Why is Wednesday considered "hump" day? And what does hump day mean?


I know it isnt a sexual term so I dont want to hear any of that bullcrap.


Favorite Answer

Its the middle of the week.. The day at the top... You get to Wed. and then its all down hill from there... The rest of the week seems to go faster after you hit the hump day..


It means you are at the middle. Hump Day is the middle point of the week. It means you made it 50% of the way and it's supposed to give you the illusion that the rest of the 50% is going to be a breeze. Whatever. It's just another day man. Tomorrow is one more, and so on. There's never a middle of time until the day you die. Then you can find the middle of where your life was. When you do, trust me, it will have no similarity to "A Wednesday". Probably more like "A Monday".


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Why is Wednesday considered "hump" day? And what does hump day mean?


There are 7 days of the week and Wednesday happens to be in the middle, so it's the "hump" of the days.


It's the middle of the week. Monday and Tuesday are building up to it, Wednesday is at the top and Thursday and Friday are a downhill slope into the weekend. In theory, anyway. It could also be called "hillday" or "mountainday" or "peakday," but personally I tend to think of Sunday as "cliff overlooking the yawning abyss of yet another working week-day," so my perception of the "hump-day" analogy is a bit off...

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