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Lv 729,080 points

Ratty Rockstar

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<:8 )~ <:8 )~ <:8 )~ <:8 )~ <:8 )~ <:8 )~

  • Best larger cage to have?

    I currently house 3 male rats in a Super Pet Delux ferret cage. It works great for the 3 of them with how its set up. Plenty of room

    Personally, I am not a fan of this cage. I don't find it too easy to clean, really. I'm not a fan of plastic shelves. And I'd like a larger cage. This cage should be able to hold around a maximum of 6 rats or so.. But I feel it'd be unfair to house anymore than 3. I like for my guys to have extra space.

    And really, whatever new cage I end up with I'd like for it to be able to hold 6 rats comfortably, and still give them extra room (and maybe WAY down the line, house another 2)... So a pretty decent sized cage...

    I want one thats easy to clean, fairly easy to move around, one I can fit with all sorts of hammocks and toys easily.

    I absolutely adore the double CN.. But its SO expensive... But I love its size, how well its made, and the fact it has storage space under it..

    I've look at the Martin's. And those who have these love them! But I'm unsure. And I'm unsure of which one I would need... Anyone have one of these? Or have much info on them?

    And I've looked at the larger Marshall Mansion.. But I would really like a cage that I wouldn't have to modify (with hardware cloth) to keep youngsters in...

    And I have no idea what else is out there. So any information on good large cages would be appreciated..

    But I'm super curious as to who all has Martin's, CNs, or another large cage.. What you think about it.. pros and cons.. What are some I should check out.. ect...

    5 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Rat with Hurt Foot...?

    I noticed it this morning when I got my boys out for a short playtime before I had to head off to work...

    Waylon was crawling, climbing, and acting fine.. Except, his back left foot is being held up/dragged behind him, and he isn't putting weight on it...

    When I noticed I pick him up and look at it.. Theres not blisters, sores, marks, cuts, and it didn't even appear swollen.. He didn't throw a fuzz about me looking and lightly touching.. When I lightly squeezed (VERY lightly, "squeeze" isn't even a good word since I really did it at all) he jumped a bit.. But I couldn't tell if it was cause it bothered him, or if he was just tired of being held.

    I didn't have time to really check it out.. So I fixed them a big breakfast and put them up. I stood there for a minute and watched him repeatedly climb up to ramps, get a piece of food, climb down, eat it, climb up, and so on.. He still wasn't using that back leg, but he didn't act like he was bothered or it slowed him down at all...

    I've heard that vets can't do anything for sprains and broken legs, and that they'll heal on there own.. Is this true..?

    Is there anything I can do to make him comfortable...? He doesn't look uncomfortable.. But it bothers me so much.. Kind of hurts me, even.. To see him holding it like that :(

    I'll check him out more thouroughly tonight...

    But any advice would be great....

    I'll totally take him to the vet if someone thinks he really needs to go. That isn't an issue at all.. I was just told they couldn't do much for something like this.. But I don't know whats wrong.. It concerns me there wasn't even any swelling...

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Ideas for seperating top half of cage from bottom..?

    I have a large ferret cage; this cage:

    It currently houses two year old male rats. Recently, I picked up a third young male rat. He was the only one, and I will be getting him a cage mate in the next few days. It'll be another couple weeks before I really introduce him to the big boys, but I'm thinking about IF the meeting doesn't go over smoothly...

    I have an extra cage if I cannot make the one large cage into two.. I know its big enough to house up to 6 rats.. So I know they'll all have plenty of space if its seperated in the middle.. I'd like to be able to house the youngsters on one half, and the big boys on the other.. And if they get along, eventually take out the divider. But if not, its still just one cage

    Are there any sites that sell dividers like this?

    Or does anyone have any ideas for what I could do to construct one?

    Anything will be helpful! Thanks!

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Christmas gift ideas for my new girlfriend..?

    So.. Come December 22nd, we will have been together one month.. We were dating and "friends" SEVERAL months before we were officially together.. So I feel I should get her something a little special.. But not over the top..

    Btw, I'm a girl too. She loves movies and film.. Animals.. music and books...

    ANY ideas thrown at me will be more than what I currently have come up with myself.. I think I'm just scared to pick something because I don't know what would be appropriate and what wouldn't me.. As I said.. I'd like to get something 'special'.. I just don't know what :/

    5 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Certification for Computer Technician/Networking..?

    I know automatically this is something I want to go for. Theres a year long program at a nearby "trade school" that ends your year with an internship...

    What can I expect will be starting pay for this?

    What ALL can I expect to be able to learn and do from this?

    Theres also a nearby college that would let me transfer over and Get an AAS in Networking in another year.. How can this AAS degree compare the certificate...?

    I posted this yesterday but didn't get really anything helpful, so I thought I'd try again.. If anyone thinks I'd have better luck elsewhere, please let me know where... lol

    As for the school.. Again, its a trade school; Northwest Technical Institute. I would get my certification in under a year, then would have to complete a 160 hour internship. Then I could find a job. IF I wanted to further my education and turn that certificate into an associates degree, then this specific trade school has a partnership with the local community college.. I could, theoretically, transfer over, and in one more year have that associates.. I may wait to do that part...

    But yea... My specific questions are above...

    Thanks before hand! :D

    4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Certification in Computer Technician/Networking?

    I know automatically this is something I want to go for. Theres a year long program at a nearby "trade school" that ends your year with an internship...

    What can I expect will be starting pay for this?

    What ALL can I expect to be able to learn and do from this?

    Theres also a nearby college that would let me transfer over and Get an AAS in Networking in another year.. How can this AAS degree compare the certificate...?

    I thought about posting this elsewhere... But I might aswell try here.. Its not a specific question on how to do something.. But meh...

    Thanks before hand! :D

    1 AnswerComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • If I'm a saggitarius/virgo and she's a scorpio/aquarius, what should I expect?

    We're both women. Both already heavily attracted to each other, and falling harder by the minute.

    But I would like to know what to expect according to our signs...

    I'm a Sagittarius sun, a virgo moon.. If it makes a difference, my bday is the starting day for Sagittarius, the 22nd.

    She is a scorpio sun, an aquarius moon.

    I'm just really curious! Would like as much detail as someone can afford to give me :3.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Female saggitarius/virgo and a female scorpio/aquarius..?

    How compatible are we? Really?

    I'm a saggitarius sun, virgo moon.

    Shes a scorpio sun, aquarius moon.

    And yes, both females. In "love", or falling there quickly. Want to know how well this may go...

    1 AnswerHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Confused on how to read my horoscope.. Born on a cusp?

    My whole life I never knew which horoscope I actually was.

    Some things I read said I was Scorpio, which ended on November 22.

    Some others say Saggitarius, which starts November 22.

    Then someone said I was a "cusp".

    Since then I've wanted to get more into astrology and zodiac.. But I'm unsure where to start about even my own. I'm sure a book would help. Maybe even a site.

    I have not been able to find a GOOD site that explains it all to me..

    And I get weird when buying books.. If its not the ONE I should have, I get wary about spending the money.

    So can someone explain to me what this means?

    Which I should follow? Or am I a bit of both? When I read the horoscopes I can sometimes identify with parts of both...

    Anyone who wants to help me get started on learning more about this stuff I would greatly thank!

    Or if you want to point out a good book....

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Cagemates for my year old female rat?

    So, about 3-4 months ago, I adopted a female rat from an owner that just could no longer care for her.

    When she came into my care she was nervous, timid, and shy. And alone. Nor had she really been handled for months. At first, I thought adding a cage mate would be a mistake. Shes older, hadn't had one since she was a baby, and as shy as she was.. I was thoroughly unsure.

    Now that I've had her for a few months, shes opened up a lot. Shes still shy and jumpy. But when the cage door comes open she is ready to get out and play and cuddle with me on the bed or couch.

    Because of how well she adapted and how much she opened up, I'm highly considering getting her a cage mate. I think, more so now, that she would be able to adapt and get along. And maybe even be a bit happier.

