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  • Switching majors too late?

    I kind of got screwed over with my major and want to switch into another one, but my GPA is ruined and by the time I raise it up, I'd have too many hours to switch. They need a max of 75 credits and no more, but i feel like ill end up with more. Is there any other way I can possibly switch into it still? Can I appeal? I am barely a freshman and its my first year, but I came in with too many transfer credits from high school that labels me as a sophomore already. My first semester was rough, as I'm sure all freshman's are :/

  • What if I can't switch my major?

    Hello! I'm sort of in a problem here and could use some help. Coming into my university, I was able to get 46 transfer credits/dual credits from high school, making me a sophomore my hours. Well I started out majoring in Biology for the sake of my parents, and realized I just sucked at science. I soon realized my true passion lied in journalism and communications. Well, now that I made the decision, I spoke to an advisor who told me I would need a GPA of 2.75 to transfer in and no more than 75 credit hours. Due to me taking science classes and doing really bad, I feel like my GPA will be barely above a 2.0. I dropped one Bio class but am stuck in chemistry to where I'm miserably failing and the professor does not want to help so theres nothing i can do. Anyways I have until next semester to raise my GPA to a 2.75 before I get too many credit hours (assuming I take 15 hours worth next semester and 10 this semester). What should I do if I can't get into this major? I finally grew a backbone and am doing what I want, but I feel like I won't be able to get the needed GPA in time :(

  • Should I feel guilty about this?

    Should I feel guilty about hanging out with my friends in the summer? I try hanging out with them Atleast 1 or 2 times a week. I feel guilty about not being home even though it's just 2 times a week. I mean I do balance it and stay with my parents, and plus e were on vacation together for 3 weeks. I just want to be able to spend time with my friends before I leave college which is like 6 hours away :( my parents don't really tell me anything, but I still feel guilt about being out the house a lot. All I do at home is chores, TV, eat, and sleep. So am I ok or am I overdoing it?:/

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Do you miss your childhood?

    I have been kind of depressed about this situation. I'm a senior in Highschool soon to be in college, and I just realized how fast I was growing up :/ I miss my childhood and just feel so out of place here. I used to live in California and I would do anything to go back there and relive the Friday night happiness of playing video games and Saturday morning cartoons! I miss going outside to play not having to worry about anything and I miss just not having so much homework to worry about. I miss not having to worry about friends and family relationships. But most of all I miss being so carefree and...happy. How can I cope with this?:/

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Med program or dream college?

    As you can tell I'm stuck in a situation here... So the problem is my parents and relatives are telling me to go to our community college and get into a med program (Gateway) that allows you easy access into Med school. Thing is, I want to go to my dream uni which as I am top 10% of my class I gain automatic admission so there won't be a problem of me getting in. I want to attend my dream school, but will I be passing up a great opportunity? I just don't want to be near home, I want to experience a true college students life. Should I follow my heart or am I just being dumb wanting to go somewhere?b

  • Is it ok for me to take a break from my friends?

    I got into a huge argument with a group of close friends. See this year so far has been my toughest year as it is senior year. I realized how badly I wanted to focus on my academics rather than my social life (of course still make time for friends) but at the time being I just haven't had any time. We have a group chat where I hardly respond anymore to and they are all upset about this and are "hurt". They know my situation yet they still ignore my feelings.

    So I got student of the week and it made me extremely happy because they only do this for about 7 students rather than every week. That made me realize how badly I want to further my academics and reach top ten in my ranks. As of now I am 18 out of 417, and I am so close to my goal. In order to achieve it, I must focus alittle more on my academics, but my friends are not supporting me on that aspect :/ they are comparing me to others who are able to handle everything and juggle social and academic life. I AM NOT LIKE THAT.

    So basically I want to focus more on my academics and take a break from all the pain my "friends" are causing me... But how can I do that without looking like the bad guy?

    Thank you If you read everything :'/

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Poll: Is Michelle Obama going too far with this food plan?

    I know it's for a good cause, but in all actuality, more school lunches are being thrown away and going to waste. Personally, the food they serve at school is going downhill and most students do not even bother getting food anymore which is even worse than eating whatever they want. It's just my opinion but what do you think? *please do not attack me* :p

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Will I lose all my friends?

    Long story short, my cousin does not want me to talk to my bestfriend (also his ex of 2 years already) anymore because apparently she had been talking behind my back to him and she will cut me off soon and hurt me. I don't believe this because she has never done anything to me, and so I refused and then me and my cousin got into a very huge argument and it hurt me when he called me...things. But my other cousins don't like her either and so they're pretty much making a biased decision.. But I don't know what to do. I'm most afraid that if I stop talking to her, I lose all my friends. We are a group of 5, and I'm afraid they will see me as the bad guy for causing her pain if I stop, and they won't want to have anything to do with me. I love them all so much, will I lose them because of this? :'/

    2 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • College Essay help!?

    Would it be ok if I wrote my intro to my essay, as well as the ending paragraph as rhyming, but left the real details as just regular writing (no rhyming) ? Or is this kind if a turn off? Thank you :)

  • Cousin making me choose him over bestfriend?

    So my cousin dated my best friend, and well he introduced me to her. They ended things on a bad note and now he's basically making me chose between the two. She has no clue as to what is going on and she has done nothing to me that has hurt me. My cousin on the other hand is making me feel guilty and saying that usually a family member stops talking to someone when they do. I see this as completely wrong. Before you say "family over everything" or anything else, keep in mind that my cousin doesn't even act like he's family half the time. It hurts that he can't be as supportive like family should be. He's trying to control my actions and we have been arguing. I cried all night because I basically lose him, but should I really be? My real family would never do this, so am I overreacting? :/

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What advice would you give to an incoming senior in highschool?

    Question says it all :)

    Any help will do ! Thank you :D

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • Will I get a ticket for this?

    Long story short I just got my license and drove for the first time alone today! So of course I was nervous big time and well as I was going there was a school bus that was stopped (Yes I am aware you are supposed to stop) and I had accidentally kept going and they had honked at me. So when I finally realized what was going on I STOPPED! I promise this was an honest mistake do you think he will report me? :/ when I came aware I promise I completely stopped and WAITED until I could go. I'm very scared my parents told me it was ok because I learned from my mistake and as soon as I noticed I did stop instead of proceeding. I just can't afford to lose my license! I understand what I did was wrong but it was my first time and I learned my lesson greatly! Thank you:/

    3 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Is this my fault or hers?

    My "bestfriend" told my secret to someone who shes close to and believes wont tell anyone. But it was one of those secrets that even if I hadn't told her not to tell, she should know not to tell. Now she's saying that because I didn't tell her not to tell, it's my fault. I KNOW I TOLD HER NOT TO. If this secret goes out to anyone else I would lose someone I'm very close to :/ is it my fault?

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • What's you dream in life?

    What is something in life you dream of happening ?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do you hide in your room when guest come over?

    Lol is it just me who says hi to everybody and then secretly vanish to my room?:p

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Having trouble with friends?

