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hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i am lily white in two ways. 1 is my pure English heratige (boring XD) although i am born australian 2 is the fact that i have never done drugs drinking smoking heck the most potent thing i've drunk is Monster energy drink and the worst thing i've eaten is.... um well chocolate XD BUT i still know how to have fun!! When my adrenaline gets going i am lots of fun, i will do sometimes stupid stuff such as jumping off jetties and midnight into freezing cold water during thunderstorms when i have no change of clothes. But at the same time i know when to stop. my friends once said the group would be dull without my playful antics. i never knew i was the life of the group and to be told i was... ^^

  • How do you rise to the trot?

    I've watched videos and done reading. it appears to look like a thrusting motion but actually managing to get the bouncing under control i am really struggling with. what do i use to stay on and actually rise and control the bouncing?

    The horse i'm riding is near impossible to sit to a trot on due to having previously injured his back leg and as a beginner i can not sit to his trot at all as a starting point

    6 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • My canary is bored, what can i put in his cage to entertain him?

    BanBan my male canary appears to be bored. he eats constantly, which i know is common in canaries, so we cut his food back

    I have been trying to get him a friend, but these little yellow wonders have become scarce lately. i only obtain BanBan because he flew into a window of a friends place.

    He has a large cage with plenty of fly space, multiple sticks of different lengths and thickness, some wobble when he's on them. two shell grit covered sticks for him to peck and to help file his nails on, a millet spray he barely touches, one hanging bell toy he ignores and a swing he's landed on a whopping total of 1 times.

    He sings a fair bit, especially if there's something loud (like a vacuum)... or if he thinks the house has been quiet for too long (say at about 4am lol).

    we have tried giving him apple, didn't even look at it. going to try broccoli tomorrow. any other idea for my bored and picky boy? until i can find him a friend at least.

    3 AnswersBirds8 years ago
  • Female Endler guppy pregnant, spine slightly bent and started showing signs of swim bladder how to treat?

    I noted this little female being bullied by my other endler guppy female, i had another tank that was due to finishing cycling in a few days so i added extra plant decor for her to hide behind while it finished, then carefully transferred her across after checking parameters.

    Both her old tank and new came back as having perfect water conditions. Her spine does appear to have bent, whilst in the old tank being bullied. however upon moving it did seem to straighten a little. today she started showing signs of swim bladder, keeps drifting to the top and constantly trying to swim down. her spine is still a little bent though not as bad as before still.

    I can't treat the tank she is in now however i do have a spare 18L i can set up as an emergency medical tank. Currently in medications i have Melafix and Pimafix (i'm not convinced these do anything) and Fungus cure that contains acriflavine and malachite green.

    will any of these help, is it worth setting up the medical tank, is she safe with other fish if they do not bully her etc.

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • what makes you decide to read/buy a book/story?

    so you enter a book store or library but there is so much to choose from. How do you pick out what books to give a chance?

    i tend to head straight for my favorite genre (sci-fi/ fantasy) then comes the hard part. titles need to get my attention in order for me to pick them up (and interesting looking spine, be it colour pattern or print font helps) i then read the blurb, if the blurb interests me i read the first page or two. if it doesn't grab my attention in the first two pages it goes back and i move on.

    what tactics do you use?? not including looking for particular favorite authors, imagine you've read everything from your favorite author and your looking for a new flavour. lol otherwise i'd only ever read David Gemmell

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • nitrite levels in tank up a bit how can i lower them?

    tank is 21.5L and held guppies, water test today said NO2 was at 0.5 and NO3 20

    from what i can tell from the packet my NO3 is fine, but NO2 should be at 0, i have been loosing more fish than normal and currently all fish have been removed from the troubled tank into a larger one that ticks all level boxes perfectly.

    on the troubled tank i have done a water change, i looked into my filter and the filter wool is looking a little sad and may need replacing. also i belive the problem could have been caused by two things, too many fish added at once, and fly spray was used in the house recently without my knowledge so i couldn't cover the tank.

    in total i have three tanks (1 18L and 1 65L as well as this 21.5L) only one is having issues.

    so how can i lower the nitrites in the one tank and stop this from happening again. i would add live plants, but don't have an appropriate light for this particular tank

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • What size tank would i need 1 Betta 6-7 Kuhli loaches 10 neon tetra and 10 Ember tetra?

    I will have back up tanks set up for the kuhlis neons and embers should things go awry. a little concerned for the ember tetra as they are quite tiny, any other suggestion for schooling fish should the Embers fail?

    tank will be heavily planted with lots of hidey holes for kuhli loaches seeing as the more hiding places they have the more you see them.

    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • considering attempting cichlids, Advice?

    Guppies are too easy, though i love them to bit and very much enjoy breeding them. My parents are suitably impressed with how well I've handle my two tanks the past year one 65L and another 18L and i have a 21.5L that will be set up soon to help accommodate the guppies better as the 18L is too small for full grown fish.

    recently i have been entertaining the idea of getting a much larger tank and giving cichlids a go. I've only done a small amount of research at this stage, considered convicts for easy breeding, but not sure if i want to dive straight into breeding either, probably not wise. If i do decide to give cichlids ago, what size tank is a good starting place, basic setup (filters? airstones? lighting etc) and what fish do you suggest i start with.

    General ideas are good at this stage as nothing is finalized.

    6 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • What do you feed your fish and what brands to you recomend?

    I have tropical tanks with guppies, tetras (neons and black widows) and khuli loaches.

    currently my main tank is being fed on marine master tropical fish flakes twice a day, Aquarian bottom feeder sinking shrimp pellets once a day and once a week they get frozen blood worms(can't remember brand.)

    recently invested in brine shrimp (Aqua one brand) for the baby guppies I've produced.

    all in all things appear good except one fish, a small female guppy refuses to eat the flakes and now appears to be quite starved. she will still eat the blood worms but is very slow bout it and must be separated or other fish will beat her to it. she also has never been pregnant despite there being male.

    i'm going to try a different brand of flakes once she's back up to strength (if she makes it) and for now mix some brine shrimp in with the blood worms.

    also i'm not happy with the blood worms, they appear quite dry and brown, when defrosted in water the water remains clear, no colouration from the worms at all. however my friends blood worms are quite red and turn the water they are defrosted in, a reddish colour as well.

    4 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Female guppy, not eating, inactive, been this way for a week and a half, still no fry?

    she's a silver and neon yellow leopard she's been acting sluggish for a while. physical appearance fine, she doesn't appear to be particularly heavy with fry, not even positive she's pregnant, gravid spot hasn't changed in size for a while. she does get slight bursts of energy when the younger guppies appear, she may swim to follow them or to get away, young male seems to leave her alone mostly doesn't pester her any where near as much as the other two. i'm hoping its just that she's pregnant, but i have seen her much larger before and more active than this.

    2 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Keeping tropical tank cool?

    coming into spring now and already i have noted my tank water temp getting a bit too high. its a small 18l so there its going to heat up pretty quick. any suggestions?

    4 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • i was enjoying this manga till this stupiditiy appeared?

    manga is called 666 Satan, It' actually really interesting but... there's this huge problem that just appeared

    for those too scared to click it says Satan (atheism) 666

    basically it is saying Satan is atheism

    just as Nahema is materialism, Ririsu is chaos blah blah (not even sure if these demons are real tbh)

    how can Satan be atheism? i mean wtf seriously?!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • healthy snacks for when i'm feeling peckish?

    I noticed a bit of a tummy starting to develope and i want to get on top of it before it gets out of hand. i got the physical excersize side of things sorted, all i need is something to replace chocolates and cookies when i get peckish

    i already snack on sesame seed snaps regularly due to iron deficiency (this was recomended by a doctor) but something else healthy, apart from boring carrot and celery sticks. and some ways to make dinners healthier would be nice. how much red/white meat should i have in a week and is rice or pasta better etc

    i want to do this properly, not as a diet, just eating properly

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • honest thoughts on this from the bible?

    I do not want flaming, i want your honest thoughts, i want to know what you think when you read these.

    I want to know because these apply to me

    i do not want to see more quotes pulled from the bible unless they directly apply and "salvage" the situation, because that isn't what YOU think, thats what the bible tells you to think.These two parts of the bible in particular are what made me decide to never turn back to religion

    Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT

    Deuteronomy 22:23-24 NAB

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Ideas for dinner. cheap and easy?

    moved out of home recently and i just don't have ideas on what to cook for dinner!

    so far i have made Cabonarra and stuffed potatoes and i once did mash potatoes with cheese carrot and snow peas mixed in.

    not doing to bad on the health scale, but a few more ideas would be nice. Preferable things that don't take too long to prepare as i get home relatively late at night and i am always very darn hungry. and needs to be cheap as possible as i don't earn all that much either. also, no spice, i'm a whimp.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Should kids be allowed to dye their hair?

    Many schools have bans on dying hair, especially anything considered unnatural (what is considered natural is still disagreed on in many places as well)

    Personally i think schools have more important things to focus on apart from the colour, or length and style for that matter, of a childs hair

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • why in hell would God allow this?! does he simply just have a sick sense of humour?

    I'm 19, i struggled with depression caused by abuse and rape. I helped a friend slowly get over drug addictions, i finally got off anti depressants less than a year ago. i started looking after myself, i moved out of home one week ago with a work mate. now i find out that her bf who also lives here is not only doing drugs but growing them!

    every time i try look after myself, try learn to stand on my own two feet i get thrown into a hole. in less than an hour i have gone from happy, to ready to grab the nearest knife and kill myself because i am tired.

    i honestly can't be bothered trying to say everything i've been through. just that it's all started when i was 12 and been getting worse since. so why would a "loving" God do this to someone who has never hurt anyone??

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • 19 virgin want kids but at the same time i don't want them?

    Ever since i hit 10 i was always a mothering type. tried to look after and care for people or animals as if they were my children. now at 19 the urge is starting to get overwhelming. i'm in a long distance relationship, i DO NOT want to have kids yet, i am so not ready and it would be rushing things. My partner is planning on moving to australia to be with me but thats a long way off and anything could happen, even if that all goes according to plan we won't be finacially stable.

    but my hormones are screaming to have kids! (and begging for sex) thus far i've managed to deal with it by raising animals. lambs mostly and i now breed fish. soon i will have a cat to care for as well. but animals can only go so far when it comes to fooloing or lulling the mothering instinct. how do i deal cope with or get rid of this urge to have children? i want to have them one day but gods not now, not soon.

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting9 years ago