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  • When did you pick your baby's name?

    I am 27 weeks and I have still yet to pick out a name for my baby girl. second child first pregnancy picking out my oldest daughter's name was hard too. but I feel like I should have her name by now. I have baby books and quite a few that I like but I don't know. any one have name suggestions and when did you know your baby's name?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Insensitive neighbors?

    I'm asking this in the parenting section because I want to get other parents opinions on how to handle this. I have new neighbors they moved in at the beginning of the year. and they are the rudest couple ever. they don't have children so they party all the time I even believe that they are newlyweds. I'm trying to be understanding but having parties at all hours of the night is starting to really get to me. they keep me and my family awake all night, especially my 3 1/2 year old daughter. last night their party didn't end until 4 in the morning my husband decided to call the police. I am at the end of my rope but I don't want to become one of those bitching neighbors, but my daughter needs her sleep any advice on some actions I need to take without seeming like a *****.

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What are you getting your husband for Christmas?

    I have started my Christmas shopping but I completely stumped on what to get for my husband? he is normally the easiest person for me to shop but this year I'm stumped. what are you getting your husband I need all the idea's I can get.

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is every one here in a bad mood today?

    I have noticed lots of thumbs down, ranting, deleting of questions. wow people aren't entitled to their own opinions. is it because of the election or just because some of us woke up on the wrong side of the bed. so what's going on why is every one so mad?

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • does your daughter wear jewelry?

    like other than earrings. my daughter is 3 and she has a cross necklace and a bracelet on each arm. my daughter is at work with me today and one of my co- workers made a comment that I am spoiling her, I was shocked other than her earrings I haven't brought any of her jewelry my mom brought the bracelet's and my MIL brought the necklace. I asked her how is she spoiled and she said well she has diamond earrings in her ear and gold bracelet's and a gold necklace. I said to her " that's not spoiled" she doesn't have any kids so I didn't take it to heart but I started thinking she is only 3 maybe she is spoiled

    so my questions are does your daughter wear jewelry other than earrings and do you think my daughter is spoiled? I don't want my daughter ot be a spoiled brat. thanks

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • moms which dress for 3 year old?

    I need a dress for my daughter for next week my husband's birthday and we are having a party. I asked this question early but I didn't get many answers please help pick one.

    please help pick a dress. thanks :)

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong that I want to kill her?

    okay this is rant and a question. my MIL has been pissing me off all week and my husband has been no help at all. why you ask because he is a mommas boy well at least when she is in town. I'm trying to be nice but it's hard she is constantly complaining about how her son should be playing foot ball professionally he hurt his knee and his back he can't play foot ball, I guess she blames me I don't know why. and all this week she would say things like " you made THIS for dinner oh I GUESS I can eat that!. if she's not talking about the food I cook it's about my clothes. oh honey you shouldn't wear such tight jeans other men may look. or that top is a little low cut in the neck ( she means v neck) you shouldn't wear that because you have big breast men may look I don't want my son to think you are cheating on him with strangers! did she call me a hooker? because that's how I took it. and I tell my husband and his answer remains the same you just need to open up to her more. hello your mother just called me a hooker and she insulted my clothes how am I supposed to open up to someone like that.

    so here's my question. does your MIL ever make you so mad that you could just slap her? and how do I deal with her because my MIL isn't leaving until Tuesday. HELP!!!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If you have read a child called "IT" here's a question?

    I'm sure a lot of people have read the book a child called "it" what that mother did was horrible. she was a straight up no doubt about it child abuser. my question is why do parents who spank their children for discipline get categorized under the same category as the mother in that book or like the parents we hear about in the news? there is a pretty thick clear as day line.what do you think? I spank my daughter when I feel it's necessary and I would never couldn't even imagine doing what that women did or what some parents do that we hear about on the news.

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • 3 year old losing weight?

    my daughter just got back from her doctor's appointment and she lost 5lbs since her last check up. the doctor said it's fine she is still a healthy weight. I'm just curious what could have brought this on. she hasnt' been sick and her eating habits have in proved from her picky day's. has anyone had this happen to their child? any advice or help thanks.

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • if another child hits your child?

    this is just a general opinion question. if someone else's child hit your child and your child hit them back how would you handle your child. I ask this because my daughter was hit in the arm and she hit the little boy back who is a year older than her ( she is 3) her mom came and told me what happended so I told my daughter she had to stay inside I made her apologize to the boy. and that's was it I didn't put her in timeout I didn't spank her I just told her that hitting wasn't nice. what would you have done.