    Well here's the thing. I have 2 of my close friends who are starting to drift apart. The thing is one of my friends was getting tired of the fact that my other friend was so clingy to her and so they've been I guess you can say fighting alot. Well since summer started the 1st girl was grounded and so she couldn't use her phone and couldn't text and the other girl started freaking out saying she misses her so much. The thing also is that the first girl doesn't exactly want to be her friend so much anymore and well here's the mistake I kind of made. Today we got out school schedule and the first girl posted a picture of her schedule on Instagram. So ofcourse you don't exactly need a phone for Instagram since its an app and my other friend was still moping around and being depressed because the other girl hasn't contacted her in months. Well I kinda got filled up and I couldn't keep it from her since all she was saying was she wanted to know her schedule. (She tried texting her but it wouldn't deliver hence being disconnected. Well I told her "if it makes you feel better she has history with you". I completely regret it becaus I feel like I got the other girl in trouble. I feel awful because I'm scared I might have ruined my friendship with the other girl by telling her this. I mean to be honest this is the first recent things she has posted! And she still has no other communication device. And the other girl doesn't even use Instagram or anything so it's kinda hypocritical to be saying that she doesn't try right? I'm pretty much in a mess. I told my friend I didn't mean to hurt her cuz I realize the huge mistake of telling her but she understands. Would it be wrong if I told her not to tell the other girl that I knew she used Instagram or would that be to much to ask? I know I made a huge mistake so please don't gang up on me :/ what can I do about this situation? How can I tell her to keep this to just the two of us? I'm so scared that one of them won't wanna be my friend anymore...

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • Why is Junior Year considered to be the hardest year of Highschool?

    I'm sure you can tell I'm going into junior year haha. Anyways I was just wondering why it was considered hard? What challenges will I face and when's the right time to take the SATs? Any and every experience is welcome along with tips on surviving AP classes as well :/

    Ps. Do colleges consider your junior year rank or senior year rank?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Questions about junior year (highschool) and college?

    Hi there! Well thing is I'm going into my Junior Year pretty soon and I was wondering what I should be getting done this year. Things such as when to take the SATs and stuff! Another thing is, will me being behind in math (most top students will be taking Pre-Cal while ill be taking Algebra II) affect me in anyway? Regular students take algebra II this year but when I was in middle school They didn't put me in Algebra I to be ahead. Will the colleges assume something and not take me? I mean I was guarantee in the top 8% but by the time I'm a Senior ill be barely taking pre cal while the others take AP Calc giving them more points. I live in Texas and plan on going to Texas A&M University if it makes a difference. Anyways any tips about surviving Junior year or ANY experience would be great! :) thank you in advance!

    1 AnswerOther - Education8 years ago
  • How to ask someone if you can tag along with them?

    Well I know it's unusual but here's the thing. So I'm going to this convention with my family to Florida in about a week or so and well the thing is I've been to these conventions with my cousins and I've been fine, but this time it's only me. What they do in the convention is separate us by age and well I don't know anyone my age :/ it sucks! My cousin lives in Florida but I haven't seen her in like 5 years and I thought I could hang with her since she's my age. Well I messaged her on Facebook saying I'm going to the convention and she seemed exited to see me as well. Then I told her she would be the only one I knew and she hasn't replied back. I was hoping I could ask her to hang out with her and her friends but I'm scared that her friends won't want me there and I'm scared that she's gonna think I'm kinda using her because I don't know anyone else. Is there any possible way I can ask her without making it seem like I'm using her? :/ worse comes to worse how can I cope with going to seminars and parties they host alone?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • How to ignore people who honk?

    Hey there! :) so before you guys start saying anything about me making mistakes causing people to honk, I'd like to say I'm 16 and just learning the ropes on how to drive! Well as of today I got honked at 2 times while driving on the main streets. My mom told me to ignore those honkers because they're just people full of road rage. You know angry drivers who like going fast :P well since I'm new of course I went on the speed limit and of course I was doing the safest things possible but I guess not everyone enjoyed that. The first time I got honked was because I didn't wanna turn right on red because there was a car that was coming and trust me it was not that far! I didn't wanna turn in a hurry because the green light was coming in like 2 seconds! Besides my mom told me to wait anyways. And then the second time was because I wasn't turning fast enough hence speedy drivers. Excuse me if I wanted to make sure.. I had the turn signal on and I wasn't THAT slow I swear. But anyways back to the main point.. How do I ignore these experienced drivers who honk at me? :( by the way ANY tips available!! Please do rub off your amazing driving skills on me!! Thank you:)

    Ps. Please no rude answers... I beg you >_<

    7 AnswersSafety8 years ago