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  • Why can't we all just get along when it comes to religion?

    I'm so tired of hearing people bashing each other over the religion that they follow. Why can't we all just accept that everyone has the right to follow whatever religion that they want? I'm an atheist, but I'm not going to try to convert someone because they think differently than me. If you have found God, or Allah, or whomever, more power to you, just don't try to convert me.

    My example: I've worked at the same place for two years now and have gotten along with most everyone. The other day the subject of religion came up and I said I was an atheist. Now I can't go anywhere around the office without this one woman quoting scripture at me and trying to "get me to see the error of my ways." It's annoying and uncalled for. If I wanted to be a Christian, I would be one. I'm not following her around trying to convince her of my views.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • What is an ideal weight for this person?

    What would be an ideal weight for a woman in her mid-twenties, 5'6", and overall slender build? This woman is very active and eats healthy.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • I know this question gets old, but could I be pregnant?

    I am on birth control and I take it at the same time every day. Last Sunday was the first day of the sugar pill week and my husband and I had sex. My period started the next day, but it was super light and only lasted two days. This has never happened before while I've been on the pill. The past day or so, I've been feeling kind of crampy, and ill. It is too soon to test, but I'm kind of hesitant to take more of the pills until I know for sure. What do you think the chances are of me being pregnant?

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • What could be causing these bumps?

    My husband has been getting these hard bumps under his skin the past few weeks. They come and go very quickly, as in the appear one moment and are gone in five minutes or so. They are kind of waving looking, hard to the touch, and can't be moved around. They usually appear on the front of his shoulder around his collar bone. What might these be?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions10 years ago
  • Why did this happen while on birth control?

    I have been on the pill for about three months now, and this past month my period was very odd. I got my period a week before the sugar pill week and then through the sugar pill week. I am now back to the regular pills and I have been feeling strange, like cramps and nausea. I didn't have intercourse at all during the two weeks, only a day or so before this all started, so I don't know what it could be. I've taken the pill before and never had something like this happen. What could it be?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • What weight loss pill would you recommend?

    I am a fairly active mother of two, and I am having issues losing weight. I work out every day for about an hour, and I work as a waitress, so I'm on my feet for 6-8 hours a day. I have really hit a wall on weight loss and I would like to try something to get the weight off fast. I eat healthy and in small portions, and I drink lots of water. I am healthy, except for the weight. What weight loss pill would you recommend?

    15 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Which laptop would you recommend?

    I am looking for a laptop to replace the one I have. I don't want to spend more than $400, and I would really need is something that I can load Photoshop onto and also Microsoft Office. It would also need to have a lot of memory space because I edit and store a lot of photographs. What would be your recommendations?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • How should I handle this situation with my father?

    My parents have been divorced since I was about 12, so almost 11 years now. Dad started dating a woman not long after, and I never got along with her. She has always seemed like a money grubber, a gold digger, but Dad would never listen. He always sided with her on everything, even to the point of blaming me for her mistakes.

    Well, when Dad's business started doing bad, she dumped him, blaming it on her sister's illness and having a nervous breakdown. He told me and my husband that he would never, ever get back with her. Now that business is doing well again, guess who showed up. Dad ran back to her without hesitation. I was pissed and let him know, but again, he won't listen.

    Now, my son is turning two and we have a party planned soon. Dad was invited, but not his girlfriend. He started saying really mean things about my marriage when I told him his girlfriend wasn't invited, but when I sat down to talk to him, he said we both had our opinions and would wouldn't discuss it further. Now he said that he and his girlfriend are a "package deal" and that he probably won't come to my son's party without her.

    To me, it seems like he is blindly choosing this woman over his grandson without a second thought. I'm really, really mad and am not sure how to handle this situation without just blowing up. What would you do? How would you handle something like this? Sorry about how long this is, but thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What is the best weight loss pill/ shake/ supplement?

    I am a mother of two and I have had a hard time losing weight after my second child. I have tried natural stuff and nothing seems to work, so I think I am ready to try anything. What are your recommendations of a very effective, quick working weight loss pill? I am very active chasing around a two year old, so exercise isn't an issue. I would like to lose 10-15 pounds before summer. Thanks in advance!

    19 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • When does freedom of speech go to far?

    I live near Athens, GA and about a week ago, two police officers were shot, one died. The guy who shot them went on the run and was captured a few days ago. Since then, a page on Facebook has appeared supporting the shooter! They are basically saying that the cop deserved to die because he was a cop. The shooter is also suspected in killing another county worker, and just got out of jail for robbery, I think.

    A lot of people want the page taken down because it is supporting a killer, but a lot of others are saying that they have the right to have the page because of freedom of speech. What are your opinions on this matter?

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to play as different characters?

    In the split screen zombie maps on COD: Black Ops, is there any way to play as other characters besides Dempsey and Nikolai? This is on PS3, if it makes any difference.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Confusing birth control. Help please.?

    I had a beautiful baby girl about three months ago. At my six week check-up, I got on the mini pill. My doctor told me that since I am breastfeeding, I may spot a little or not get my period at all. The information insert in the pills said that if you don't get your period for 45 days, to take a pregnancy test. I haven't bled since the first week of the pill and my husband and I have had unprotected sex in the first month when it says to use other protection. Should I be worried about pregnancy? Or is this just the pill? Any advice would be wonderful!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is there a weight-loss pill that is safe to take while breastfeeding?

    I am having trouble losing weight after the birth of my daughter, and I was wondering if there was a pill or supplement that would be safe to take while I am still breastfeeding her. No rude comments please.

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Pain in leg after birth, could it be from epidural?

    I had a beautiful daughter a month ago and had an epidural. About a week after she was born, the outside of my left thigh started hurting. Whenever anything touches it, it is excruciatingly painful. It almost feels like it is bruised, but here are no marks. Could this be a complication from the epidural, or something else? I have my 6 week check up next week and I plan on asking my doctor then, but I just wanted an idea. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What exactly are the risks with drinking while breastfeeding?

    I am a mother of two and while I do drink, I always pump afterwards. I am curious, though, as to what risks the baby is exposed to if I don't pump. How much alcohol is the baby actually exposed to? And how long does it take for the alcohol to make it into the breastmilk?

    And please understand that I am just asking questions and would never consider harming my children I'm any way. I will report any answer that insults or questions me as a parent.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about a Family Guy episode?

    In the episode where the Griffins get super powers from the toxic waste, who's boobs does Peter turn into at the end to entertain Mayor West?

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • How can I make this easier on everyone?

    I had a beautiful baby girl about a week ago and the first couple of nights home were wonderful. She only woke up a few times, fed well, and went back to sleep. However, the past three nights, she has refused to sleep for most of the night and wants to be held. She fusses and doesn't really seem happy until about 5 in the morning, then she will go to sleep like it's no big thing.

    I've gotten maybe two hours of sleep a night for the past three nights and it is really starting to wear on me. I have a 19 month old, so during the day I'm chasing him around, not much of a chance to sleep. My husband isn't much of a help either. He watches our son when it is convenient for him. Like right right now, I've been up since 7, it's now 10, and my husband is asleep on the couch claiming he didn't sleep at all last night. Even my MIL is down to help out with the kids, but she sleeps in until at least noon every day because she is on so many freakin' drugs! I'm watching both children while I'm on the computer, trying to run this household. What can I do to make my life a little easier? Anything to get a little sleep and some help from my husband! Any advice is welcome, just no stupid or insulting answers. I'll report you.

    I'm sorry if this is long, but I feel I can't turn to anyone else and I'm just so frustrated! I didn't expect to have it easy, I know raising two kids is a big challenge, I just didn't expect to be doing it all on my own. Please read before you answer.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Having issues with breastfeeding. Any advice?

    My daughter was born 3 days ago and from the start she latched on well for breastfeeding. By the third time or so, it was so painful that I had to stop. Since then I've been supplementing with formula and still trying to breastfeed, but I feel like I'm not doing enough. I really want to breastfeed her, but the pain is unimaginable. I never had this problem with my son.

    While I was at the hospital, I talked with one of the lactation specialists and my daughter is latching just fine, so it's not like she's on there funny. I just feel really bad that I can't get past the pain and just do it. Do any of you have any good advice on what I can do to get past the pain, or anything else I can do? I've been pumping, so my supply is coming in well.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • If they approve me being induced, when will they do it?

    I have an appointment on Tuesday, and I will be 39w 1d. At my last appointment, they said that I can discuss being induced. I've been about 3cm dilated for the last two weeks, just no contractions or anything that might signal labour is close. My appointment is later in the afternoon, so if they decide that they are going to induce me, will they do it the same day or wait a day or so? I am so ready to have this baby and she is very healthy, so there should be no major health risk having her come a little early. Thanks in advance.

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Moms who had to be induced, how did this it work for you?

    I am currently 38w 2d and 3cm dilated, but my baby is still sitting high according to the doctor. At my appointment yesterday, I brought up the fact the my son had been very large, and I'd been told that the more children you have, the larger they tend to be. The doctor suggested that next week I discuss with whichever doctor I see about being induced. (My son was 9lbs, 2oz.)

    With my son, I had to be induced and they used Cervadil and then Pitocin, which made it a miserable 24 hour labor. The doctor said they will likely only use a little Pitocin this time to jump start everything. For moms who have been induced with just Pitocin before, how did it work out for you? How long were you in labor, and who would you rate the experience?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago