Here's a question I once posted but got no answers so I deleted it. I'll give it another try.?

How do people who were born blind imagine something they have never seen? Sure, they learn to describe something by touching it or using any other working senses but do they imagine the object or what happen in their minds?


Favorite Answer

They can't ever visualize something they haven't first experienced. It's just like us trying to imagine what the 4th (spatial) dimension would be like.


no one will know what they see until there is a way to do that. I know that through brain imaging we can see what parts of their brains are responding, and it is pretty much the same as those of us who can see.
but how does a blind person describe to us what they imagine? it would be like us trying to describe to them what we are imagining. no way!


it all depends on what you are trying to imagine..if anyone has ever imagined what heaven looks like they think of things they like...but say you are trying to imagine what red looks like feel something hot...if it is blue you are trying to imagine feel something cold...i do believe they do imagine what the object looks like and once they feel it then they can see it in their minds. i hope i have helped.


Do you expect people reading this who are NOT blind to describe this to you?

Or do you expect people who were born blind (who probably are NOT reading this) to explain it to you.

That could explain why no one has answered it.


my answer to this question, is with a question.
Have you ever seen the movie [Mask], with Cher Bono?....
they descibe colors and cloulds,in a very desciptive way.

But, if your blind, that won't help you.

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