Male circumcision: Necessary or just bad habit ?

Circumcising a boy is not only painful, but the most sensitive and sensual tissue is removed, eliminating sexual pleasure for grown men.
We're all aware of the issue of cleanliness, but is this just an excuse to justify the actions of mutilating a newly born boy?

Fact: Many adult men are now having discarded fetal tissue surgically attached in hopes of regaining the sensativity lost from circumcisions performed on them so long ago.


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From what I understand doctors aren't doing it anymore. Neither of my nephews had it done. I am glad I did though. I don't remember a thing so I wouldn't worry about how cruel it is. Plus if you don't you have the added inconvenience of peeling it back every time you have to urinate. Sounds like to much bother for me.


You're obviously from an area where male circumcision is prevalent. Let me give you some perspective, female circumcision is done for the exact same reasons that male is. Ignorant people say that both of them are cleaner and less chance of catching Stds, amongst other things. However.... If you take the time to do some research you will come to the conclusion that the two procedures are nearly identical, and that neither of them come with any benefits. Both of them involve removing the prepuce, which on a man is the foreskin, on a women is the clitoral hood. Also circumcision destroys the functioning of the penis, desensitizes it majorly, and comes with numerous risks and health problems. Male circumcision is one of the worst things you can do to your child. Do some more research, where in anyones mind does it make sense to be chopping off organs.


leave the so called sensitive tissue there, and you will not even survive the first round. Your wife or girl friend will kick you out of bed in seconds............even without the tissue, you are a 1 minute man. How much more do you expect with the tissue.
Ohh, and forget about the claim that pleasure was lost with the removal of some tissue. No pleasure was lost with the circumcision. Even if we lost anything, we do not know how much because the sex is still good.
Sick of scientist and thier daily stories.


It's another form of ritual mutilation. Various cultures are into these things. Medically it's neither as bad as the negative answers stated so far, nor is it necessary. While it's true that the likelihood of certain types of virally caused conditions may be decreased (somewhat) by circumcision, it's also true that if you cut off your big toes you'll dramatically reduce your chances of getting ingrown toenail.

Nita and Michael2006-02-25T20:17:02Z

I have a different point of view than everyone else so far..i think it is prevent many diseases down the road..i know alot of men who didn't have it done and are going through alot of pain and having a lot of troubles and not only that the bible states for all boys to get circumsised...God must have a reason for saying it should be done..

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