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I don't think most people involved in crime consciously "choose" a life of crime. It's probably true that some are addicted to the adrenaline rush. But, why are they addicted? What are they doing if they're not "choosing"?
I think it's a natural, but negative reaction to one thing: not getting what they needed. I think all people, without exception, need love in one form or another. You've probably heard it said that someone who was abused as a child is very likely to abuse as a parent. Why? Of all people, they should know better. It's because of unmet needs. Yes, needs are that critical. The person can't "grow up" and pretend love was not needed simply because they somehow managed to get older. They bring that unmet need with them, and they resent it deeply and bitterly. They are actually motivated to harm the one (the child) who is now getting what they were denied.
Some of the most hideous and heartless criminals, such as serial killers, don't think they did anything wrong. Incredible! How could this be? It's because they are literally "heartless." They've run out of compassion and empathy because they never received any and have no idea what it feels like.
Speaking of feeling, this is a deep need also. Someone who is addicted to any kind of emotional high - whether it's adrenaline rush, alcohol, drugs, or sex - is desperately trying to awaken the sensation of emotional feelings. Most likely, however, they are completely unaware that this is what they're doing. It's become so hard for them to feel love that it takes a very hard substance, like crime, to get them to feel anything at all. To them, any feeling is better than no feeling.
But, the acts must get more instense in order to satisfy that cycle. So, it just spirals until it either: ends in death, prison (which may only change the substance), or they repent. Some criminals can change. Most are too lost in the dark, hate the truth, hate the light, or whatever you want to call it.
As you can guess, the opposite is also true. Someone who has a keen sense of being loved is acutely aware of emotional needs, the need to serve others, and how precious that love is. They are more likely to be assertive, honest, confident, etc. It's only then that one is really free to make a choice.
Prision or Death isn't quite a certantity. Look at the Mafia ond other organized crime syndicates. Most of them members of these organizations live a full life into retirement. Most of the times criminals see punishment as a possibility but not likely for them (similar to teenagers taking risks thinking it won't happen to me)
Other times criminals are driven by factors that are more powerful than the fear of incarceration. Take drug addicts for an example. Their drive for their next fix causes them to not even think prision. If you look at the desperation of poverty, providing for your family could outweigh the risk of punishment. Look at Flint Michigan. It was one of the most prosperous cities in the US. When GM shut down several of the plants that employeed the community the crime rate shot up as people still needed to provied for their children.
As mentioned above some just like the risk and the fear of incarceration is what drives them. It wouldn't be risky if you couldn't be punished for it.
Some people find enjoyment or excitement out of the adrenaline rush they get from hiding out and running from the law. It is also an easy way to get money quickly, if they chose to sell drugs or smuggle stolen property. Also, people see movies that portray successful, powerful, hardcore criminals and they want to be just like them.
Bobby M
sometimes situations just forced them to be in the life of crime, like in the third world countries, where poverty is a dillema, they cant help but to steal, and snatch handbags, cellphones just to feed their hungry stomach.
and sometimes they do this because of peer pressure, it could start by shoplifting, then before you know it, they are going to 7/11s poining guns, it has something to do also with the thrill.
sometimes, because of media and commercialism, like in the commercials we know that "sex sells" so the advertisement almost always portray sexy women, and how men drool over this empty sex fantasies, so again the mind is being fed up by this subliminal messages, and that results in "rape"
there is so much more...