Be Honest on this one?

What counts the most? Looks or what is inside a person. Say you see a beautiful woman or a handsome man or you more attracted to them than say someone who isn't as good looking. Beauty fades with time so keep that in mind.


Favorite Answer

i think i see a beautful man ..he is in my living room holding my son..i find him handsome because im so much inlove with him..he is goodlooking he is sweet and kind and honest and loving thats what makes him handsome i havn't looked at another man in 2 years and i never will....yanno why? because i cant see another man as attractive i have thought about it i would look but it jsut wouldn't intrest me... its just lookign and seeing another person but whne i look at my husband...its so wonderful that it makes my hair stand on end and it makes me feel so happy... i dont know about some people.

Nita and Michael2006-02-26T20:03:55Z

I really believe it's whats does fade but the soul remains..i'd choose a good hearted person in a minute before a good looking person with no heart..


It is true looks go a long way, most people are shallow.
I have meet some people of average looks but they are so nice so interesting and so sweet they are just beautiful. It just makes you want to be near them all the time. Real beauty is what a person is how they are respected and loved by others.


In the World, I think "Looks" does count, but after that, the truth comes out with his or her words....a beautiful person becomes ugly with their way of expressing, and I think an unattractive person can become beautiful through their words and each their own, but in the World view, I think "looks" does matter.


A little bit of both. I have known not so attrative men, who grew on me as I got to know them, however were still too homely and it bothered me. Maybe they did not grow on me enough. I have known attractive men who got uglier as I got to know them (must be do to their actions). Some things are hard for me to overlook, such as super duper fat, unclean, bad English skills, bad teeth. My husband is attractive but when he talks and walks he becomes more attractive. DId that answer the question honestly?

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