Have you ever decided to seek revenge on someone? If so what did you do?


I am not looking for tips. I just thought it would be interesting to see what people do to others.


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To forgive is to heel. To carry a grudge and you become the same person who has done you wrong.
I agree some times you have to bite the dog back to teach a lesson.
Just don't let it comsume you.


Revenge is a poison you swallow yourself to get at someone else

I cant see the point of it and reckon someone has to be a bit of a tosser in the first place to gain any degree of satisfaction from it meaning they most probably deserved much of what they are seeking revenge for anyway, but just won't accept the reality of that due to a delusional arrogant outlook on life


I have thought about it but that old saying comes to mind "What goes around comes around." I would not like it if someone wanted to get revenge on me. So I may think about it but I know better than to actually do it. Remember treat others like you would like to be treated. I don't have the heart to cause someone else injury or any kind of pain and I think that's what revenge does.


This promotions agency in KC screwed me out of over $300 of work once. The owner simply refused to pay me and got very intimidating, and $300 wasn't enough for me to bother hiring a lawyer to sue.

I posted the name of the agency, the name of the owner, and exactly what happened... ALL OVER. On every single modeling message board, craiglist, blog, and online forum that I could find. From the other women who contacted me, I know that I prevented him from getting workers and hopefully it got around to those in the industry who would use a promotions agency.

Someone who had a similiar experience, but got screwed out of more money, found my writings and will be using it as backup evidence/testimonial in THEIR court case.

... sometimes just knowing that someone got bitten in the butt by their own bad karma and the tiny help of my big mouth is enough revenge!


Before I became a Catholic, I used to have the "get even" mentality. Since then, I have come to realize that revenge doesn't bring any real satisfaction. What I do now if someone causes me hurt, I just forgive them, and move on with my life. I refuse to let the hurt they caused me to control my life. God will punish them at a time of His choosing. I am confiedent of that.

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