Why are there so many young people who have no idea about how their bodies function?

You just have to browse these questions to see how misinformed kids are today. Where are their parents? Have they stopped teaching sex ed. in school? When I was in 5th and 6th grade, they seperated the boys and girls and we had a big to-do in the auditorium, and we learned about our bodies. No wonder there is so much teen pregnancy....


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I have found today, that while a lot of these kids don't know how their bodies work, they have no ignorance whatsoever as to how to present those same bodies to "snag a man" or "get the girl". I know that sex education classes are offered in schools now, because I sat in on one in my younger sister's class a few years ago. You'd be surprised at what they were asking the nurse!! I was embarassed and I've got about thirteen years on all of them. It's pretty sad, but the acts of self knowledge and self pleasure have been trampled into the dust in the race for sex with our younger generation.

When we were growing up, there were after school specials (you know the ones), and every month, there was the boys in one room, girls in another room for videos and discussions on our bodies and their functions. Kids don't get that anymore, the sex ed class gets offered once in the fifth grade, I believe then maybe again in the seventh and that's it - you're on your own. It's horrid. We give them a preliminary talk and then we expect them to learn the rest on their own. From where?? MTV, BET, Nelly's new video? We can't rest the blame solely on the shoulders of the parents though, unfortunately, sex education for our children start the minute they can identify what they're seeing on television or on billboards, magazine covers, even on products at the grocery store!!


Yes but how much did you really know when you were 10. Maybe you were lucky and had great open talks about development, attraction, dating, and sex with your parents, but most don't have that luxury. I had books, and classes, but at least in the US sex education is still extremely conservative. There was a big to-do when it was suggested that mastubation be taught.

The truth is unless you have very open parents most people don't know what's going on until they are 16 (if they are lucky) or 20 (if they are not). Few other than friends (and yahoo answers) will sit down and talk about foreplay, techniques and alternatives to sexual intercourse like ora*l sex or mutual mastubation.

This is nothing new, it's just that these kids are actually brave enough to ask.


I started teaching my kids sex education with terms they could understand almost since day one. To many people believe it is the governments or the schools job to sex educate their kids. A sad thing. I talk about the mechanics of reproduction to my kids, they understand lots about their mothers menstrual cycle. etc. We also talk about love and committment.With that said I do not want my kids school teaching sex ed. I do not want someone else teaching my kids what I should be teaching them.
If you look at statistics, teen pregnancy is actually down.

http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/teenp/97-98rpt.htm Can we blame this on a lack of sex education?
sorry a lot of people seem to rely on bogus facts.

Anyways I agree kids are misinformed but most of that is because there parents are as well.


This is going to upset a lot of people, but it is absolutely true. Christians teach their children to be ashamed of their bodies. Christians force schools to "pair down" what they teach kids about their bodies and especially about sex.

I dont know physics2006-03-21T23:41:52Z

When have kids ever known about their bodies and sex? Parents are scared to have that discussion with their kids and always have been.

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