    I found a breeder a couple hours away who has two cinnamon ruby eyed females. 3 months old. And then another, who has several colors.. Including siamese, and rex coats. I'm not getting another rat, just to get one..

    I know a lot about rats. I've thoroughly done research on them. Including introductions. However, I don't have the experience others do. So I really would love some advice.

    Do you think my female, Lady, would adapt as well as I think to a new cage mate?

    Do you think me picking cage mates that are already a few months old is a better idea that one that's just weeks old?

    Do you think I should get the one cage mate? Or get two? Since they are younger...

    Is this really even a good idea?

    And yes, of course I know introductions need to be slow. So I don't need info on HOW to go about introducing them...

    But anything you give me could prove helpful with this decision. :)

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Ha! Yes! On cloud 9! But now what...?

    Sooo.. After worrying about it for DAYS.. I finally got the courage to ask out this girl I was crushing on...

    I hate that I took my time.. She actually has a date with someone else.. And I knew this before I asked.. I fought with myself on if I should or not because of that.. But in the end, my heart and all the advice I was being given said to "go for it!" So I asked.. She said, "I definitly think we should meet and see what happens." Then she let me know this weekend wasn't good.. I assume because of her other date. But didn't ask...

    Then she came back with a "How bout Sunday?" And then when asked what she wanted to do.. Invited me to come over to her house for dinner and a movie..

    I'm not sure how I should be reading this...

    Just so everyone knows.. Dating is not my strong point. I've been single for 6 months, and before that was in a relationship for 2 years.. So reading people during this kind of thing, and dating.. Is not a strong point.. And it makes me so nervous, sometimes I just shut down.. I don't want to do that this time! I want to show her how awesome I can be.. And not how shy I can be.. :/

    But first.. What should I make of her inviting me to her home..? I know this is mainly us getting to know each other, and not neccessarily a "date".. But any other girl I've dated in the past.. Never invited me over to her home the first go around.. Except once.. And it ended with.. Well.. Yea.. xD. But I figure thats not the norm.. So I don't really get this...

    How would YOU look at this situation...?

    Also.. What would you find appropriate..?

    Anything you have to say about this might help straighten my head out.. I'd say my biggest fear: coming off as too shy and standoff-ish. I'm fairly shy when meeting new people.. And sometimes it makes me come off as being standoffish towards whoever.. When inside, I'm feeling quite the opposite.. I think it boils down to I think into things WAY to much, and worry about the words coming out of my mouth to much.. I feel as if what I'm saying is stupid.. So a lot of the time.. I don't say much of anything.. Any tips to help with that...? :/

  • How to ask out a girl.. ? :/?

    Yea.. Title is self explanatory.. I've been going over in my head all day long what I should say, or how to bring it up...

    But I'm not the best with words..

    Or confrontation..

    I already knew I wanted to ask her out.. But me and my damn fears made me a bit late :/.

    Shes NOT in a relationship.. And shes Not "dating".. But she got asked on a date last night by someone else.. Le sigh...

    Many have told me to go ahead and just go for it.. Let her know how I feel, and such.. That its no too late, and the worse thing that could happen is she say no.

    But.. WHAT do I say..? In the end, whatever will be put in my own words.. But I'm not sure how to even begin...

    Please help..? :/

  • Am I really too late here..?

    Posted something similar earlier.. But didn't get anything of much help.. Thought I'd see if there were more people up and awake with opinions. Ha!

    So theres this girl I've been talking to.. And like.. Very much.

    Shes got a WONDERFUL personality. Makes me smile. Kind of cute.. We have a lot of the same interests and hobbies...

    I had just decided a few days ago that I would like to ask her out.. But I'm never straightforward with these things.. I "tiptoe" and wait..

    It makes me hate my passive self...

    But she told me last night while we were talking that she JUST got asked on a date D:. It kind of crushed me.. But I didn't say much.. Just that I was happy for her and hoped she had fun..

    But in reality, its eating me up. I keep kicking myself that I didn't ask sooner.

    Its not like shes automatically in a relationship or "dating".. Its just A date.. But it scares me to do something..

    I know I don't want to wait till its too late and she is in a relationship..

