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Tonsils removedhavingproblems?
My daughter had her tonsils removed a weeks ago today she is still running fever and now she has red bumps on top if the white were the tonsils were. Do I need to worry about this. And what could it be.
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years agotwo postive prego test while on implanon?
i have had the implanon for almost a year and i have been spotting for like 2 months now. been feeling really sick in the am and heart burn ect,, i have been having all of the same symptoms i have had when i was prego with my daughter . i took 2 pregnancy test the other day one, one moring and the other the next and both came back positive.. could this be right ... i need ne advice you could give me iam freaking out..
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHELP MY BABY IS FIXING TO BE TWO & I NEED HELP ASAP?
ok so i need help finding the right wording to put on her birthday card invations... there are so many out there for babies turning one but not so many out there for little girls that are turing two but i need one for a two year old little girl.. plz someone help me find the perfect wording for her invations!!! thank you so so much!!
1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade agoImplanon side effect maybe? help`?
OK SO I HAVE HAd the implanon birth control for 2 months.. and i have had such bad lower cramps and lower back pain and i have been so sleepy .. is this normal side effects of this.. idk what is going on with me. iam kinda worried.. i mean my husband just got back from iraq and he has been home for almost 3 months i just hope he didn't get me prego then i go and get this implanon... idk maybe iam getting ahead of myself sorry just if you have any info plz help me .. thanks
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHow much do you get paid while attending a police academy?
THis is in abilene texas??
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhat should i send to my soldier in Iraq?? Help plz?
iam not sure i know i cant send porn and stuff like that but ne thing will be a big help thank you so much....
8 AnswersMilitary1 decade agomy daughter is turning one help me?
ok so my baby girl is turning one and i cant seem to think of ne kind of saying to put on her birthday card like a little saying or so plz ne one have ne thing... i thank u so much for all of yalls help
4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agodoes the birth control mirena really work?
well i have the mirena and i think iam pregnant my husband just left for iraq so iam kinda stressed so it could be this so has ne one every gotten prego on the mirena?? plz help ne thing will be appreciated
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade agoCould i be pregnant once AGAIN?
well i have a mirena and i also have a 11 month old baby, well i have been feeling weird here lately i have had this mirena for almost a year now and last month i was bleeding like i was spotting this is the first time this has happen to me since i have had this mirena also i have been get n this sick feeling in my stomach every time i wake up or i eat something and i have been cramping bad to and my back has been hurting a little more and i have been having some discharge.. yea i know that's gross but i just need some advice bc my doctor wont be back in town till monday .. plz help do you think i could be prego..
3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHelp ( this is a question about the soldiers)?
well my husband is in iraq and i need to no what i can and cant send over there ( now i no i cant send pork ,porn or alchol) plz if ne one no this will help out so much.. Thank you
1 AnswerMilitary1 decade agovizio tv question need help quickly its late n im tired off jackin around?
how do u hook up a 5 disc stereo changer to a new vizio tv for surround sound? i am not quite sure how to get audio out from the newer tvs
3 AnswersTVs1 decade agoromantic or not ( guys plz help)?
what do guys really like a women thats romantic or a women that just takes controll
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago