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  • Does my water dragon have MBD?

    I got a chinese water dragon about a year ago this May, when I got her, she was about a foot long and now she is 22 inches. She currently lives in a 6x3x2 vivarium, (HxLxD),). Temporary)

    Her humidity is about 70, temperature stays about 85, and she has a UVA/UVB fixture on the top and two basking lamps.

    She has always been very 'tame' and extremely docile and rarely sprints away.. I thought that this was normal as that's how she acted when I first got her.. Recently she has been extremely picky, and whereas she used to eat her worms or crickets everyday, that's reduced down to once every 4 or 5 days. Her diet is not as varied as it should be, (because lack of variety at the pet store).. Today, I happened to notice an unusual bump under her skin on her leg muscle. When I looked it up I read that it could be MBD.. But the only symptoms I can go on are the bump, and that she has a reduced appetite, and also that she's not extremely hyper.. She runs normally, she doesn't drag her body or back legs or anything.. (but I have to coax her to run at all..) I'm about to schedual a vet appointment, but I just wanted someone who knew a little more about it to give me a little info.. So basically, what are some other signs of MBD, bc besides the other symptoms, she is green, alert, and basically acts normal..

    Thank you!!

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Chinese Water Dragon with Respiratory Infection?


    I have a chinese water dragon, she is 22 inches long, and as far as I know 19 months old.

    For the past few weeks she had become picky about eating her crickets until she just ignored them altogether... But she still loved her worms, so I just fed her worms for the next 2 days, on Sunday, she stopped eating the meal worms too. So I tried super worms (which she usually loves) but she just doesn't want them,,, Besides her eating habits she acts normally and was extremely happy and active yesterday.. I looked into the possibility of impaction, but she still poops, and I don't think she's gravid either because she doesn't look swollen. I have noticed that she will 'yawn' every once and a while and 'click' so I didn't think much about it until this eating problem so could it be respiratory problems? The temps in the cool spot stay about 70ish and the warm spots 80s, I got a humidifier to increase my humidity, and it pulls the humidity up to 80.. (I know that improper humidity levels can cause respiratory problems) Like I said before, besides the yawning occasionally and the eating problem she acts fine (no lethargy).. What do you think?

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • Lighting for a green water dragon?


    I'm building a viv for a future water dragon, and I'm trying to find the right UV lighting for him/her. I've looked at reptisun 10.0, is that to much? My viv is 6x3x2 (HxLxD) so do I need more then one UV lamp in there?

    I've also heard Of using reptisun 5.0 for a water dragon. Should I use that instead? I'm putting it about 10" away from the dragons "basking area" is that right?

    And I am aware that my viv isn't large enough for a cwd so later I'm going to build on :).

    Thank you!!!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Painting a vivarium help.?

    hi, I'm going to get a cwd soon and

    I'm almost finished with my vivarium!!

    I am a little confused about painting though,

    I know that I'm supposed to put a silicone over it, but where do you get an aquarium safe silicone? Should I prime it before I put the polyurethane on or not at all? Sorry for all the questions but I want to be sure I do everything right.

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • Water for a lizard question?


    Im going to get a Chinese water dragon soon and I was concearned about their water supplies. Do you have to condition their water before letting them come in contact with it, or is it ok just as tap water?

    Just in case, I've already gotten an 8.5 oz bottle of this reptile water purifiyer. How long will this last??


    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • Is pinewood toxic in humidity for a reptile?

    I already ask this but had one more question.. I'm getting a Chinese Water Dragon, and of course they need humidity.

    I've gotten supplies for a terrerrium I'm building, and some of it is pine(I found out)

    I am aware that pine can be toxic especially

    when shredded and made into bedding, but

    What about when I'm using it as building material?? Like I said, it will be coming in contact with water and humidity so will that set off toxic fumes? Thanks:)

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Pine wood in my lizard terrerrium ?


    Tonite I got my wood to build a water dragon enclosure and I got 3 4x8 boards

    and 4 2x4 planks to make sort of a "skeloton" so it'd be sturdy.. Anyways I found out that my planks are made of pinewood. I am aware that pinewood is toxic

    so what should I do? Could I coat it in some kind of paint? They really weren't expensive so if I need to buy something else

    it's ok.. I just hated to waste it if there was another alternative, but I wouldn't want to hurt my lizard..

    Thank you!!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Bamboo for a water dragon home?

    I'm going to get a chinese water dragon soon and am currently working on getting the plants and climbing material. We have some bamboo in our back yard. Would this be safe if I cleaned it off? I am aware of pesticides so how could I get rid of them?

    I really just want a terrerrium not a "vivarium" in other words I'm only concearned about the lizard and not interested in raising plants too..

    So, will bamboo last a long time when not in the ground or in water? I don't think it's toxic but I'm not sure.

    Thank you and HAPPY NEW YEAR:)

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • Cleaning out a new bird cage?


    we have two cockatiels and we are moving them to a bigger cage. Do I need to "disinfect it" or should I just leave it.?

    If so, how?

    It is made of wire and they definately can't get through..

    Thank you very much!

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • Green water dragon enclosure made of wafer board ?

    Hey again!!

    I am building a home for my future water dragon and I found some wafer board at Lowes. Would this be appropiate for a lizard? It's affordable and seems sturdy. Is it toxic? Thank you!!!!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Chinese water dragon terrarium Help?

    Hi again!

    I have got a drawer that I'm converting to a water dragon enclosure. I do realize that this won't do for a full grown water dragon of course and I am going to later build a 6x6x3! I am adding on to it with plywood.

    Is plywood safe? Also, the plywood I found was in an old shed. Is there any possible way I could disinfect them or should I buy some? Is there some kind of non toxic water proof pain? Since WDs need humidity, will it mildew or mold?


    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • Was there an otter in our pond?


    Today our pond froze so my sister and I went to look at it. I saw something dash towards us. It was brown, had a thin tail and webbed feet. I thought it might be an otter.

    It was under the ice and it's tail wriggled sort of like a water dragon lizards tail. I only saw it's back feet and it's tail. Do otters live in the Midwest?


    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Water dragon feeding question (water dragon owners)?


    I am going to get a water dragon soon and

    I was researching on their diet. I was just confused on whole food. Can you feed juveniles things like pinky mice or do you wait till they're older? I know that mealworms and crickets are mainly staples but surely that's not all... I am asking all dragon owners what you feed your dragons...

    Thank you!!

    1 AnswerReptiles1 decade ago
  • What kind of spider is this?

    Hey my friend found this spider a few months ago,(I don't know if he still has it) we researched it and I couldn't find much. Srry for such a blurry pic but it was in a carrier

    and I didn't want to come in contact with it :)


    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Enclosure for a lizard?


    I am planning on getting a water dragon soon, and I'm buying him/her as a juvenile.

    I am building a temporary enclosure for it

    and I found an old piece of furniture that I am going to build on to, and I needed some advice on cleaning it out.

    It is a drawer and is roughly larger then a 55 gallon tank. I do realize that this is not large enough for an adult so please understand that I AM GOING TO BUILD A Much larger enclosure when the time comes. I am already planning on a 6x6x3 terrarium, but for right now, this is a nice sized one.

    5 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Who's your favorite character on Gilligans Island?

    Hey just wondering. Please no rude remarks, this is just for fun, and for

    people who appreciate creativity.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Goldfish addition help?


    I have two comet goldfish and I am up grading to a larger tank. I'm thinkin maybe like 20-30 gals. But I'm not sure yet. I love fish and i would really like to get some New additions. I have several questions about ceartain fish:

    1. Could I put a black Mollie and a white one in the same tank? Really silly question but I was just wondering...

    2. I would love a catfish but as I said above

    I already have comets and I wouldn't want it to eat them.

    3. Are angel fish good with mollies and comets?

    Plz excuse my Ignorance about fish.

    And I'm only upgrading for my current fish so I realize this tank is too small for extra fish really I'm only dreaming.... :)


    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Sanitary tree for a CWD?

    Hey again!!

    We are moving and this house we bought

    has a "barn" with alot of junk in it. I am getting a water dragon soon, and I needed a big plastic tree to go in my future viv. Luckilly for me, I found one in the barn.

    (the stuff in this barn is ours now by the way). It's covered in spider webs, spiders/bugs debre... My question is

    can you sanitize that tree enough for a water dragon to play on? I could just buy something but it would save alot of money if I could just use this one. How do I sanitize this?


    I'm not getting my lizard for at least another month or so..


    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Bearded dragon for a 10 year old?


    My younger sister would like a reptile.

    she probably doesn't want a leopard gecko

    because I had one recently and she wants to try something new. We went to petco and she really liked the bearded dragon. Are they appropiate as first lizards? She's 10

    and she's not rough handed. Any suggestions?


    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago