For it or against it???? Does it require marrige to be right?


I personally believe sex is the most precious gift that one person can give to another. And two people that save themselves for each other, get to have an 'earth shaking' experience that most of us only dream of, that no other sexual relationship can compare to. And though I'm not one that believes marriage, is nescessary, I do believe that how people engage in it, like it's no more than playing a game of checkers, is a waste of a truly wonderful experience. If they'd have taken and waited alittle longer, it would've been a pleasurable experience they'd have rememberer for the rest of their life.! Instead, alot of people can't even remember the person's name in a couple of years.


I personally believe sex is the most precious gift that one person can give to another. And two people that save themselves for each other, get to have an 'earth shaking' experience that most of us only dream of, that no other sexual relationship can compare to. And though I'm not one that believes marriage, is nescessary, I do believe that how people engage in it, like it's no more than playing a game of checkers, is a waste of a truly wonderful experience. If they'd have taken and waited alittle longer, it would've been a pleasurable experience they'd have remembered for the rest of their life.! Instead, alot of people can't even remember the person's name in a couple of years.


OOPS, LOL...lol.. NEVER Accidentally hit the add button TWICE, or this will happen to you, too.!! lol..lol.


Favorite Answer

It would be a wonderful thing if both partners in a marriage were virgins and had the chance to experience intimacy for the first time with each other.
Yes, I have to agree, your question beat both of ours by a mile. Did you see "safe diet"? 100 in 19 hours.
By the way, great response to "girls only".
Have a nice day.


It is nice to at least be in a commited relationship.

Unless you are trying to have a baby, sex is for pleasure. It is to make your body feel good. If you are in love with somebody it also sort of defines that love, but otherwise its like getting a massage, but better. Do you have to be married to a massage therapist just to get a massage?

Bottom line: your body, your brain, your heart. your decision. but be careful

And if you are under 18 NO WAY


Good question.....I see it bothe ways .. I was raised in a Christian family and was taught that you should substain from sex until you are married... so one part of me says yes, its only right if you are married....
But I also think that if two people truely love each other that they don't need a piece of paper(A marriage license) to say that they can be together!


if you are playing by THE MOST HIGH WAYS,yes you have to be married before you have sex,because being married is holy and the bed undefile,in which case you will be bless.on the other hand if it is by man rules,the answer is no,with this you will not be bless or you could end up with aids or some other life threatening disease.make your choice.


OMG, yes! You have to get married before having sex! What if you had a baby and then you two broke up? The baby would have no last name!

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