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • do you read parenting books?

    I haven't read any parenting books. I have read some magizines but only when I'm at the doctor's office. my neighbor asked me about a parenting book and I told her straight up I haven't read any. she was shocked. and asked why and I told her straight up because my parents didn't ready any with me and I cam out fine. and besides who can help me better then them. so my question is if you read parenting books do you get a second opinion from your parents? and do you think it's irresponsiable to not read parenting books? I am open to everyone's opinion's on parenting but I don't see the need.

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • taken advantage of.... advice please?

    my cousin droped her 3 month old daughter off this morning around 10. she first called and asked if it was okay I agreed. it's now 5:30 and she still hasn't come to pick up her daughter. I have called her and got no answer on both her home phone and cell phone. I left messages of course asking when she was coming to get her but no response. I'm trying to be patient but I told her that she had to be back by 3 because I have plans. now not only is me and my family late to where we where invited but she didn't pack enough formula and diapers. my husband went to the store and got some of course (luckily we had the can so we got the right brand) but my question is what should I say to her? I can't bring her with me because I don't have a car seat for her. she made me late and I had to buy things for her child. I'm so mad any advice on how to apporach this when she does arrive?

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • which reality show do you want to end?

    all though real world is good it's been going on for so long now that it's just getting annoying. and living lohan is so stupid.

    17 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • is it cheap ?

    I was invited to a baby shower for a friend who is having a girl. I have a daughter who is 3 and I have so much stuff of hers that I didn't use. I mean a ton I have crib bedding that is still in the orignal package and baby clothes that have never been used I kept them in a box do you think it will be cheap to give her some of these things or do you think I should just buy her something money it's not about not having money but that stuff is in the bassment. what do you think?

    24 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • taxes on clothes?

    I know that georgia charges taxes on clothes but what other states I live in Massachusetts and I know we don't have taxes on clothes here. does any one no of other states that charge tax on clothes?

    10 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Younger brother's punishment?

    I have 2 younger siblings 16 lil sis and 13 lil brother. and they are both good kids but my brother has summer school which I think is good instead of getting kept back. my brother really slacked off this year I personally think it's because my dad got him a cell phone. my lil sis got one too but she can work to help pay for it. any way my dad has to go out of town during the week of my brother's birthday and he (my dad) asked me to throw a get together for my bro's b day I don't think he should have one my brother doesn't know my dad asked this I talked to my husband and he agree's he shouldn't have a party just take him out for dinner. My mom thinks I'm being to hard on him. What would you do I feel a little bad because it is his birthday but I don't want him to think he will get rewards when he messes up. any advice?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • what do you think of this article .... all opinions?

    I think he got what he deserved we need more of his type off the streets. no child should have to deal with that.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • would you....?

    I was reading some resolved questions and a few of the answers made me upset. they where mostly about fashion and who wears what what brands are better. and it seems like every one has their mixed opinions about brands espically Baby Phat (which I love) and Abercrombie.

    some people call Baby Phat trashy and ugly and Abercrombie can never do any wrong. but Baby Phat is part of New York fashion week and is the first urban womens brand. my question is would you call some one trashy if you say them wearing Baby Phat even if you didn't know them? would you call someone "ghetto" because they wear Baby Phat? I have friends that wear both and a few friends that never even saw anything BabyPhat but like my clothes and now wear Baby Phat. and why is Abercrombie considered better to wear but the clothes espically the shirts rip very easily.

    9 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • 3rd birthday party help??

    My daughter is turning 3 on the 2nd of July but we decided to have her party on the 4th because it just seems like to many parties in one week. I wanted to go with the red white and blue colors for decorations but I want food to go with that. and of course a cute dress for my daughter.

    Does anyone know where I can get recipies and cute outfits for her. I need two outfits one for during the party and one for going to see the fire works. (later in the night)

    I would really like the food and outfits to go with the 4th July theme. thanks

    5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Second Miss carriage feeling horrible.. please help?

    okay so early this week I had a miss carriage and I feel horrible emotionaly and physically. every little thing makes me upset I either cry or get really pissed. what should I do has anyone else every had this problem. how did you deal. my first miss carriage I was upset but not like this. did you ever have a baby after having more than one miss carriage? any help thanks.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago