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What should I do? This is serious please help me ?
I am pretty sure I have OCD, but nobody knows. I also get panic attacks, and I hate them. They make me all sweaty and shivery, and I feel like I'm gonna faint or throw up an like I'm gonna die because the world isn't actually there any more. My friends tease me about having ocd jokily, but it makes me really sad because i do think I have it. They might know about panic attacks because I had one at school a while ago but I don't think anyone realised it was a panic attack apart from one person. I always tidy my form room without realising because if it's tidy I can think clearer, and I get really horrible thoughts about people dying and other stuff I don't even want to say. I also have to wash my hands when i get a thought to clean myself of the thought. I also have to eat polos when I think I'm gonna have a panic attack and it just calms me down. I don't know who to tell and the most sensible option is my mum, but I don't want her to think I'm just saying it for attention or overreacting because I'm not. There is someone at school I could talk to but she's a pastoral manager and there's always people in her office and I don't want my friends to see me talking to her and I don't know how to just walk in and be like "I think I have OCD" because I am a bit shy and self conscious. I have an okay relationship with my mum but she won't take me seriously or shell be all guilty and sad and she's had to cope with enough.
Any help appreciated.
2 AnswersMental Health9 years agoI think I have OCD please help!!?
I am pretty sure I have OCD, but nobody knows. I also get panic attacks, and I hate them. They make me all sweaty and shivery, and I feel like I'm gonna faint or throw up an like I'm gonna die because the world isn't actually there any more. My friends tease me about having ocd jokily, but it makes me really sad because i do think I have it. They might know about panic attacks because I had one at school a while ago but I don't think anyone realised it was a panic attack apart from one person. I always tidy my form room without realising because if it's tidy I can think clearer, and I get really horrible thoughts about people dying and other stuff I don't even want to say. I also have to wash my hands when i get a thought to clean myself of the thought. I also have to eat polos when I think I'm gonna have a panic attack and it just calms me down. I don't know who to tell and the most sensible option is my mum, but I don't want her to think I'm just saying it for attention or overreacting because I'm not. There is someone at school I could talk to but she's a pastoral manager and there's always people in her office and I don't want my friends to see me talking to her and I don't know how to just walk in and be like "I think I have OCD" because I am a bit shy and self conscious. I have an okay relationship with my mum but she won't take me seriously or shell be all guilty and sad and she's had to cope with enough.
Any help appreciated.
7 AnswersMental Health9 years agoWho to tell i think i have OCD?
I am pretty sure I have OCD, but nobody knows. My friends tease me about having it jokily, but it makes me really sad because i do think I have it. I don't know who to tell and the most sensible option is my mum, but I don't want her to think I'm just saying it for attention or overreacting because I'm not. There is someone at school I could talk to but she's a counsellor and I don't know how to just walk in and be like "I think I have OCD" because that would just be really awkward and weird.
Any help appreciated!
5 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoHow to tell my mum I think I have OCD?
I am pretty sure I have OCD, but nobody knows. My friends tease me about having it jokily, but it makes me really sad because i do think I have it. I don't know who to tell and the most sensible option is my mum, but I don't want her to think I'm just saying it for attention or overreacting because I'm not. There is someone at school I could talk to but she's a counsellor and I don't know how to just walk in and be like "I think I have OCD" because that would just be really awkward and weird.
Any help appreciated!
2 AnswersMental Health9 years agoWhat is wrong with me?
I think I have ocd and I'm fine with that, it's not too bad, and I get panic attacks and they're not too often so that's fine too, but recently I have stopped eating in front of my friends, i still eat full meals with my family but then I eat secretly, pigging out on chocolate and sweets and crisps I take packed lunch to school but eat it in the corner of my form room i have always been a healthy freak I exercise every day and eat fruit and veg but I don't know what's happened to me please will someone explain? Thank you xox
1 AnswerMental Health9 years agoWhat is wrong with me? ?
I think I have ocd and I'm fine with that, it's not too bad, and I get panic attacks and they're not too often so that's fine too, but recently I have stopped eating in front of my friends, and I eat secretly, pigging out on chocolate and sweets and crisps I have always been a healthy freak I exercise every day and eat fruit and veg but I don't know what's happened to me please will someone explain? Thank you xox
2 AnswersMental Health9 years agoLondon college of fashion or central st martins?? ?
I need to choose my college soon but I am stuck between central st martins and London fashion. I want to be a fashion designer, or at least something in the fashion industry, and do I want to go to the college that will give me the best start to my career. I want to study fashion, fashion journalism and art.
Thank you!! xox
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories9 years agoShould I choose London college of fashion or Central st martins? ?
I need to choose my college soon but I am stuck between central st martins and London fashion. I want to be a fashion designer, or at least something in the fashion industry, and do I want to go to the college that will give me the best start to my career. I want to study fashion, fashion journalism and art.
Thank you!! xox
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)9 years agoDo I have tonsillitis?
All day today I have been feeling really I'll and had a really sore throat. My left tonsil is red and inflamed and I also have a runny nose and I really bad headache and I'm really tired. Nothing seems to be helping either.
Thank you <3
3 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years agoI think I have OCD and GAD, but I don't want to tell my parents, please help! ?
So basically I think I have OCD and GAD and I don't know what to do about it. I'm 13 and in my other question people said it was just hormones, but I don't know why but I know that it's not that and that something is wrong.
I have panic attacks that are really bad but quite rare, but afterwards I always et really
I obsessively tidy but only certain things
I clean my parents toothbrushes with cotton buds to make sure they are clean, because I have thoughts of them dying or getting ill
I stay behind after school to tidy my form room, but no one knows this
I occasionally have sexual thoughts that really disturb me
I sometimes feel like I have to watch porn to make these thoughts go away, but I feel like if I do I'm a really bad person, so I dont and then I just get upset because I'm in a continuous loop
I seem to spend forever just thinking about when my next attack will happen, or who to talk to about OCD and what to say etc
I don't want to tell my parents as I don't want them to see me any differently or o stop loving me or think I'm a freak. I'm really worried so I spoke to childline a couple of days ago and promised them I would talk to my school nurse and get back to them but I don't know what to say or anything. I would lik to see my doctor but would have to lie to my parents about where I was going and I would have to go on public transport, which the lying would make me have another attack and the bus would just freak me out cuz of my OCD. Please will someone help me!!!
Thank you <3
3 AnswersMental Health10 years agoI am 13 and I think I have OCD, but I don't know what to do, please help!!?
I think I have OCD, because:
I clean my parents toothbrushes with cotton wool buds without them knowing, because I think it will stop them from getting ill
I always have stupid thoughts about family and friends dying or getting ill
I stay behind after school and clean the form room and everyones pigeon holes (our equivalent to a locker) for them
I am constantly tidying my room, but it's really hard because I have so much stuff.
I have a lot of stuff because I always keep stuff because i get scared i might need it or it could be useful, even stuff i know is rubbish.
I seem to spend ages researching ocd, and thinking about it and i cant stop myself from thinking about it, as well as the people dying and occasionally sexual thoughts. Sometimes i have an urge to watch porn and it makes me feel like a really bad person, like some sort of pervert.
I want to get checked out for it, but I don't want to tell my parents. I have actually spoken to someone at childline because I was so worried, and I promised them I would go and see my school nurse on wednesday, but in assembly she said she isnt confidential and im scared she would tell my parents. I think my parents would consider me as some kind of freak. Tey are the best parents in the world, and I dont want them to stop loving me or see me any differently. I read somewhere that i can make an appointment at my doctors and go without my parents, and they will keep it confidential, but I have no way to get to my doctors, and if I did go they would want to know where I was going and what time I would be back etc and then I would have to lie and it would make me feel terrible.
I also have panic attacks and i think I may have GAD, but that doesnt affect me as much because my attacks are very bad, but very rare.
Thank you! <3
5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago