.One girl claims that "He" calls himself the "Sorcerer"in her dream.In contrast,the "Soul Keeper" seems to be a lot less harsh in my dreams than the other people's.I have the feeling that I've known him for a very long time and have simply forgotten what this is all about.On the other hand I am afraid of him and I fear that he is getting stronger.Perhaps even to the point of leaving the dream realm and entering the physical realm.At this point things could get dangerous.

    Thank you to all the people who have taken time to read this.It means a lot to me.

    What are your thoughts on this? Has anyone ever experienced anything similar? Do you think I should continue to try to figure this out on my own,or seek the help of a professional psychic?Any comments or opinions will be greatly appreciated.Thank you and farewell!

    6 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Websites that ship Bearded Dragons to the general public?

    I need the names of websites that ship Bearded Dragons to the general public.I'm specifically looking for baby Beardies.I know it's usually not good to order animals of the internet but if all else fails I will.Your efforts will be a tremendous help.Thank you.

    P.S. I live in California.So,the website needs to be able to ship there.Lol

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • How do youu cook a really good fried egg?

    I'm being serious here people. I know it's kind of a pointless question but it's still 2 free points right? It seems like I can cook everything else in the world but I CAN NOT fry and egg!!!!!! Just some useful tips and techniques would be very helpful. Thanks! ;)

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Information on Bearded Dragons?

    I want to get a bearded dragon,so I started researching them and I have some questions. I have a lot of them but only because I want to be a responsible pet owner.So, please bear with me.

    1.) Are bearded dragons generally docile creatures?

    2.) What size tank should I get for a single,full grown beardy? I don't want to get into the whole technical breeder tank stuff. Just a regular,glass tank.

    3.) How many times a day do you have to feed them?

    4.) What kind of light bulbs/lighting set up would be the best?

    Thank you so much.Any other extra information or experiences or comments (good or bad) on the lizards would be greatly appreciated!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Good books about werewolves or witches?

    Having read everything in the house and more,I've come to the conclusion that I am officially out of reading material!!! I would really appreciate a list of good books to read.Specifically books about werewolves or witches,and preferably with a considerably high reading level.Documentaries are fine to.I have already read "Blood and Chocolate", and the "Twilight Saga" so those are out of the questions.Ultimately I'm looking for fantasy books,or books on the supernatural.They don't have to be about the above and any suggestions will be appreciated.Thank you!

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How do I go about becoming a Wiccan?

    Ok, so I went online and started researching Wiccan beliefs and practices (I do allot of spontaneous research on religion) and I realized that my "religious" views are the same as well as my connection to nature and the moon and so on.It's perfect.I would like to be more in tune with my Wiccan beliefs but I'm not sure how to start.I would also like to find other Wiccan people in my area but I don't think there are any seeing as that I live in a skiing/snowboarding resort community (Mammoth Lakes Ca.).Some of my friends own pentacle necklaces (as well as me) but they only wear it for the symbolism behind it.I would really appreciate ant tips on becoming one or finding other Wiccan people.Websites,stores,and simple meditation/spells/rituals would be greatly appreciated as well.Thank you!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Should I get a navel piercing?

    I've put allot of thought into it and I think I want to get my navel pierced.Before I do it I though,I would like some opinions from people I don't know.Just to see how the general public views this particular body piercing.

    I'm under 16,but in California you can get it done with a parents consent.I'm not fat but I'm not the skinniest person alive.Luckily I don't really look fat.

    I'm not getting this done to look sexy either.I mean, the only time I don't have a proper shirt on is when I'm working out (normally alone) or when I have my swim suit on.

    I'm pretty mature and I really have put allot of thought into this.I know all the consequences and dangers.I think my body is pretty much done growing so there is no chance of it stretching.I'm really just getting this for myself.I think they're cute and expressive and they represent a generation.

    Ok,do you think they look cute or trashy? Do the guys like it or not? People who have had it done.Do you think it's worth it? How many people have had theirs reject? Anything else I should know? Thank you!

    10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Is this a good community fish tank setup?

    I will be getting a 30 gallon tank in a couple of weeks and am planning on putting together a freshwater,community,fish tank.I've done some research and some planning and I've decided that this is what I will put in it.

    - 2 Silver Dollar Fish

    - 6 Cherry Barbs

    - 4 Harlequin Rasbora

    - 3 Kuhli Loaches

    - 5 Red Cheery Shrimp

    Any opinions,suggestions,or comments will be encouraged and greatly appreciated as this will be my first community fish tank.

    Also,I was a little worried about my shrimp getting eaten but I did some research and it seems like all of the fish that will be in the tank with them either don't eat meat, or are to small to eat them.I'm still a little worried about it though.Do you think there is any chance of them getting eaten?

    Thank you experienced fish owners!

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago