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Peace at last.... Michael Joseph Jackson 1958-2009
vaccines and school...........?
***First and foremost, let me say that I am not asking this question as to open the floor for debate on vaccines. I make decisions based on my beliefs and research, and as a parent, I have the right to do that in regards to my children and vaccinations. I have no opinion as to what others should do with their children when it comes to vaccines or any other issues. I am simply looking for some information. ***
We are a partially vaccinating family. My oldest son recently started kindergarten, and we turned in his vaccine records as requested. At a parent meeting prior to school starting, we were told that children who filed exemptions and were not vaccinated AT ALL would be allowed at school, but in the event of an outbreak, they would have to remain at home for a designated amount of time. Based on that information, we (wrongfully) assumed that the same would be true for someone like my son, who has all but 3 vaccines. Weeks into school (months after turning in paperwork) we received a letter stating that if he was not caught up on his vaccinations in 2 weeks time, he wouldn't be allowed to return to school.
What recourse do we have? Had we known, we would have claimed exemption on all of the vaccines, and just not turned in the ones we have. Since they already have that information, can we still claim exemption? I'm finding it hard to understand how a completely unvaccinated child can attend school, but one with all but a few will not be allowed back. Any information would be most helpful.
(FYI, I live in NC)
4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoK9 advantix but see fleas! ?
We treated both of our dogs on July 3 with k9 advantix. Earlier today, they went to my mom's house. I woke up to one of them scratching & I found about 10 fleas on her. I checked the other, and only found 1- but I'm sure there's more on both. I didn't think they attached if the dogs had preventive. Will it kill them & any eggs still? Help!
3 AnswersDogs10 years agoPoll for parents: boys clothes?
I've been cleaning out drawers and have a TON of clothes that are too small for my 4 year old. My first thought was to donate them, but my husband and I are trying to have another baby. Should I hold onto them in case we have another boy, or just donate them and start over with the new baby? Just wanted some opinions. =)
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoBrake lights on a Nissan Xterra?
We have a 2004 Xterra. The two main brake lights aren't working. The one in the middle in the back window DOES work, but not the other 2. We have replaced the bulbs, checked the fuses and checked/replaced the brake lamp switch. No dice. Any other ideas on what it could be? The tail lights and reverse lights also's just the brake lights.
Thanks in advance!
3 AnswersNissan1 decade agoI have the flu?..................?
Does this get better? ? I feel awful!
2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoI have the flu?..................?
Does this get better? ? I feel awful!
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade agoI typically hate this question but could I be pregnant?
I'm always the one thinking: Just take a test already! (For the record, I'm actualy walking out of the door as soon as I type this to get a test...I just wanted some opinions.)
So here's the deal:
I am as regular as you get. 27 day cycles on the money....except last month. I was 2 days late. My symptoms were HORRIBLE too. REALLY sore breasts, cranky, everything was worse than normal. Typical flow, though. Since then, I just haven't felt...right. First of all, I'm a soft drink addict, and lately I could care less if I drink it. What I want to drink is milk. Until this, I NEVER drank milk. Also I'm EXHAUSTED. At first, I thought that may be because I cut down so dramatically on the caffeine, but I don't know if that's it or not. I honestly cannot stay awake all day. I have to nap (which is hard with a 4 year old). Also, I'm queasy. I recently started prenatal vitamins, as we're trying to conceive, but they didn't make me feel bad specifically (like within an hour of taking them).
SO...the period being 2 days late wasn't the craziest thing that's ever happened to me, but now with everything else, I'm wondering. Could bleeding still occur and mimick a period and I still be pregnant? Or--and this is a real possiblilty--I just have pregnancy on my mind and I'm making myself believe I'm pregnant. We didn't officially "start trying" (ie-no condom) until this cycle (starting 1/22), so if I'm pregnant from that, surely I wouldn't be having symptoms yet. Heck, I'm just now getting ready to ovulate assuming I'm not pregnant.
Like I said, I'm a big girl, and I understand the processes, and also I'm getting a test. I guess my bottom line question is: Could I have had a "period" and still be pregnant, especially considering that it was an atypical cycle. Has anyone had such an experience?
1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade agoIt's official [that i need 20 characters lol]?
We are ttc # 2. I just got my prenatal vitamin rx. (PNV Select? Don't remember what I took the first time.) The actual ttc thing is new for us. With #1 (4 yo boy now) I just stopped taking my bc and let whatever happened happen. It took 4 months. This time I'm trying to time things right, taking my temp checking cm, the whole 9.
I was just wondering if you guys had any advice or tips for making this seem easy and fun and not like a science project. lol
Plus, I'm such an Answers freak, I'd love to be on here sharing and reading, but I must admit, I'm not up on all the ttc lingo. Some is pretty easy to figure out, Can I get a cheat sheet? LOL
Anyway, thanks so much, and GOOD BABY MAKING TO EVERYONE!
3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoWant to remove smoke odor from house?
My husband and I are looking for a house. We found one that has everything we're looking for, but it obviously was occupied by smokers previously. The people that are selling the house (someone bought it and fixed it up) have cleaned the carpets (professional or not, I don't know) and painted the walls, but it still smells like smoke. We're not smokers (although we used to be) and we have a son. We don't want to expose ourselves or especially our son to the smell. Is there anything we can do? We won't buy the house if there's no solution, but we really do like it.
I'd love to know if there is a natural, safe remedy to the smoke smell in the house. I've heard cleaning with vinegar and sitting bowls of it around helps. Does anyone have experience with this? What about activated charcoal? Thanks!
7 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoWhy doesn't he get more attention?
I love Enrique, but his brother Julio is just...well...STUNNING. Has he flown under every radar, or just mine?
3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoI need help with a sticky Dr. situation?
I'm getting ready to start trying for a second child. Unfortunately, the OB I used with my first is not covered by the insurance I have now, so I'm having to pick another. After some research, and talking with friends, I decided on a clinic in my area. Right after deciding, my sister in law told me that she just accepted a job at this clinic. She's a Medical Assistant.
Now, she and I get along great, but we're not close in such a way as for me to be comfortable with her to have access to my records, or really even for me to "deal" with her as I come into the office. As those of you that have gone through a pregnancy know, most of the visits are pretty personal, and I feel like my past gyn issues are my business. Am I being silly? And either way, is there a way to delicately handle this? I really have my heart set on this particular set of doctors, and I don't want to start the search over-plus my choices are pretty limited- but I don't want to worry either.
2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHow does the movie Twilight Eclipse ...?
Start out? I'm watching it online, and I wanna make sure it's right. Just a quick summary of the first 10 minutes or so would be great!
Thanks in advance!!!!!
2 AnswersMovies1 decade agoMy 3 year old son and 3 month old puppy?
are having problems. The puppy is a lab/husky mix (mostly lab). We also have an adult Bichon Frise. She is very tolerant of my son, and he's never known life without her. He's been taught from the beginning to be kind and gentle with animals.
BUT when we got the new puppy, he definitely started testing his boundaries with her. OF COURSE, we immediately started discussing with him (and even punishing, for repeats) anything he did inappropriate to the new puppy--for example, running after her like he was chasing, running up TO her (trying to give her a quick hug, but it scared her), things like that. He's not ever tried to hurt her, he's just learning how to treat her respectfully. (I swear he doesn't even see the other as a dog. He completely babies her.)
It only took a couple of times of him startling her, or snatching a toy (thinking he was playing-I explained that that's not how she sees it.) for her now to be snippy with him. He was in the kitchen where she was eating yesterday, and he got to close and she barked very seriously at him. Today, she was chewing on a kong, and he walked up to her and went to pat her head and she snapped at him.
I know the problem started with him. We've really been working with him on this, but he is a 3 year old..There are just things he has to learn, and he's learning them.
Having said that, I can't put him at risk with the puppy. She's getting bigger everyday, She's to his waist now, and I know if she wanted to she could hurt him. I don't want to give her away, I already love her, and I don't see dogs as disposable, but of course my son is my first priority. ANY suggestions on how to remedy this (both of their issues, ESPECIALLY the aggression she is starting to show) would be much appreciated. I don't want it to look like I let my son hurt the dogs...I don't. And I don't want it to look like I put the dogs before him...I don't. I just want us all to live in peace. I'd love some hope and advise here.
OH, one more thing: She is COMPLETELY obedient with me. As far as her interactions with me, I just about couldn't ask for her to be better. She sits and waits until I give the ok before she starts eating her food. I can touch the food in her bowl, with no signs of aggression, and if she steps out of line (picking on the little dog, or snapping at my son) all I have to do is give one stern command, and she lies down and won't move without my ok. That's the way I want her to be with my son-and my husband too, for that matter.
Just a side note.
12 AnswersDogs1 decade agoMy 3 year old son and 3 month old puppy?
are having problems. The puppy is a lab/husky mix (mostly lab). We also have an adult Bichon Frise. She is very tolerant of my son, and he's never known life without her. He's been taught from the beginning to be kind and gentle with animals.
