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Genus Gooberfatfacetwinkletoes

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  • How do you meet people in college?

    This sounds like a stupid question, and I feel really dumb for asking it, but I'm kind of having a lot of trouble with this.

    I am a transfer student at my school (which I think is part of the problem tbh), I just started my first semester at my new school. I'm kind of in between my sophomore and junior year. I live off campus (another problem). We had orientation groups, and I felt like I was kind of making friends with them, but then classes started and don't have any classes with them, or when they want to do something I am in class. I see them around, but never for long enough to talk to them.

    I try and talk to people in my classes and make new friends that way, but since they are all sophomore and junior level classes everyone already has their established friend groups. I went to a few club meetings but it felt the same way, I didn't really fit in because everyone already new eachother. I tried joining a fraternity during rush week, and I guess they didn't want me or something. It's getting to the point where I don't even want to try anymore and I don't know what to do to meet people?

    5 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Can you help with this algebra problem?

    It gives the equation 3(x+y)=y and asks, if (x,y) is a solution to the equation above and y cannot = 0, what is the ratio x/y?

    It gives the options:



    C. (1/3)

    D. (2/3)

    I have tried solving for both x and y, and I just keep getting 0=0, and I have tried plugging in all of the answer options. I have gotten both of options A and B to satisfy the equation, but I don t know which is actually correct.

    2 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • I need help thinking of a writing topic?

    I am taking the one and only writing class I need for my degree this semester. Writing has always been hard for me. I just don't know what to write about. We have to write a set of instructions. Which I know doesn't seem hard, but it has to be 1000 words or more, and I can't think of anything that I could write instructions for that will end up being 1000 words. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerHomework Help5 years ago
  • Can you wear brown and grey together?

    I am going to an event tomorrow, it's super casual, but something I still want to look nice for. I was planning on wearing a black and grey collared shirt, with dark jeans and brown shoes. Would the shoes look OK with the rest of the outfit, or should I just wear black shoes?

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Is my answer to this differential equation correct?

    I solved this differential equation, got my general solution, plugged in my initial condition to find the particular solution, checked the back of the book to see if I was correct, and they have a completely different answer. I went and talked to a tutor to see if they could help me, and they just told me I was correct, they didn't even look over my work.

    Anyways here is the differential equation:

    y(1+x^2)dy/dx = x(1+y^2)

    I seperated the variables,

    ydy/(1+y^2) = xdx/(1+x^2)

    then I integrated,

    (1/2)(ln|1+y^2|) = (1/2)((ln|1+x^2|) + C)

    then I multiplied everything by 2 to cancel out the 1/2,

    ln|1+y^2| = ln|1+x^2| + C

    And this is where I think my math differs from the book, here I canceled out the natural log by doing the base e thing,

    1+y^2 = 1+x^2 + e^C

    Because e^C is just another constant I replaced it with C1,

    1+y^2 = 1+x^2 + C1

    And now I plugged in my initial condition, (0,sqrt3),

    1 + 3 = 1 + 0 + C1

    So I end up with C = 3, giving me a particular solution of y^2 = x^2 + 3, however their particular solution is y^2 = 3+4x^2. I'll attach a screenshot of their work as well. But is my solution correct as well, or can there only be one particular solution? I plan on asking my professor tomorrow morning, but it is just driving me nuts right now!

    1 AnswerMathematics5 years ago
  • Should I change my availability at work?

    I can t find anyone that will give me a solid answer other than "its up to you." Currently my availability is weekdays from 4pm until close because of school, and all day Saturday and Sunday. I haven t had a weekend day off since I started. Do you think it s too much to ask for Thursdays and Sundays off?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Are older dogs usually aggressive towards puppies?

    I had 2 boxers. Unfortunately one passed early 2015. I still have the other, he is about 5 now. I think I am ready to get another dog, so the boxer I have now has a buddy. A few weeks ago I was going to adopt a dog that was 2.5 years old because the family wasn't going to be able to keep him. We decided to have them meet at the park before bringing him into my home. However my dog was really aggressive, to the point where I decided it wasn't a good idea to bring the other dog into my home. If I bring in a puppy, do you think my dog will be less aggressive?

    6 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Should I cut down my availability at work?

    I work in retail, and go to school. Last semester I took 17 credits and worked 20-30 hours a week, and well I was a little stressed. I am taking 17 again this semester, but 2 of my classes are online this semester so I feel like the workload is going to be less. I was thinking of taking Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays off, but I really like the money and I like having the hours and the paycheck. I did well in school, I had 2 B's and 3 A's, and it's not really an option to take less credits because I want to get my degree as soon as possible. I don't know, should I cut my availability back?

    I know no one can really answer this question for me, but I am just looking for someone else's opinion, I have asked my parents several times and they just keep telling me it's up to me. I know I ultimately need to make the decision, but I just want someone else's opinion.

  • Should I just cancel my order?

    I ordered a hoodie from amazon on December 1st. It was supposed to arrive the 18th, it hadn't even shipped, so I emailed the seller, they said it would ship out the next day and they would upgrade me to priority shipping and refund my initial shipping costs. So I waited, and it still has not shipped out today. I am getting frustrated. I want the hoodie, but I am wondering, do you think I should cancel the order and find one somewhere else?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories5 years ago
  • How do people pay for university?

    I am in my first year of college, however I decided to study my first two years at a community college to get my general education requirements out of the way and ultimately cut the cost of my whole education in half. I am starting to look into where I would like to go when I transfer. However, the costs are insanely high. I have been using their tuition calculators on their websites, and it says I only qualify for a fraction of the entire cost in financial aid, and then it says I should be paying $20,000 out of pocket. I don't have that kind of money laying around! How do people pay for that?! Is there some secret loan that I am missing?

    5 AnswersFinancial Aid5 years ago
  • How can I transfer my music from my old iPhone to my new Samsung Galaxy s6?

    I recently got a new Samsung and replaced my iPhone. I now want to put all the music from my iPhone on my new phone however I don t have any of the music on a computer and when I try and transfer purchases it won t transfer all my music. Is there any possible way to do this that will be prettth hassle free?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • What is the limit as x->0 of ((e^2x)-1)/((e^x)-1)?

    I am stuck on this limit problem. I kind of had an idea, but I don t think it s correct. I was going to do (lim ((e^2x)-1)) - (lim((e^x)-1)) I don t think I am right though. Can anyone help me?

    1 AnswerMathematics6 years ago
  • I think I am taking too many classes?

    This is my first semester of college and I think I made the mistake of taking 18 credits while working as well. I thought it wouldn't be bad, but now that the first week is over I am rethinking that. I want to drop my technical writing class. It's the only english class I will need for my transfer program, but from what the teacher has told us on the first day of class it's going to be a lot of work on top of my calculus, chemistry, economics, and physical education class. I don't know how to talk to my parents about it. I want to tell them I want to drop the class, but I feel like they will be disappointed in me because all through high school I took a full schedule of advanced classes and never had any problems.

  • I feel guilty for something that happened at work, was I wrong to do this?

    I work at a retail store. We have a rewards program that sends out a $10 coupon when you buy so much stuff. A customer came in today with their coupon, I scanned it into the register, and it said the coupon was invalid. I feel bad because they couldn't use it, it wasn't expired or anything. I feel like I should have called my manager over to see if he could do anything, but I just told her she couldn't use it because the computer wasn't taking it. Was I wrong to do this?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • How can I get my sleep schedule back on track?

    School starts in a week. All summer long I have had a pretty terrible sleep schedule. I stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning, then sleep until 12 or 1 in the afternoon. I have tried to go to bed earlier, but I am just not tired until 3 or 4 anymore. This is my first semester of college so I really want to try and be on time to all my classes. How can I get my sleep schedule back on track? I'm not really a morning person. I have tried setting an alarm across the room and all that, but I just turn it off and end up falling back asleep.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • How do I tell this girl I don t want to hang out?

    So I have had problems with this girl for the past 4 years, basically all of high school. She pretty much stalks me. Somehow she got my phone number and will randomly text me all the time. I tried to talk to her and get her to stop, but she didn t and I had to block her number. Now she wants me to go over to her house for her birthday. I really don t feel comfortable going over there. I don t want to be mean, how can I tell her I can t go?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How essential is a laptop in college?

    I'm going to be starting my first year of college next month. I have always heard that you NEED a laptop for college. Is it true? I won't be living in the dorms, and will be commuting 20-30 minutes to school, but I have a desktop at home and an iPad that I can take to and from school. Should I invest in a cheap small laptop that I can just do basic internet browsing and word processing with, or will the desktop and an iPad be fine?

  • Will my teeth move if the wire of my braces isn't attached to my teeth?

    I went to the orthodontist the other day, he forgot to put the little ties on 2 of my teeth. They aren't open until Wednesday this week, will my teeth move very much? Could I just wait until my next appointment on August 8th or call to make an appointment later this week?

    1 AnswerDental6 years ago
  • Should I go to the wedding?

    My cousin is getting married tomorrow. The wedding starts at noon, but I have to work at 1. I feel like it would be rude to show up in my work clothes and then leave 30 minutes later, but my mom insists that I go for a few minutes. Should I go, or do you think it is rude to show up and then leave early?

    13 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago
  • I still haven't been awarded financial aid?

    School starts a month from today. It will technically be my first year of college. I applied for financial aid, filled out the FAFSA and all that good stuff. They gave me some estimate, I can't quite remember the figure they estimated. The financial aid office then told me I would be awarded by mid June at the latest. I wasn't and contacted them, they told me I had a few verification forms I had to fill out, I did. I still have not been awarded. I have contacted the financial aid office 2 times over the past 2 weeks and they have not responded. My mom and my brother both used the same exact information, my brother's FAFSA was probably identical to mine, but they were awarded in May. What should I do about this? I can't afford to go to school without financial aid, I am kind of panicking.

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid6 years ago