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  • Mom w/Alzheimers yells at nursing home. They drug her up to make her sleep all day & night. What to do?

    Mom entered a nursing home. Care there is poor. Staff is understaffed & overworked.Staff is untrained about Alzheimers & she is late stage Alzheimer's with brain damage due to an injury. She is blind. She needs help eating, bathing, dressing, using toilet, etc. She cannot stand up, use a wheelchair or roll over in bed. She knows family/friends but can't remember where she is or why she's there. There are few activities for her & she's bored. She shouts loudly for help if we aren't there & then the staff drugs her. They have nearly killed her by overdosing her on several occasions What do we do? We can't be with her 24 hours a day but at least one of us comes & spends hours there each day just trying to keep her safe from the staff. We can't be there & look for another home at the same time. For this "care" we pay $6000 a month. Anyone w/suggestions?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Can someone help me get my printer working?

    I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop & a Hewlett Packard 2710 all-in-one printer/scanner/fax/copier.About 1-1/2 years ago, I accidentally deleted the printer icon. After that, I found a download for the printer online, but after several hours it hadn't completely downloaded, so I cancelled the download. Then I found info online saying that I could directly download by connecting my laptop to my printer w/a cord, but I didn't have the type of cord needed. Can anyone help! I'm not working, need to print resumes & have no money for repairmen or cords. Also, you might need to know the following info - when we initially bought the laptop & printer, everything was set up by Circuit City where it was purchased. (Circuit City has since closed.) When we got the computer & printer home, the computer rwouldn't recognizing the printer. Circuit City was no help, so we called the Geek Squad. They camefixed it & all worked fine until I deleted the printer icon. We have a modem & router also, one (or both?) of which the Geek Squad hooked up. Everything is set up just as it was before I deleted the printer icon. Sorry I know little of how all this stuff works, need someone who does. Thanks.

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • Will resume written in Microsoft works word processor upload onto job applications?

    I am trying to fill out applications for work & some of the sites ask for resume to be uploaded. My resume is on my home computer on Microsoft Works Word Processor . The last two times I sent it on an application, it appeared to take it, but I never heard anything back. Would it be better to try to paste? Would one way be better than another? Most of these resumes would be going to large companies who I guess use some sort of program to scan for particular keywords.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Need advice from Charleston SC locals & previous visitors on great things to do.?

    Visiting Charleston next week. I have checked out the websites & have visited the area once before. Beautiful city. Wondering if there are some great restaurants, events, tours, etc that the locals may know about while tourists go to well advertised major sites. Any advice? I love history, any kind of event on the water - ocean or river. Any truly terrific seafood restaurants? We'd like great fresh esh, well-prepared delicious seafood & don't care if its from a plain place or an upscale gourmet restaurant. Just tired of expensive tourist traps that don't always deliver with anything truly good. To LOCALS - what are your favorite activities, places to visit & restaurants? To any who have VISITED Charleston - what were your favorites?

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Anyone from Charleston SC who can suggest nice low-cost hotel (like $100-135 per nite?

    Prefer hotel in historic area, small hotel B&B or chain hotel ok, whatever - we won't spend much time in the room, there for vacation & sightseeing - love history. Also, any info on things to see & do that we might overlook - interesting but off the beaten path historic sites, restaurants, etc. Any places to absolutely not miss? Also, is there a river tour w/stops at plantaton home? a theatre or dinner theatre? great restaurant w/a water view? all suggestions appreciated - thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • how do I add answers to questions on an email & then send it back to the question asker.?

    My typed response would be in a color. I know it is something simple to do & have done this before, but its been awhile & I can't remember how to do it. Help.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • How do I save photos to be under 100KB?

    I have a Casio digital camera, an older Toshiba laptop & a Hewlett Packard Photosmart. Not too good at using this stuff, so there is probably an easier way, but we insert the tiny disc from the camera into the Photosmart, then connect the Photosmart to the laptop & download the photos. (We don't seem to have a cord w/end pieces that fit the computer & camera to download directly from the camera.)The photos download ok, in JPEG, but each is over 700KB, which uses up a lot computer memory. Also, I am trying to sell some things & the company that buys wants photos in JPEG & under 100KB if possible. I don't have any photo software & can't buy afford to buy anything. Any suggestions? If so, please give instructions in simple way I can understand. Thanks.

    3 AnswersScanners1 decade ago
  • Can someone identify this possibly Asian fruit?

    What the heck is this fruit? Probably came from an asian market as it was given us by a friend who is from the Philipines. It is round, about the size of an orange, and has a yellowish-green skin that is lumpy & appears slightly "sectioned" like the outside of a pumpkin is. It has a stem at top, but it doesn't indent at the stem like apples. Flesh inside is white with texture similar to a hard pear. It has small hard seeds in a circular pattern. Tastes pretty bland - wondering if it is unripe or needs to be cooked, or something. Can anyone identify this?

    5 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else out there find Reno 911 hilarious?

    I am watching it right now & I think it is so funny. (stupid but funny). The guy in the short-shorts cracks me up especially.

    2 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • How to cook fresh green beans, southern style?

    Received fresh green beans from friend who gardens. Cooked them in water seasoned with onion, salt & pepper. Have cooked for about 1-1/2 hours on medium heat - they are stringy & tough. What did I do wrong or is it just the beans? Any chance they will become tender if I cook them longer? They had seemed too tough for how I usually prepare them - lightly sauted in olive oil with garlic, etc , so thought I'd prepare them southern style, cooking longer. Any ideas, or do I just pitch them out?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I want to know what you think is the best mineral makeup you've used.?

    I haven't bought mineral makeup before & want to try one, but I don't want to waste money on junk. What's been your experience with these mineral makeups & do you have a favorite brand? Generally I wear a liquid foundation base in a bottle that dispenses so it's always clean, was wondering if the mineral makeup that uses a brush gets germy & causes face to breakout & also how good the mineral makeup is in covering wrinkles, scars & undereye dark cirlces (not bags, just dark). The TV ads look like they've performed miracles, but I want to know how they work really before buying anything. Thanks for your help.

    6 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Need free resume writing advice from a pro. Can I email you my questions?

    Desperately need advice to get resume in order & return to work. My confidence & self-esteem are in the toilet. I live in area of high unemployment. Major industry where I have years of experience has tanked - jobs now done overseas. Need advice on explaining freelance work, lay offs, firings, companies that have closed, moved, etc. If you can help, I'd truly appreciate it. I'm really depressed.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Can a person draw unemployment benefits if they were fired for tardiness?

    Tardiness was due to a medical condition affecting sleep. (was only getting 2-3 hours of sleep nightly). Problem was undiagnosed at time of firing, but person was seeking medical help.Just before being fired, person was prescribed a med which made condition worse; after being fired, person was prescribed different meds which allowed normal sleep. Employer knew person was seeking medical treatment.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • printer doesn't print, need to know what to do, have laptop & wireless printer, I tried to fix, but messed up.?

    I went to control panel, to printers, & it shows other printers there, but I actually just have the one printer, I thought maybe if I set one of the others as the printer, then reset to the real printer, maybe it would work. I thought I was just selecting the other, then reselecting, but what I did was delete them all. Help. How do I add it back? My troubleshooting info says to connect to the printer & it will automatically set it up, but my printer is wireless. Also thought it was the one recommended at the computer store, in reality it wasn't the best choice & we have to use these 2 boxes with it (can't remember what the geek squad guy called them - one says Linksys, one says netopia. Anyone know what to do. I am obviously not that knowledgeable.

    1 AnswerPrinters1 decade ago
  • How to I type email address as black text?

    I'm working on a resume at home & want to include my email address, but when I type it, it underlines & turns blue.(like it is a link) How do I stop that? I just want plain black text, without underline. Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Any veternarians, vet techs out there with advice? Think cat has anemia from fleas. How to treat at home? ?

    Due to lost job/low funds I didn't use flea preventative this summer. On discovering fleas a few days ago, I treated cats w/Advantage, trashed their bedding, treated the yard & am vacuuming/mopping the house (no carpet) - that reduced the fleas tremendously. One cat is not well - has lost weight & gums are paler than usual, is panting, feels dehydrated & colder than usual. I think red blood cells are low due to the flea bites - I know vets give transfusions for this, but what else do they do? I'm keeping her warm, giving water & a cat iron/vitamin supplement & trying to get her to eat. I have some leftover Baytril & Doxycycline - would either help in this situation? I can't go to the vets until I receive payment for a job - probably a few days. She lives with 5 other cats - all are altered/current on vaccines/tested neg for FeLV/FIV & live inside only & presently seem ok. What home care can I give to help her? I also have left over subQ fluids from an elderly cat that died of kidney failure - would that help or hurt? - don't want to make a bad situation worse.

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What yard & home pesticides that kill fleas are safe for cats?

    Would like any experiences, good or bad, w/yard & home pesticides & the effect on cats. Love my cats & don't want to hurt them. Have applied Advantage directly to the cats & that is helping, but I need to rid the home & yard of fleas. I've read "food grade" diatamaceous earth is safe & dries up the fleas outer shell. But what I found locally in the hardware store' s gardening section is a brand name called "Safer" & the label says it contains diatomaceous earth & "selected baits", so what is in these baits? Any experiences with salt, baking soda, borax, lemon juice, etc?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Anyone know how to fix keyless remote on 2002 BMW Z3?

    Keyless remote will not open the doors but the alarm light on the shifter flashes.

    3 AnswersBMW1 decade ago