    But I also know I don't want to be shot down..

    I can't tell if she kind of likes me too.. But we use a lot of "cute names" when talking to each other.. And we talk about virtually everything...

    Either way.. I don't know what to say.. If anything.. I want to be honest.. And not loose my chance totally..

    But at the same time, I feel I already have and it would be pointless..

    Any advice on what to do, say, act on, or what have you.. Would be AWESOME ><

    Thanks to all ahead of time...

  • Please help! I'm not sure what to do D:?

    Posted this earlier, with little success.. But I REALLY would like advice.. From more than one, so I can kind of think of more than what 1 said...

    Anyway.. I'm a nervous personality. I let things slip by me a lot. I miss a lot of chances.. In both dating and in life, in general.

    Theres this girl.. Cute girl.. Sweet girl. WONDERFUL personality! I very much enjoy talking to her, we have a lot in common, and I wouldn't mind dating her...

    But, I'm a "tiptoe-er" and I'm not at all straightforward...

    We were talking last night, and she tells me she JUST got asked on a date this upcoming weekend.. And I have been kicking myself in the @$$ ever since. WHY didn't I just ask? WHY couldn't be first? D:

    Its not like shes automatically in a relationship.. Or even "dating".. Its just A date...

    But I'm still unsure of what to do..

    I want to let her know how I feel, and that I like her.. And how I"m so pissed I didn't get the courage to ask first.. But I don't know how to put it or what to say exactly.. Any ideas...?

    Or would it, ultimately, be best to just keep my mouth shut, be a good friend, and see what happens?

    I don't want to not let my feelings be known, and totally miss my chance.. If the date goes exceptionally well without her realizeing what my own feelings are.. I'm afraid I'll totally miss out..

    But I'm worried I'll miss out as is...

    Any help is appreciated.. And advice on what to say or do.. Or how to interpret any of this..

    I'll most definitly give the most helpful 10 points.. Instead of just forgetting about this question and letting it get "voted on" ><

    Thanks before hand..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Anyone Else Have a Problem with Being, "Too Late"? :/?

    So.. I'm not the most straightfoward person. I "tiptoe" around things alot. Especially since I have a nervous personally, fear rejection, and am more the "sit and wait" type. However, I'm sick of being like this.. I'm sick of being walked on, over, and missing out on something that may or may not have been great...

    Theres this girl I've been talking to. I find her to be quite wonderful. She's got an awesome personality, kinda cute, and we have loads in common.. Which is unusual for me to find someone with SO much in common to me...

    I started thinking a week or so ago that I'd definitly like to date this girl once I get to know her better.. And I like her more with each day we talk.

    Unfortionatly, I think I may have missed my chance...

    She told me last night that she JUST got asked on a date this upcoming weekend.. And seemed excited :(.

    I'm happy for her.. But so incredibly pissed at myself for not just going for what I knew I wanted -.-.

    So I'm too late...

    But I want some advice!

    Do you really think its too late? Lesbians tend to move rather fast within relationships SOMETIMES.. So I think if I let her go on this date before letting her know that I have feelings for her aswell.. That I will DEFINITLY miss my chance ><.

    Do you think that.. When we talk today that I should get my feelings out there? Tell her..? What would I say...? "I'm sorry I didn't ask sooner.. But I need to be honest. I'm angry with myself for not asking first.. But I kind of like you, and would like to take you out sometime..."

    Or should I just not say anything? Just keep my mouth shut.. Let her have her fun.. And just see what happens with that before saying anything :(.

    Its not like her and this person are together, or "dating".. Its one date... But its, sadly, bothering me...

    ANY advice on this would be helpful..

    I'm just tired of doing nothing when I want something.. Or being "too late" and feeling like I can't do jack about it...

    Same thing happened with me and my ex.. I let crap happen, and didn't do a thing about it.. :/

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else have a problem with being "too late"? :/?

    Soo.. Been chattin' with this really awesome girl lately..

    I've been trying to avoid the dating thing.. It honestly, scares me. I was in a relationship for two years.. And even though its now been quite some time since that break up, I've continued to "latch on".. Which I'm thinking is unhealthy for me..

    But this girl and I... We seem to have a LOT in common, and she definitely makes me smile. I was figuring the other day that I wouldn't mind to date this girl in the future after I take a little extra time to get to know her...

    Weeell, don't know if she thinks the same about me. But while talking last night she got really excited and told me she just got asked on a date this upcoming weekend.. :/

    Just told her that was awesome and to have fun..

    Left it at that..

    Honestly.. Felt a bit jealous (I'm THAT type >.>), and mostly angry with myself for not asking first ><. I feel I must let it be known now that I'm interested.. But I've never been straight forward... I'm a "tiptoe-er".. But I'm feeling as if that isn't going to do me much good this time around...

    Does anyone have any advice on what I should do?

    Should I just like.. Tell her, "Hey.. I know you have a date with someone else.. But I'd kind of like to take you out sometime myself.." And just be honest about what I want, and all that jazz?

    Or should I just continue to keep my mouth shut, talk, be friends, and hope for the best..?

    I'm not good with these types of things.. And I hate to sit back and watch, and keep my feelings to myself yet again.. But definitely don't want to make her uncomfortable, and I DO want her to have fun on her date.. Even if its not with me <.<

    Its not like I've got my heart in this or anything.. But I definitely like this girl... First one I've felt anything towards since my last gf >.>

    Please help..? :/

  • How difficult would it be to introduce a young female rat to my year old rat?

    I've taken in a 1 year old female white rat. Her previous owner never had her with a cagemate.. I ended up with her because she was all of a sudden spending less and less time with her.

    When I got her she was very timid...

    Shes still not as comfortable as my two boys are, but shes getting there.. She comes out of her cage, checks me out real good, then spends some time crawling through the blankets on my bed.. Popping her head out now and then for a treat :P

    After more than a year of life, how hard would it be to accustom her to a cage mate?

    I know the proper steps to take and such...

    But HOW hard would it be? Do you think she'd take to it well..? Or maybe not..

    I get her out daily, but I know its not the same as a cage mate.. But after so long.. I'm almost worried on how she'd take to it..

    Any tips or advice would be great.

    Also.. Shes in a smaller cage since shes alone (not too small). I have my males in an old ferret cage.. I wish I could afford another.. But I have a couple other large cages from previous years and pets.. So can someone just provide a link to a pic to the smallest big cage I could have them in?

    I know rat care, and I know they need large cages.. I just need a picture in mind for this one I think...

    I just can't picture what is the smallest yet still acceptable...

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • My ex and I are "starting over".. Don't know how to read signals.. Not sure what to think..?


    My girlfriend and I, of 2 years, broke up about a month and a half ago.. Well, she broke up with me. She needed space, said she just wasn't feel the same "love" for me anymore... It took her about 3-4 weeks, but she finally moved out of my house...

    Since she moved out, we're back to being really close. Almost closer than before.. She keeps using words like "date".. We go hang out.. Then we go on "dates"..

    At first I thought she was just done with me.. And in fact, during a fight we had after the break up, I remember her saying, "I could never be with you like that again. Your crazy." Before you get all into the fact she called me crazy.. I'll admit.. That night I was crazy.. But I wasn't in the right state of mind either...

    But thats been about a month ago. And things have been really good since she moved out and is getting her space...

    The root of our problem is that we stopped being ourselves, and became simply: Us. We were no longer individuals.. And while I can ignore things like that like it doesn't matter.. She could not anymore...

    But I guess my real confusion started, again, over the weekend...

    We went to volunteer at a football game.. She left way before me, but we made plans to go hang out at my cousins and watch a movie afterwards...

    When the game was over she sent me a message saying, "Since its already so late, but we still want to go over there.. How bout I pick you up from your house? And you can stay the night with me at mine..?"..

    I thought it was a fantastic idea of course >.>

    We didn't get in till around 3.. And lets just end it with.. We didn't sleep much..

    Nor the next day.. >< Ha...

    Since the week started, I've gone over to visit several times after work.. Nothing of a sexual nature has happened since the weekend.. Except for a goodnight kiss when I leave.. Until last night.. It was a great visit.. But its left me confused on where this could be going. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'm trying to tell myself, "sometimes it just won't work." But I really want it too.. I want to be able to be happy, make her happy, and be happy together as well as apart.. And I'm really trying.. Our age difference does help (21 and 28), but I'm a bit more mature than the average 21 y/o.

    I just need someone to talk to I think.. Someone who can give me a bit of advice on this..

    Again, I'm not sure what I should be thinking.. Or if I should be making any any moves myself.. I was not the once who made an advance over the weekend ><

    Anything would be helpful.. lol. Sorry for making this so long ><

  • I feel like I'm loosing my mind, and control...?

    I don't want to go into a lot of details.. If someone wouldn't mind talking to me one and one and listening.. Since I don't know you, I'd take as much specific advice there is too...

    But the gist is...

    I'm scared of myself. I don't know what I'm capable of doing anymore, to me or those around me. I've recently been going through a really hard breakup, yet still living with and trying to be friends with my ex.. Shes unlike any person I've ever been with.. And my fear of loosing her completly has led me to agree to that arrangement for now.. Tho she is moving out soonish...

    But I flipped at her last night.. Never have done that before.. I bruised myself up good... I bruised her up pretty good.. I threatened to hurt myself worse.. And I cried myself to sleep. Actually, until this past couple hours, I hadn't stopped crying. I think I even cried in my sleep because I woke up with wet eyes, a runny nose, and well.. Still crying... I also want to note that I didn't "beat her up".. But yes, there was a physical altercation... My fault.. Like everything else :/

    I really have myself scared on what I could do...

    It isn't easy for a girl of 140lbs with virtually no muscle mass to take on and pull down a 300lb girl with a LOT of muscle mass...

    I didn't only scare me.. I scared her too.. Which makes me feel even worse about myself.. I feel like I'm going crazy and I don't know what to do, and the best thing would be to leave everyone alone, and slowly drift away... Of course I'm hurt over my breakup, but I think a lot of these feelings have been stored back for a very long time, and not all of it has to do with the current situation.. But, I just don't know :/ All the things I enjoyed doing, I don't anymore.. I just want to sleep, and get on to the next day.. I want to be able to be happy.. But it seems so hard now, when it came naturally before this all started.. It feels like I'm being pushed away, and hurt on purpous.. Which I know isn't really true...

    What should I do...?

    I'm kind of at a loss...

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Now sure what to do next... Anyone want to give me some advice?

    I posted this earlier, then deleted it, after decided it was much to long to even catch any ones attention.. Ha...

    I'll keep it simple, and undetailed.

    A couple weekends my gf of almost 2 years broke up with me. She hasn't moved out. I won't ask her too, because I care to much. But I don't know if its helping me or making me worse to have her around. I still love her. And care about her. Shes just starting to go back to school and just got a really decent job. I hate to think she would have to try to be homeless while doing all this. She said she would go if I needed her too. She said she would move out of "our" room if I needed her too. But all I can seem to say is, "no no.. Its okay.."

    Well.. Part 2:

    Day after she broke up with me, another ex sent me a message via the internet. She said she missed me and had had a dream about me. We've been talking a little sense. It'd be a lie to say I don't miss her. She was like my first gf, and we dated for around 3 years.. Even if we were long distance. Sometimes shes mean though. Other times she says very sexual things to me.. Sometimes sweet. Sometimes its a short, blah sort of convo. And sometimes their fun. either way, she has a boyfriend, and has for a couple years now.. Pretty much right after we broke up (which was my fault, way back when).

    So I don't know how to take this..

    I feel like she could be messin' with me and trying to take advantage of my weakened and sad state anyway...

    How would you take this? What should I do about it...?

    I'm really trying to meet new people... So I don't sit at home and be sad all the time. I did start talking to this really nice girl who has a lot in common with me.. But I haven't heard from her in a few days, so I suspect I said something wrong. However, this is the least of my problems.

    This is still longer than I wanted... But shorter than last time...

    Can anyone give me some good advice? ANY advice? :(
