If I attempt to fail in my quest to succeed, will I achieve success or merely fail?

My Relentless Journey:

Forever Devoted, Consistantly Diligent,
Faithful to my heart, Loyal in my word, Thoughtful in my effect.

Yet I am continuously faced with hurdles which I must climb in order to continue my relentless journey.

Could my attempts be futile? Perhaps I should sit at the top of the next hurdle and rest, forsaking my relentless journey?

If you understand my question, please advise.

Thank you.


Please understand, I have not, nor will I ever endeavor to fail. My reference to abandon my efforts is an illusion, used for the purpose of self-expression.


Favorite Answer

You must understand that the road to success is never a smooth one. It is good that after a long journey in your pursuit, you pause and assess your progress, considering your achievements and failures. This will place you in a better position to make better decisions for your next lines of actions bound to take you very closer to actualising your dreams.

You must muster more energy to keep on jumping over the hurdles. Don't give up!


i think you must change your technique
try to succeed, and let the failing be
if you fail, try again with the intent to succeed
you may love to fail, but do something new
start a new you, a successful beggining
will promise a successful journey
i advise you to stop failing once and for all.
sit not on your hurtle, sit in a chair or cushion
close your eyes and envision one hurtle
see it as you'd like it to be, and rest with that image
see the steps necessary, and start your journey from there
do not attempt any other formula, give yourself no rest
be forever devoted, consistantly diligent
faithful to your heart, loyal in your word,
and thoughtful in your cause and effect.

what is an illusion?
something is lost inside you. reading your words, i am lost.
maybe it can be clearer. find the conflict within, and look at the view without. is it already settled, or have you flexibility?


Success is by definition achievement of a goal. Failure is an opportunity to learn where to set goals that you can have a reasonable expectation of reaching successfully. Success provides the motivation required to meet your next goal so choose your goals carefully. The journey is a succession of learning experiences and applying the knowledge you have gained along the way.

I sense perfectionism in your style of living your life. Understand that perfection implies a standard to be met. Set your standards in accordance with what is possible to uphold. Apart for an achievable standard perfection is impossible, meaningless and nonexistent.

Life only offers potential. Realizing our potential is the reward we reap by and for doing so. Devotion, diligence, loyalty and thoughtfulness are what we owe ourselves for practicing them.

The journey can be relentless or it can be an adventure. Knowing the alternative the choice is yours.


A success at failing


The question is what do you measure success - only the outcome or the process towards that.

each milestone in that journey is a measure of success, so even if the outcome is different - you would have learnt and become fulfilled by the journey.

after all our life is the dash between our birthday and funeral, so enjoy the journey

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