What do you fear the most? Include your age with the answer.?

Serious answers only please.


Favorite Answer

loss of loved ones


Undefined fears. Once I can define what I am fearing, I find strength in God to fight the fear. Maybe the biggest fear is that my own indefinite worries would come true. The world around me influences me to have many fears -at 41 years of age, just married, with a teenage step daughter pregnant the first time in my life, the only one with a steady income in the family, - quite some reasons to fear indefinitely. God is faithful and He gives me strength.


Well I think getting locked in a tiny boiling room, with a crazy cat(creepy) and snakes slithering across the floor is likely to creep me out.
Other than that the unknown. Jeez life is scary.
OH my age: 598 minus 580= My age

Karma CP2006-03-29T15:48:49Z

I fear waking up one day to realize that I've fallen in love, (hook, line & sinker) opened up the deepest confines of my soul, and promised my heart to someone suffering from a serious personality disorder.

If you want to know what a walk through "hell on earth" is like, go on that journey.... **39 year old shudders at the thought**


I just turned 59. What I fear most is running out of money. It may be kind of fun to be homeless ("on the streets" we used to say) when you are young. But at my age, it would probably kill me. I've been unemployed for four months now, and the savings are going to pay the rent. Unemployment compensation is not really enough to live on without deficit. So yeah, I fear running out of money.

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