BUT when we got the new puppy, he definitely started testing his boundaries with her. OF COURSE, we immediately started discussing with him (and even punishing, for repeats) anything he did inappropriate to the new puppy--for example, running after her like he was chasing, running up TO her (trying to give her a quick hug, but it scared her), things like that. He's not ever tried to hurt her, he's just learning how to treat her respectfully. (I swear he doesn't even see the other as a dog. He completely babies her.)
It only took a couple of times of him startling her, or snatching a toy (thinking he was playing-I explained that that's not how she sees it.) for her now to be snippy with him. He was in the kitchen where she was eating yesterday, and he got to close and she barked very seriously at him. Today, she was chewing on a kong, and he walked up to her and went to pat her head and she snapped at him.
I know the problem started with him. We've really been working with him on this, but he is a 3 year old..There are just things he has to learn, and he's learning them.
Having said that, I can't put him at risk with the puppy. She's getting bigger everyday, She's to his waist now, and I know if she wanted to she could hurt him. I don't want to give her away, I already love her, and I don't see dogs as disposable, but of course my son is my first priority. ANY suggestions on how to remedy this (both of their issues, ESPECIALLY the aggression she is starting to show) would be much appreciated. I don't want it to look like I let my son hurt the dogs...I don't. And I don't want it to look like I put the dogs before him...I don't. I just want us all to live in peace. I'd love some hope and advise here.
OH, one more thing: She is COMPLETELY obedient with me. As far as her interactions with me, I just about couldn't ask for her to be better. She sits and waits until I give the ok before she starts eating her food. I can touch the food in her bowl, with no signs of aggression, and if she steps out of line (picking on the little dog, or snapping at my son) all I have to do is give one stern command, and she lies down and won't move without my ok. That's the way I want her to be with my son-and my husband too, for that matter.
Just a side note.
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoNeed some shoe suggestions, please?
I've recently started walking (one motivator being a new *big* puppy). We walk around the neighborhood at a decent pace for 30-45 minutes. I'm loving this as a form of exercise.
My question is, What kind of shoes should I get? I know I need a good walking shoe...any suggestions?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agoA question for Twilight fans...........?
I just first read the Twilight series a few weeks back. Great books. Period. Anyway, I was listening to a song on my iPod the other day, and it hit me that the lyrics perfectly describe the relationship between Edward and Bella.
I guess my question is, fellow fans, do you agree?
Listen as the wind blows
From across the great divide
Voices trapped in yearning
Memories trapped in time
The night is my companion
And solitude my guide
Would I spend forever here
And not be satisfied
And I would be the one
To hold you down
Kiss you so hard
I’ll take your breath away
And after I’d wipe away the tears
Just close your eyes dear
Through this world I’ve stumbled
So many times betrayed
Trying to find an honest word
To find the truth enslaved
Oh you speak to me in riddles and
You speak to me in rhymes
My body aches to breathe your breath
You words keep me alive
And I would be the one
To hold you down
Kiss you so hard
I’ll take your breath away
And after I’d wipe away the tears
Just close your eyes dear
Into this night I wander
It’s morning that I dread
Another day of knowing of
The path I fear to tread
Oh into the sea of waking dreams
I follow without pride
Nothing stands between us here
And I won’t be denied
And I would be the one
To hold you down
Kiss you so hard
I’ll take your breath away
And after I’d wipe away the tears
Just close your eyes dear
3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoIf you had to choose one song?
to be your FAVORITE of all time (at least so far lol), what song would you choose?
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoHas anyone tried Jergens Natural Glow Self Tanning Daily Moisturizer?
For those that did, what did you think? I've been wanting to try it, but I'm scared of the whole pumpkin-orange look.
Is it easy to apply evenly? Do you end up streaky? How does it smell? Do you get actual results as far as color?
Sorry my question has so many questions. =) I appreciate any info!
6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoI bought a Motorola Droid.....?
and 2 days later, Verizon started the "Buy a Droid, get a Droid free" sale. Will they honor that if I go back and talk to them? I've been a Verizon customer for 10 years.
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWhy do young girls now-a-days?
think it's cute to sound dumb?
I have a family member that does this, and I see it in other young girls, too. (On here, honestly.)
Just as an example, she will leave the last letter off of words when she types. "I'm JUS so happy AN alive". WTF? It goes further than that...that's just an example.
By the way, I know that not ALL young girls do this, but for the ones that do, why? Wouldn't they rather look intelligent (especially if they really are)?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago