what do you think should happen to a woman that shackled her daughters hands and feet for skipping school?

She found out the kid skipped school and this was her method of punishment.


Favorite Answer

You people that think she's wrong are what's wrong with this world!
Kids are turning into uncontrollable punks because bleeding heart liberal pu$$ies think we shouldn't spank, or hit, our kids.
People that are cruel and beat their kids deserve to be punished, but a little tough love will help straighten them out.
She should be praised and a few people should take a lesson from her.
We don't want to deal with your punk kids...so discipline them!


While that is alittle on the extreme side I commend her. And all you people out there judging her get a grip. If the government would of just let people raise their kids instead of making parents jobs difficult maybe we wouldn't have this problem. But I know of people being placed in jail and receiving steep fines because their kids aren't in school. Now if they held the teenager responsible for her actions, then maybe that mom wouldn't of had to resort to such means, but when they want to send parents to jail for the crime of the child then what can you expect. Kids now a days don't have any re-coarse for their actions. They have the idea because of a bunch of liberals that they can do whatever they want. I think this system is messed up when parents are prosecuted for the sins of the children especially when there isn't alot of re-coarse for parents. We're all too scared to discipline our kids, for fear of them being taken away by the state. It's a sad day for sure.
Kids are too pampered in this day and age, they are not being taught to respect their elders or how to work. Everything is just being given to them. I think everyone should just stay out of how people raise their kids unless there is actual physical abuse that's extreme, or neglect.

I would like to add that those who don't have kids should not even judge. It's always easy to judge someone, but when you haven't even taken on the role you're opinion really doesn't count. Have your own then maybe you'll understand. The dynamics of this whole situation.


I think the police should be notified and she should get a prison term.
I can understand being upset about finding your child skipping school, but there are better, safer, more humane ways of punishing a child then that.
I also think a good parenting class for this woman as well as some good counseling are in order.


I'm completely shocked, commended??? for child abuse??? Jesus.
what that woman did was an absolute abuse of her status and power as an adult and a parent, i cant believe people are actually condoning this?
the police should be called and social service have a duty to step in.
dragonflytimes - if the government just let parents raise their kids without interfering then even more children would have to endure unbearable abuse and be emotionally and physically scarred by it. two children a week DIE from child abuse in the UK. you want parents to be left to get on with raising their kids with no interference?
i cant believe people think physically restraining a child/young person for skipping school is justified


I'd rather be shackled than hit by my dad, which is what happened when I was younger. Some people aren't as fortunate as this girl. Take it or leave it.

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